The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 91: Birth Of The Twins


I paced through the sitting room in shock while Lillian sat across from me. She has been coming over since my pregnancy to keep me company after Michael had stopped me from going to the office. "Nina, you got to calm down. You pacing around will only make the baby agitated" Lillian screamed the hundredth time trying to get me to sit down. Joey was playing beside her as he had started walking.

But I couldn't relax just yet, I could still remember Deborah's words to me even though it was nine months ago" What do you think she meant by that?" I turned suddenly to stare at Lillian.

"By what?" Lillian asked me as she wasn't focus

on me but rather on Joey trying to keep him out of harm's way since he was walking all around the sitting room with a smile on his baby's face.

"That's she's only keeping me alive because of my babies. Do you think she wants to do bad to them?" I asked Lillian, trying to wrap my head around Deborah's words. I still can't believe I met her at the coffee shop, everything seems like a dream to me

"That can't be possible. She's only trying to make you worry just like you are now" Lillian shouted in frustration. I guess she was tired of trying to make me see reasons with her but I can't____ which mother will relax after her child was threatened?

"Anyway, I'm happy I called Michael on time, who knows what you will have done to yourself" Lillian exclaimed excitedly to herself.

Actually, after I had come back from the washroom. I was surprised to see Michael and John searching frantically for me. Obviously, Lillian had called them after she saw Deborah leaving the restaurant.

"You don't understand. That wasn't the first time I saw her. Every time, it looks like she always knew where to find me. I think someone is giving her information about me" That seems to grasp Lillian's attention as she turns to look at me in shock. I could feel the wheel turning in her head as she put two and two together.

"When was the first time you saw her?" Lillian asked me, looking at me with a sad expression on her face.

"In Greece," I told her shrugging as I resumed pacing through the room.

"Greece?" I heard Michael and Lillian both

exclaimed in shock as I stopped and turned to see him descending the stairs.

"I_I'm sorry" I apologized to Michael seeing that he was so angry with me right now. I know he had been busy trying to keep me safe and what did I do?___ I kept vital information from him.

"You saw Deborah in Greece and you never bother to tell me about it? Wait a minute" Michael suddenly paused as he tried to recollect where the meeting could have taken place.

"That was in Santorini during our dinner night, right?" He asked me with dread on his face, his voice taking on a colder edge. I have never seen him so angry with me since we got married. "Answer the damn question, Nina" Michael screamed at me when he saw that I wasn't providing any answer to his question.

I nodded since I couldn't bring myself to speak. I couldn't help but blame myself after seeing the disappointment on Michael's face.

"I can't believe you, Nina" Michael suddenly exclaimed as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Michael, let's leave that alone, it isn't important. You need to focus on who's giving Deborah information about Nina?" Lillian stood up and came to stand in between us as she tries to break the tension in the room.

"What did you just say?" Michael asked Lillian in shock, obviously just hearing that for the first time. Lillian motioned to me to explain what I just told her to Michael which I did...

"Fuck!!!" Michael swore angrily as he came over to me. I could see that he was already fuming in anger. I hope they catch Deborah this time around

"I need you to relax and let me handle this. You being worried like this is not good for the baby, okay" He told me as I nodded, he kisses me lightly on the lips before going up the stairs to the control room where John and the rest of the securities were. "I told you," Lillian smiled at me as she pulled me over to the couch to sit beside her" You don't need to worry about a thing. Michael will handle it" She continued when I was finally seated beside her.

"I guess so, you are right," I told her, nodding my head as I forced a smile on my face.

"Of course, I'm always right," Lillian smiled at me.

She suddenly paused, getting all serious with me" Now, I want you to tell me what happened in your house a few months ago? Come on girl, I'm dying to know"

I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as soon as I remembered when Michael came to beg me at my parent's house.

"Nothing I "I paused to catch my breath as I erupted into laughter while Lilian watched me with a pout, angry that I wasn't sharing my happiness with her.

"You can't tell me nothing. Surely, there's something else you wouldn't be laughing so hard. Please tell me " Lillian shouted as she shook me, pleading with me. I finally relented after some time and told her. Michael had pulled over at my parent's house at exactly 8 pm. I stood up at my window on the second floor and watched him get out of his car. He walked to the front porch and knocked.

I had expected Mom or Linda to open the door for him but I was most surprised to come downstairs to meet Shane, Mom, and dad relaxing in the sitting room behaving like they couldn't hear him ring the doorbell. "Mom, Michael is at the door " I called at my back as I walked briskly to the door, to open up but Mom's angry voice stopped me on my track.

