The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 89: Deborah


"She did what?" I screamed angrily into the phone. I can't believe that stupid girl. After everything she had done to me she still went ahead and became the CEO of my company. The company my parents had worked so hard to build. She is so dead right now!! "What is it, Deborah? I heard your scream right from the room. Are you okay?" I heard Xavier ask me as I turned to see him standing in front of the bedroom door looking at me while he rubs at his eyes, obviously just waking up since he was shirtless. "Nothing" I lied to him and stood up from the chair to walk out to the balcony to receive my call in peace. I don't want him starting on why I should stop this revenge. Something he has been doing ever since Nina and Michael got married.

"Tell me, what else?" I shouted at the man across the phone. I had hired him to gather Intel on both Michael and Nina, it was the little he could do for my family seeing that we had helped him to that point that he is right now. I was glad that he's doing a good job on that. "There is another news but it isn't confirmed yet since Mrs Thompson had stopped coming to the office" I heard his voice across the phone, he was whispering which shows that he was in the office.

"What's that? And stop with the whispering" I shouted at him. I don't care if he got caught or not, I just wanted to know about the news that had stopped Nina from going to the office.

"I heard that she's pregnant," He told me in a whisper, causing my hands to still on the rim as I cursed profanity into the air.

"She's pregnant? Woah! That's great. Finally!!" I smile excitedly at myself. This was the kind of news I have been waiting for and to think that I didn't have to wait for so long. My plans are already coming into place.

"Thank you for your help. I need you to keep a close watch on her and get back to me" I told him before turning to stare into the room to see that Xavier was now in the kitchen gulping down a glass of water.

I made to end the call but his frantic voice caused me to pause" What is it, again?" I asked him, rolling my eyes. I hope this wasn't another ploy of his to date me. Gosh! I hate men right now. Try being friendly with them and boom they think you are in love and trying to get their attention. Anyway, it's a good thing that I know how to use their proclaimed love to my advantage.

"I just heard right now that Mrs Thompson will be at the Thompson's Mall at two p.m today" He called into the phone. I smiled at that new piece of information. I could also use that to my advantage

My eyes caught the clock on the wall to see that it was almost two, if I could hurry I will be able to catch her in time but there was a problem_ Securities

The Thompson's Mall was known for its safety protection of both goods and lives. It's no wonder Michael is allowing Nina to go there. I'm sure she will be shopping for her baby's needs. "Who's going with her?" I asked him already tiptoeing down the room, being extra careful at the kitchen area before running into my room and locking the door.

"Her friend, Mrs Martins," He replied as I nodded. Those two fuck off friends, I can handle them in as much as it isn't Michael. This was good to go!

"Thank you" I called into the phone, already shrugging out of my dress to pick up a black body con gown that was lying on the bed.

"Wait?" He screamed from the other side of the phone as soon as he felt that I was about to end the call.

"What is it?" I asked him already grunting, I don't know why I choose to put up with his stupid behaviour.


because he gives you the best and juiciest information" My subconscious counter back explaining just what I needed to hear.

when am I seeing you again" He stuttered across the phone trying to get the words out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes at him and bent to pick out my disguise of black sunshade, black scarf and funny looking red wig.

"Meet me at the club, same time on Friday night," I told him, I could feel his excitement across the phone before I hung up the call. I needed to pay my dues to him seeing that he had done a good job for me. It is only right that I reward him for a job well done.

I stepped out of the room after putting on my disguise, I'm only left with one problem nowhow to leave the house without Xavier being aware?

As soon as I stepped into the sitting room, he was the first thing I saw standing at his favourite place in the window with his back turned to me. I wanted to use that opportunity to sneak out but his voice stopped me on my track...

"Where are you going, Deborah?" He asked me, I glared at his enormous back in anger. I wish he didn't know about all of my plans, I could have dropped him so easily. Maybe I should kill him off that wouldn't be possible seeing that he was an assassin himself. I never knew any assassin with a soft heart just as he is.

"Well?" He prompted again, turning to glare at me seeing that I still haven't responded to his question.

"To the mall" I called to him, already running out of the room without waiting for his reply. I flagged down the first taxi I saw and relaxed as he took me to the mall.


