The Billionaire’s Unexpected Proposal (Evelyn and Derek)

Chapter Billionaire’s 144

Chapter 144

Rayna sat in her office at her bakery on Wednesday, leaning back in her chair with her legs casually propped on her desk and a silly smile on her face as she chatted with ET over the phone.

The bakery's usual hum of activity filled the background, but Rayna was focused on the conversation.

"So, your turn," Rayna said, twirling a pencil in her hand, "What's one thing you've always wanted in a partner but have never found?"

Ethan's voice came through her phone, warm and relaxed. "Hmm, that's a good one. I think it would be someone who understands me, you know? Not just the surface stuff but what makes me tick. Someone who can challenge me but also be my peace." Rayna smiled, lowering the pencil. "I get that. I'm kind of the same. I need someone who's ambitious but also knows how to relax. Balance is important."

"Exactly! It's all about balance. You get it." Ethan agreed.

"Of course I do," Rayna said with a proud smile.

"Now, your turn. What's your favorite movie of all time? This is important," he said, eager to see if she would tick his box in her movie choice as she had been ticking other boxes.

Rayna's laughter rumbled through the phone, soft and warm. "Oof, that's a tough one. I'd have to go with The Princess Bride. I mean, come on, it's perfect! Romance, adventure, sword fights..."

"Hm. Not a bad choice. Mine is The Matrix. It's a classic," he said, and Rayna smiled, rolling her eyes.

"Predictable. But not bad. I've got another important question for you," she said since they were taking turns asking questions.

"Lay it on me, baby," he said, and she grinned.

Somehow, in the last couple of days, he had switched to calling her baby, and each time he did, she felt warm all over.

"If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?" Rayna's voice carried a playful edge, but Ethan could sense her curiosity.

"My grandfather. He passed away when I was young, but he was the wisest man I knew. I'd love to have just one more conversation with him," Ethan said, his tone softening slightly.

There was a brief silence as Rayna smiled, touched by his answer. "That's really sweet."

"Thanks. What about you?"

She giggled, tapping the pen against her lips.

"Honestly? Probably Michael Jackson. Sorry, I don't have a response as deep as yours," she said, and Ethan chuckled.

"It's all about balance, remember? We both can't be too serious all the time," He said, and they shared a laugh before Ethan's tone turned curious. "So, what are your plans this weekend? Maybe we can meet up?"

Rayna leaned back, closing her eyes with a contented smile. "I'd love to, but I have my high school reunion on Saturday. Maybe Sunday?"

Ethan thought for a moment. "Sunday works, but..." he trailed off, thinking about something more spontaneous.

"But what?" Rayna asked curiously.

There was a pause, and then Ethan's laugh filled the room. "You know, I could come to the reunion with you on Saturday instead."

Rayna opened her eyes, blinking in surprise. "Wait, what?" Rayna burst out laughing, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, why not?" Ethan said, still chuckling. "Let's see how many people can guess we've never met in person before. I bet we could totally pull it off. We'd walk in, and everyone would just assume we've known each other forever." Rayna grinned, picturing the scene. "I know, right?

They'd never guess it's our first time meeting."

"I know it's a crazy idea," Ethan said, and she nodded.

"It is indeed a crazy idea, and that is why I love it. It'd be fun! Plus, it'd give us the perfect excuse to spend the whole day together. You know what? You're on. Let's do it," she said with a grin that Ethan could practically hear through the phone. "You crazy matches my crazy. Why are you so perfect me, baby?" Ethan asked, the smile clear in his voice.

She bit her lip, considering it. "Maybe because I'm your soul mate, who knows?" She asked, and Ethan laughed.

His laughter was infectious. "Perfect response. Now, can I ask you some more... intimate questions? To see if we're compatible in other ways?"

Rayna's eyebrows shot up, her interest piqued. "Sure, go ahead."

Ethan took a breath, his voice dropping a little.

"Alright, how do you feel about, let's say... physical touch? Are you affectionate?"

Rayna felt a little heat rise in her cheeks but answered confidently. "I'm very affectionate when I feel a strong connection. I like to be close to my partner. I could say it's my love language."

"Good," Ethan responded, sounding pleased. "Me too. I think touch is important in a relationship. For me, it sort of says things words can't."

Rayna raised an eyebrow, "Things words can't? Like your fist saying you're mad?" She joked, and Ethan chuckled.

"No, please. That's not the kind of touch I mean," he said, and Rayna smiled.

"I know. I was just kidding. What else?" She asked curiously.

Ethan's voice softened. "Okay, how

about... do you have a high libido? I know it's personal, but it's something we should talk about. believesex is very important ina relationship, especially a committed relationship as a marriage

Rayna chuckled, appreciating his straightforwardness. "I'd say I have a healthy libido. And I agree with you.

think sexual compatibility is important in a relationship, and believe in being open about what

works and what doesn't. I'm open to a lot of things sexually, but I'm NEVER going to be open to anal sex or BDSM. Unless, of course, I'm the one doing the whipping," she said, and Ethan let out a low laugh.

"You don't have to worry about any of those. I'm not into it either. This might sound wild, but I think we're totally compatible. I can't believe I found my soulmate through a marriage ad."

Rayna grinned, leaning back in her chair. "I can't believe it either. Who would've thought?"

"Not me, that's for sure. I thought I was going to settle for just anyone that passed my minimum requirement, but you've exceeded it all," Ethan admitted.

Rayna leaned forward, elbows resting on her desk. "That's good to know. Tell me, what's your idea of a perfect relationship?" She asked, changing the subject again.

"Mutual respect, trust, love, open communication. And it's probably too soon to say this, but I believe it is time to tell you that I've fallen in love with you," he said, and Rayna's breath caught.

"Isn't it too soon for you to tell?" She asked, even though she knew she felt the same way.

They had been communicating more often for the some days now, and the best part of her day had become when they were talking or chatting.

Whenever they weren't talking or chatting, she found herself thinking about their conversations and rereading their chats.

"No. I know my emotions. I know

what I feel. I'm in love with you, Golden Sun. And that's why I want us to meet so we can talk about getting married. I'd love us to get married as soon as possible so I can spend some time with you before going back to work," he said, and Rayna smiled.

"What should we do for our first official date after the reunion? Do you really want to spend the night there, pretending we know each other?"

Ethan chuckled. "We could, but how about we sneak out after the reunion and do something fun? Maybe catch a late-night movie or go clubbing?" Rayna's face lit up. "That sounds perfect! I'm totally down for that."

Ethan's deep laugh resonated through the phone. "I knew you'd like it. I'm really looking forward to this weekend now."

Just as Rayna was about to respond, there was a soft knock on her office door. One of her servers peeked in, looking a little hesitant. "Sorry to interrupt, but

there's a client here asking about an event order."

Rayna nodded and gave the waiter a quick smile. "I'll be right there."

Turning back to the phone, Rayna sighed. "Duty calls. I don't know how long this is going to take, but I have to get ready and go visit my best friend. I'll talk to you after I get home later at night, okay?" "Definitely. I've got plans with my best friend too," Ethan replied smoothly. "Don't forget, we've got a weekend to plan."

Rayna smiled as she ended the call, already looking forward to their first meeting and what the weekend had in store.

She couldn't wait to tell Evelyn about it when she visits her new home later in the day.

She was going to make sure to go shopping for something sexy. Now that she was going to be having a date to the reunion, she wanted to wear the sexiest dress in the room.

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