"Don't you dare open that door, Nina, " Mom shouted at me? I turned to stare at her in shock.

"But mom, that's my husband out there and the weather is freezing tonight" I protested angrily at her but I couldn't dare disobey my mother. She could disown me in this instant.

"So? Mom asked me, raising her eyebrows at me, shutting me off from whatever protest I had left in me.

I turned to look at dad, silently begging him for help but dad shrugged and turned to stare at the television where he and Shane were watching a football game.

I turned back to see mom going to the window, she pulled down the window blind and called something to Michael. I could hear words like:

"Go back home, Michael. I'm never releasing my daughter to a man like you. To think, I made the mistake of allowing her to get married to you, and now, you want her to have an abortion_ "I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller. I didn't know she was pregnant. I swear. I want her, I want my baby. Please forgive me"

Michael's words brought tears to my eyes. I can't believe he wanted us to keep our baby. I had judged him wrongly, even without telling him that I was pregnant.

I had only assumed. I had already forgiven him but mom being mom didn't allow him into the house until two hours later and Michael was shivering from cold when he finally did come in. "Then what happened after that?" Lillian asked, shaking me to go on when she saw that I had paused.

I was about to continue but paused when I saw

"Mom screamed at him, I couldn't help cringing in fear.

Emma hurrying up to meet us from the kitchen" Mrs. Thompson, Miss Martins. Lunch is set " She told us as she greeted us, I nodded at her and turned to walk into the kitchen with Lillian following behind me dragging a sleepy Joey.

We settled into the dining chair while I turned to look at Emma "Where's Michael?" I asked her. I had expected that he would be here waiting for me. Ever since we got married, I had never eaten alone without Michael.

"He left for the office, Mrs. Thompson," Emma replied, giving me a sad smile. I nodded at her before turning to food in front of me, losing my appetite. I can't believe he left without telling me.

"I'm sure, it must be important " Lillian replied as she reached out to hold my hands across the table comforting me.

"I know, it's just that I feel weird eating without him "I turned to look at her, shrugging.

"I understand, that's why I'm here to keep you company. Come on, eat, I'm dying to know the rest of the story" Lillian told me, forcing me to take a spoonful of the food in front of me.

I took two bites and suddenly, I was enjoying myself with Lillian and her bubbly self.

"So?" Lillian asked me when we were done with the food and Emma had cleared the table but we were still seated at the dining.

"Nothing happened again. He went down on his knee and begged my parents with shattering teeth " I told her shrugging as I made to stand up but paused as I felt a sharp excruciating pain pass through me.

Lillian also stood up with a frown on her face. She obviously wasn't expecting that kind of ending. I shrugged and made to take another step but the pain doubled causing me to scream out loud.

I saw Emma rushing out of the kitchen and Lillian rushing to my side. "Are you alright, Nina? Lillian asked me but I couldn't answer as I was trying to reign down the pain. I pointed to my stomach and looked down to see water sliding down my legs.

"Oh my God! Her water broke. Quick! Get the car " I heard her shout to my two bodyguards who rushed out to get the car while Lillian came over to guide me to the door, comforting me gently.

She paused and turned to call something to Emma who rushed off to the room but I could hear words like " Get her bag " I heard her say to Emma before guiding me to the door.



I was scared right now, Nina he'd been in labor for two hours. I don't know what is happening there. I couldn't reach Michael. I turned to look at both Emma and two twin guards who were trying Michael's number. I couldn't differentiate one from another and their names were alike too. Something of Kam and Lam. Who named a child that, anyway?

"Any news,?" I asked them, forcing myself from the thought of the twins. I need to focus on Nina.

"No. His number is still not reachable " Kam or Lam replied as I nodded at them and resumed pacing.

"Damn! Why does Michael's phone have to be out of range today?" I screamed out loud in my mind just as the door opened and the doctor hurried out to meet us. He smiled as soon as he saw me but frowned when he couldn't see anyone else. "Are you the patient's relative?" He asked me, I nodded while we all gathered around him.

"There are some complications. I'll need you to sign this form " He called to us, thrusting the form at me but my mind went blank all I could focus on was " There are some complications" What the fuck does that mean? "What do you say, doctor?" I asked him again to be sure I heard alright.

"I mean there's a 50/50 chance that only one of them will survive." He explained slowly to us as I gripped onto the form as my life depended on it causing my knuckles to become white.

