The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 79: At The Confectionary

We are currently sitting at " La Bite " restaurant owned by the Thompson's, sipping our coffee and waffles. Mrs. Thompson and Mom were going through a food magazine. I could glimpse different varieties of cakes in the magazine. I hope it isn't what I'm thinking. "So," Lillian said as I turned to look at Lilian who was sitting beside me with a sleeping Joey in her hands. I raise my eyebrows, silently asking her to go on...

"How does it feel? I mean you'll be getting married tomorrow. Do you feel jittery?" Lilian asked, her voice a hushed whisper to my ears like she was telling me a secret.

I shrug as I sip my now cold coffee" Nothing " I replied Lilian gasp as she looked at me with shock in her eyes. I was surprised at her expression. Was I supposed to feel anything?

"What do you mean by nothing? "Lillian asked me again I ignored her, what am I supposed to feel? I feel nothing other than the usual. I and Michael have known each other since forever, what am I supposed to feel?.

"You know what? Sometimes I don't understand you" Lilian gasp as she turned to stare at Mrs. Thompson. I was intrigued as to what could have gotten their attention in a food magazine.

"Mom "I called silently to my mother who raised her eyes to me with a broad smile on her face.

"What's going on?" I asked her, gesturing to the magazine on their laps.

"Oh! this. Don't worry, we are choosing the flavor to go with the cake " Mom replied, shrugging like it was a normal thing to do before focusing back on the magazine.

"Again" Lilian and I screamed in shock causing both their eyes to shoot up in our faces.

"Again what?" Mrs. Thompson asked us as she dropped the magazine on the table before turning to glare at us.

"Why are you both choosing the flavor, shouldn't that be my job as the bride?" I exclaimed in shock as I forced myself from rolling my eyes at her. She's one domineering woman. I hope she won't be controlling my family.

"I don't think you'll do a good job with that. For instance, you don't know everyone on the guest list and their preferences " Mrs. Thompson argues innocently. I was dumbfounded. Even though she had a good point there but that still doesn't give her the right order for my wedding cake.


I still want to be the judge of my wedding cake " I shouted at her when she didn't seem fazed by my outburst. My mother was about to let go but Mrs. Thompson was adamant.

"My husband's younger sister, Becca, has a peanut allergy. We don't want to add that to the cake. Do you know about that?" Mrs. Thompson continued ignoring my outburst. Indeed, I don't know anyone on the guest list. Moreover, I didn't even know Michael had an aunt until now.

"Can we go for the cake testing already?" Lilian exclaimed with fake excitement on her face trying to clear the tension which had developed in the room?

I smiled at her as I made to stand up but my phone's ringing stopped me. I smile apologetically at them before digging my hands into my purse to bring out my phone.

I smiled as soon as I saw the caller's ID. I excused myself from them and stepped out of the restaurant.

"Hey, handsome!" I called, into the phone. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I anticipated his cool voice in my ear.

"Tesoro " Michael's husky voice called out through the other side of the phone as I imagined his breath fanning the nape of my neck.

I could hear Danny and Andrea's voices in the background arguing themselves. I couldn't help rolling my eyes at them. They were so different, never accepting each other's differences. I could imagine what Michael will be going through right now with the two of them. Though, they couldn't compare to my mother and his Mom.

"How's your shopping going? Did you get a beautiful gown?" Michael's voice breaks me from my thoughts as I smile at him.

"Yes. It's a lovely gown. I found it after the thirty-fifth. Though, I'm not sure your mother loves it " I reply shrugging as I forced myself away from the thought of Mrs. Thompson being annoyed with me.

"Forget Mom. Can I see you? Will you wear it at home for me " Michael's excited voice got to me as I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, darling. I'm not coming home tonight" I told him. Mom has been so generous as to hint that I will be spending the night with them at home.

"What?" Michael exclaimed, his voice a hushed whisper as he cursed profanities in the air.

"Moreover, the groom is not supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding. It a bad omen " I replied shrugging as I called to him.

I glimpse Mom, Lilian, and Mrs. Thompson coming out of the restaurant. They walked to the car while motioning me over with their hands.

"Whatever. I can't wait to see you on it then " Michael replied, I could imagine him running his hands through his hair in frustration when things don't go his way.

"I'm sorry. I have to go now "I called to Michae,I before hanging up. I ran to the car where Mark was holding the back door open. I walked in, smiling at him as he closed the door before walking over to drive us to the confectionary.


"Welcome. Mrs. Thompson. It's nice having you here " The manager of the confectionary replied, greeting Michael's Mom who stood by my left.

"That's great Jason. Is the cake ready?. We are here for the testing"

My eyes shot up to her face as soon as I heard that I couldn't believe she ordered the cake behind my back. And what was all that in the restaurant earlier? She wasn't even going to change her mind!

