The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 97: Michael

"Mr. Thompson, I'm thinking of investing about a million dollars in your new casino business but I'm afraid of the risk involved in it. Is it legal? I mean most casino businesses are illegal and I wouldn't want my money to go to waste. It's hard to earn a fortune these days you know, and "Mr. Gonzales" I called to the bald head man who was miles away from me trying to make him stop with his blabbering as I was getting irritated. He was a Spanish business tycoon who had quite a fortune but didn't know how to invest his money. He was just on the news a while back because of his eighteen years old, fifth wife who had squandered his money on a designer outfit that cost a thousand dollars.

"I'm not forcing you to invest in my company but I'd like you to remember that if you don't invest your fortune now, in a few years from now you'll look back and regret. I mean how would you feel if your fifth wife spent a million dollars more on meaningless items" I paused as soon as I saw his eyes widened in anger. I guess my words have touched him more than I intended.

"How dare you, Mr. Thompson. How can you insult me just because I refuse to invest in your company? This wasn't what your father told me. I'm never going to invest in such a company whose CEO is an arrogant idiot who lacks respect for elders"

Fuck! Fuck!! I swore in my mind. When did it come to this? I guess I was anxious to go to the twin's birthday party that I had forgotten my manners.

Oh my God! Dad will be so angry with me. He has been counting on this investment. I haven't received any call from Nina, maybe she is busy with the decorations, I guess that's why I've been on edge all morning.

I could remember this morning when the twins were guilt-tripping me to blot out a happy birthday to them. I had almost told them about the surprise birthday but remember Nina's words to me this morning, I couldn't break my promise to her because I love her more than I loved the twin which had kept me silent still now.

I turned back to the screen where Mr. Gonzales was fuming in anger at me" I'm sorry, Mr. Gonzales. I am not in my right frame of mind. I apologize for insulting you" Mr. Gonzalez's eyes widened in shock as he wasn't expecting me to apologize for my mistake.

"It's okay, Mr. Thompson. I accept your apology. I will get back to you on the business investment. Have a nice day!" He called to me before hanging up. I sigh heavily as I rested my back against the armrest tired.

I can't believe I fuck up again, I groaned bitterly as I took my phone to put a call through to Nina, it rang and went into voicemail.

"Damn this woman! Why would she have a phone when she knew it was just a fashionable toy for her" I glared angrily into the phone before dropping it on the table loudly.

"Mr. Thompson?" Aurora called gently to me, causing me to raise my eyes to her in shock. I didn't hear her come in. I guess I was busy rambling about Nina and her inability to pick my calls...

"Yes, Aurora " I questioned her softly as my eyes caught the time on the wall clock. It was some minutes past one. It was almost time before the girls closed, I needed to sort out my meeting so I'll have ample time to spend with my family. I can't believe it's almost the weekend again...

"It's nothing, Mr. Thompson, "Aurora replied, avoiding my eyes but I could tell that there was something wrong with her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her as I folded my hands together and rested my chin against them while looking up at her.

"Yes, sir. John and Don are here to see you," She told me, causing me to sit up as I waved her off to get them. I was on edge wondering why they were here? Have they found any news about Deborah?"

The door opened almost immediately and both of them trudged in behind Aurora who nodded at me after ushering them to the couch. I stood up from my chair behind the desk to go meet them.

Their angry faces and clenched fists got my attention as I sat down on the couch opposite them, looking from one to another, I said "What's wrong, gentlemen?"

"We've found Deborah " They both replied without preamble causing me to sit up afraid of what I've heard.

"You did what?" I asked them again trying to be sure I heard alright but John's next reply confirmed all of my doubts.

"Yes. Turns out you were right " John replied angrily as he avoided my eyes. Since he has come to work for me, I have never seen him this angry with himself it only means one thing He had failed in his judgment

"I was right?" I said but it was more of a question whispered in shock. I turned to look at Don who had been silent all this while.

"I'm confused here, what's going on? And where's Deborah?" I asked them both, looking from one to another.

"We don't have all the time. We need to get going. I will answer all your questions on the way "John replied already on his feet trudging to the door

followed closely by Don.

I stood up and went to my table, I packed my files into my briefcase and took them, walking out of the office.

We rode the elevator to the parking lot where a car was waiting for me. I'm sure Mark might have gone to get the girls from school seeing that it was John driving. I got into the back seat while John took the steering with Don beside him as he drove us to Deborah. Immediately, John pulled into the parking lot of my mansion, I knew we were at the wrong place. Deborah couldn't possibly be in my house. What is all this about?

I turned to John and Don who had rushed out of the car, he walked briskly to me "We've got to go. I've called Inspector Peller in advance in case she escapes" John replied as he turned to lead the way down my garden to the next building.

My heartbeat escalated in my chest as soon as I put two and two together getting the right sum. I can't believe I have been so foolish and stupid. Deborah had been my neighbor all these years and I had never found out. But instead, I had searched for her in other countries instead of searching for her in the next building.

"Mr. Thompson " Inspector Peller greeted me as soon as we got to the door where he stood his subordinates. They were pounding loudly on the door, shouting for Deborah to open up else they'll force the door down.