I saw Nina and Lillian as soon as I walked into the coffee shop near Thompson's Mall. They were through with shopping seeing that I was cut up in traffic and was now two hours late. I had thought that I had lost them for today, you can't imagine the relief I felt walking into the coffee shop to see them smiling at each other as they sip on their coffee.

I took the empty seat behind them, burying my face in the abandoned newspaper I found there. I used my scarf to shield my face and listen to their conversation.

"That was so hectic, I can't believe we bought that much" I heard Lillian complaining bitterly as she rubbed fondly on her baby's arms.

I swallow the lumps in my throat as soon as I remember that if only my baby was here, he would have been a big boy just like hers.

I shrug out of that annoying thought and focus on the task at hand which was to get the important thing needed for my revenge. I needed to confirm if she was really pregnant. Seeing that they were seated across from me, I couldn't see Nina clearly as her back was turned to me. "You can say that again. I'm so excited! I can't wait for the baby to come out already" I heard Nina tell Lillian excitedly. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I had confirmed the news. I happily ordered a cup of coffee to celebrate the news.

"I am too. How was the scan? Did you tell Michael the sex?" I heard Lillian ask her as I adjusted my seat closer to catch Nina's answer which was in a whisper.

"It was good. They are girls. I'm having twins. Oh My God, Lillian, I'm so excited. I want to surprise Michael which is why I'm not telling him yet"

"Twins? Woah! Congratulations, Nina. I'm so happy for you" I heard Lillian exclaim with pure excitement and love on her face before I tune out on them.

My heart pounded in my chest as soon as I heard her response. Twins? How come? I felt so cheated right now, how can this happen? Why does God have to be so unjust? Why can't I be the one with Michael's baby in my womb? I've known him since we were kids. I was there for him when he needed my help, why can't I be with him? I stood up hurriedly and walked into the washroom while forcing the tears back. I wouldn't want anyone to see me crying. I don't want anybody to pity me! I can handle this, I just that every time it hurt so much that I can't breathe

As soon as I got into the washroom, I removed my sunshade and dropped it on the mirror stand and bent down to pour water onto my face trying to mask the tears in my eyes.

I straightened just as the door opened, I searched around trying to find my glasses to cover my face only to discover that it was Nina entering the washroom.

I smiled at the good Lord for bringing her into my den where I had been waiting for her. I watched as her eyes widened as soon as she saw me in the washroom.

"Deborah!" She whispers my name in shock and fear. I ignored her whisper and stared at her letting my eyes run through her body stopping at her now protruded stomach.

"Woah! That's really a twin you've got there. I've never seen anyone's stomach that big before" I told her dryly without trying to hide the hatred in my voice.

Nina took one step in the washroom after finally accepting her fate that she couldn't escape from me" What do you want, Deborah?"

"What do I want? My God, you have the audacity to open that fucking mouth of yours to ask me that. How dare you after everything you've done to me?" I screamed up at her while working hurriedly to the door. I turned the knob and locked it, preventing anyone from entering the washroom until I was done with her.

I watched in excitement as beads of sweat trickled down her face and disappeared into her cleavage as her eyes widened in fear. I guess she wasn't expecting me to do that. "What_d_o_you_wa_nt from me?" Nina's voice shook as she gulped and made to step away from me seeing that I was approaching her with an expressionless face.

"Now, that's the Nina I want. Not the one who pretended to be strong a while ago" I told her with a smile on my face. I came to stand in front of her and bent to stare into her eyes. I would have loved to beat the baby out of her womb right now if only I didn't need it for my revenge to be complete.

"You took my man, my company from me and now you are asking me what I want? Huh. Next time when you're trying to be strong remember who's in charge here" I told her slapping her across the face in anger that she even tried to talk back at me.

"I'm only leaving you alive because of that thing in your womb. Get that into your thick skull" I told her, stepping away from her to put on my sunshade and turned to walk away from her.

I paused at the door and turned to glare at her. She was holding her cheek, I smiled as I saw her eyes shone with unshed tears. It gives me satisfaction that I could break her beyond measure " I hope I won't be meeting you soon cause the next time wouldn't be this easy" I called to her before stepping out of the door.

I walked out of the restaurant without a backward glance at her and stepped into another taxi that was waiting outside. I got in and relaxed after giving him my address while he drove me home ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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