"Do you mean one of the twins?" I ask him with a faint hope surging in my chest.

"No, neither the babies nor the mother. Who should we focus on?" He asked me as tears spilled down my face. I never knew I will be in a position like this to choose between my friend's life or her babies. "Mrs. Martins, time is not on our side. I need you to make a choice now"



Can't "

"The babies or the mother, Miss Martins?" He shouted up at me, shutting me off from my stuttering.

"The mother. Please doctor, save her " I screamed up at him with tears streaming down my face. The doctor hurries off to the operating room while I squat down on the floor crying my eyes out as I sobbed onto my knees " Please save Nina" Another thirty minutes had passed and still no news from the doctor. The light in the operating room was still on. I turned to see Emma seated beside me, she was trying to say something with her mouth moving as she gazed at me.

"What is it, Emma ?" I asked her before turning to look at the twins. I silently ask them if there was any luck yet with Michael, they shake their head answering "No".

"Are you sure we made the right decision? I mean, Mr. Thompson will be so devastated when he hears about the babies?" Emma asked me as she avoided my gaze.

I turned to shoot her a dead glare shutting her off. I can't believe she's expecting me to pick the babies over Nina's life but I will never do that. I don't care what Michael's choice is, Nina's life is my priority.

"Get me my phone," I told her as she rushed to bring my phone from across the table. I stared at the form which I had filled and was about to submit it to the nurse who stood across from us in silence but I wanted to consult her parents even though I knew the answer already.

I dialed Mr. Miller's number, it rang three times and went into voicemail. I guessed he was busy in a meeting. I was about to drop the phone when I remembered I had her mother's number. I quickly dialed it, I relaxed as I heard her accept the call.

"Hello, Lillian. How are you?" She asked me with a smile in her voice. I couldn't help feeling guilty that I was about to spoil her mood.

"Nina is in labor," I told her without preamble as I needed to get this off my chest.

"What?" Mrs. Miller screamed as I heard shuffling in the background like she was trying to gather stuff and get to the hospital fast.

"Yes, Mrs. Miller but there are complications. We need to know who the doctor should save, the baby or Nina?" I asked as I held my breath. I just hope she wouldn't choose the bab

"Oh, My God!" Mrs. Miller sobbed into the phone before she stopped to gather herself making her decision.

"My daughter. Save my daughter. I don't care about the fucking baby " Mrs. Miller screamed and hangup.

I smiled and handed the form to the nurse. I guessed I had made the right decision though I don't know who Michael would have chosen. I sat back down on the chair and put my hands on my head, crying silently and praying, hoping that everything will be okay. That Nina will be alright.

An hour later, the light went off and the door opened. The doctor rushed out followed by nurses who were wheeling Nina out of the room. I rushed to meet her but the doctor pulled me back.

"How is she, doctor?" I asked him as I turned to look at the doctor.

"She's fine. We've given her anesthesia, it will be a while before it wears off" The doctor replied, shrugging as a smile spread across his face.

I couldn't bring myself to ask him about the babies? Are they dead? Will Nina ever forgive me? I pondered this in my mind as I turned to walk back to the chair.

I guessed in my rush, I never really thought about Nina's choice. I know she would have wanted me to pick her babies. Will she hate me for this?

Congratulations, Mrs. Martins "

The doctor's voice caused me to pause in shock as I turned to look at him, searching his face and forcing myself not to hope.

Maybe he was congratulated for being able to save Nina. I nodded at him, unable to speak because of the lumps in my throat. I guess it was confirmed then, the babies are officially dead. I sobbed uncontrollably on the floor as the doctor came to pat me lightly on the shoulder. "I'm so sorry, doctor. I'm sure you did your best to save them " I said in between sobs to the doctor who was trying to comfort me with a smile on his face.

"Of course we did save them. Both the mother and babies are alright " He replied, watching me with a frown on his face.

"What?" I screamed in excitement when I finally registered his words in my fuzzy brain.

"Yes, Mrs. Martins. I thought you were crying for joy" the doctor replied as he turned to smile and shake Emma and the guards' hands before turning to walk back to his office.

"Thank you, doctor. Thank you for saving them " I shouted at his retreating back with a smile on my face.

Finally, I could relax knowing that both mothers and babies were alright. Emma, I, and the guards both walk down the corridor to the nursery to gaze into the eyes of my two adorable nieces. They were so beautiful and cute.000000

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