"Inspector Peller, "I acknowledge

with a nod before turning to stare at the door. A lot of things were on my mind but the first was____How would she look? Is she still planning revenge against my family? I was still worried about her even after everything she had done to us why?_____Well, because she was once a sister and lover to me before all of this started_we practically

grew up together, it only makes

sense that I worry about her.

I came out of my thoughts as soon as we heard the door click open silently an inch but not any further. Inspector Peller pushed the door open wider with his foot as we all walked into the room and stopped.

Deborah wasn't in the room that was a clear fact which we didn't want to believe in. I can't believe she had played us again, instead, a man stood looking at us. I recognized him immediately, he was Mia's boyfriend while she was working as my secretary. "Xavier," I called to him, shocked as I took a step toward him. I had searched all over for him across the continent and back after Mia's death but to no avail.

"He's Austin's accomplice, Mr. Thompson" Inspector Peller's words cause me to freeze to a stop as I turn to look at him in shock. I mean, I always knew Austin had an accomplice but I never could imagine that it was Xavier.

"And now, my gut tells me, he's Deborah's accomplice too. He's the reason we couldn't find her all these years, why? Because the stupid son of a bitch was hiding her" Inspector Peller swore angrily as he advances toward Xavier with the handcuff in his hands.


'Mr___ Xavier, you are under arrest

for aiding both Austin Walker and Deborah Melton in the attempted murder of Mrs. Nina Thompson. ought you to remain silent else what you say now will be used against you in the law court" Inspector Peller told him before placing the handcuff on a sad Xavier who looked like he had resigned to fate.

"Search around the apartment for Deborah Melton. She might be hiding in one of the rooms, you never can tell. Search the basement and toilets, okay?" I heard inspector Peller say to his subordinate before following them up the stairs while Don't and John stay put on both sides of me with a gun each.

I stare into the eyes of the man I had come to know but never could believe he was behind Nina's attempted murder. I never could believe he had hidden Deborah all these years even after knowing what she had done to us.

"Why?" Was the only question I could bring myself to ask him because I didn't know what I had done to deserve all of this" Why did you have to do this?" I screamed at him in anger. I couldn't believe he could stab me in the back. It hurt so much but I forced myself from crying!

Why? After everything, I had done

for you and Mia. Do you know how hard it was for me to be branded a killer, a murderer" I told him, pacing through the room in anger. I

on him. I had only obliged "Cing

regretted ever spending my money I

because she was like a sister to me and sent this murderer toan army school only for him to betray me? I can't believe this!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thompson. I loved Mia so much that I was devastated about her death. I planned the revenge when you won't admit your mistakes and

"I was only doing that to protect Austin. I did not kill Mia. She was never pregnant for me. I loved her like a sister. Do you think I wasn't devastated by her death too?" I screamed at him at his flimsy excuse. That still didn't give him the right to hurt my wife the only woman I had ever loved.

"I know

I'm sorry about everything" He called to me with tears streaming down his face as he avoided my eyes.

"You knew and you still went ahead to hurt my woman?" Xavier shakes his head trying to dispel my notion but I ignore him if he still thinks I'm going to trust him after this, then he's in for serious trouble.

"I never knew about Austin from the beginning, it was already too late before I realize that you were innocent"

"And Deborah_why didn't you turn her in? You could have saved all of us the trouble of searching for her all these years" I shouted at him just as I turned to see Inspector Peller descending the stairs with his subordinates wearing a frown on his face.

"I fell in love with her. I thought I could change her and make her let go of her revenge. I'm sorry" My eyes widened at his confession. I never would have believed that Xavier had feelings for Deborah.

My phone ringing pulled me from his pity face as I strolled to the window to pick it up, seeing that it was from Lillian. Maybe the children are already at the party and everyone is waiting for my arrival" I'm sorry, Lillian. Something came up, I'll be there soon" I called immediately into the phone as soon as I pick up

"What did you say? The kids____ they aren't with me. What's going on?" I asked her, my heartbeat skipping a beat for every second ticking away.

"What do you mean, you can't find them? Deborah_but how?" I questioned loudly but the phone had gone dead in my hands.

"Are you alright, Mr. Thompson?"

"What's going on, Michael?"

"Talk to us, Michael. We are here to help"

I came out of my thoughts to see Inspector Peller, John, and Don looking up at me with concern as I gazed off into the distance. I could see my pool from here. I couldn't help wondering if Deborah had stood at this same spot watching me, Nina, and the girls play while she plotted against us.

"Deborah had kidnapped the girls," I told them, strolling angrily to stand in front of Xavier who was shocked to hear what I said.

Well, I guess your love didn't change anything in her. It only just worsen it" I scowled on his face while the police turned to drag him out of the room

"Just pray we find her soon and my kids are alright else I will make sure you pay for all her crimes. Mark my words!" I shouted at his retreating back where his shoulder was slumped down as they dragged him to the police car.

I got into my car and ordered John to speed off as I needed to go comfort my wife. I wonder how she is taking the news. Will she hate me more after this?

"Oh God, Michael, why do tribulations loom over me washing away the little happiness in my life" I whisper to myself as I bury my face in my hands, sobbing silently in the car as John sped off into the night.00000000

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