"Yes ma'am. Come with me!" The manager called Jason replied with a broad smile on his face. He signals to Mrs. Thompson who dragged mom along with her but only Lilian stays back with me.

"Wow! I'm thankful that I don't have someone like her as a mother_in_law. She's so controlling" Lilian exclaimed after we were left alone at the entrance of the confectionery "And to think that she didn't even bother inviting us to come with her"

"I know, right?" I called to Lilian, in anger trying badly to control it as I wouldn't want to disrespect my mother_in_law.

"But I'm choosing my flowers by myself. I don't care what she does" I whisper to Lilian, who smiles a knowing smile at me. As we were already nearing where my mother and Mrs. Thompson were.

"You took the words right out of my mouth. What kind of flowers do you want?" Lilian asked me as we both turned to take in a huge cake which was placed on the table. In front of it was my mother who was gasping at it like she had not seen anything like it before. "Wow!! That's huge. It's a twelve-tier cake " Lilian exclaimed excitedly.

"Twelve? Isn't that too much?" I asked her but Lilian couldn't answer as we were now with Mrs. Thompson who was gazing at the cake with satisfaction on her face.

"This will do, Jason. I love it " Mrs. Thompson exclaimed as her eyes lit up in happiness. I was glad. At least for once, she sees something that she appreciates.

"Nina, come darling" She motioned to me with a wide smile on her face. Our quarrel at the restaurant was completely forgotten.

I gulped nervously as I strolled to stand by her side "Do you like it? I want your wedding to be special. I want it to be one of a kind " Mrs. Thompson asked me. I nodded at her as I couldn't speak due to the lump of tears in my throat. I can't believe she was doing all of these for me because she wanted my wedding to be special.

"It's fine. I love the cake " I replied, smiling broadly at her.

"Good. It's a relief that we both like it. Jason, can we test it?" Mrs. Thompson replied before turning to the manager.

"Sure, ma'am. Give me a minute " Jason replied and signal to the sales lady to get us a sample of the cake.

"Here you go, ma'am" Jason replied as he handed the cake over to Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson cut it into tiny pieces before turning to me.

"Say ah' " She called to me urging me to open my mouth. I felt embarrassed but I rushed to, bid her request. She drops it on my tongue before turning to do so to both my mom and Lilian.

"What do you think?" Mrs. Thompson asked us after she had helped herself to a portion. She ate it with an excited look on her face before turning to seek our opinion.

"It's rich. That's the only word on my mind right now" Mom replied as she rushed to explain herself when she saw the reproachful look on Mrs. Thompson's face.

"It's succulent, melting like chocolate " Lilian exclaimed as she requested another sample. Mrs. Thompson was excited to have gotten a positive response from Lilian seeing the excited smile on her face, one would think she takes it herself.

She turned to look at me "What do you think, Nina? Do you like it? How does it taste?"

"It's sweet" I replied

"Sweet?" Mrs. Thompson exclaimed in disgust as I had just disappointed her. I guess she wasn't expecting a one-word sentence from me but that's all my brain could come up with for now.


I could taste a bit of peanut in the cake isn't Aunt Becca allergic to peanuts?" I asked her, ignoring the disgust on her face.

Mrs. Thompson smiled as she turned to Jason who was watching us with a curious expression on her face "We'll take the cake. It seems my daughter_in_law loves the cake seeing that she's speechless " Mrs. Thompson told him, winking at me. "Congratulations on your wedding, Miss. Miller. I'll have it delivered tomorrow at the venue" Jason replied as he turned to walk out of the room but my next word stops him on his track.

"Thank you, Jason. But I'll suggest, can you remove the peanut ingredients? I


"Don't worry, Jason, Deliver it that way. Thank you" Mrs. Thompson told him, cutting me off. Jason nodded and walk out of the room leaving us to sort out our issues

"Becca isn't allergic to peanuts. No one is. I just wanted to get back at you for choosing that wedding gown " Mrs. Thompson replied, trying to force back the smile on her face. I couldn't help glaring at her. That sly old fox!

"Have fun at the florist. I'm going home " Mrs. Thompson said in between laughs as she got into her car which she had called her driver beforehand. Mom was beside her. The driver drove off while Mark was waiting patiently to take us to the florist.

Mark pulled into the florist shop driveway as we both scrambled down from the car "I'll be just a minute, Mark " I told him as he nodded and closed the door behind us.

It was getting late and I was already tired. I can't believe I shop for a wedding dress, cake, and now a banquet of flowers all in one day. I couldn't have accomplished all of these without Michael's mom. Even though I was annoyed with her, I still need to give it to her. I love her energy.

"What are you thinking about?" Lillian's voice pulls me out of my thought as she nudges me on the shoulder.

"Nothing " I replied as I turned to see the florist staring at us with wide eyes.

"I need flowers for my wedding," I told the florist who was an elderly woman with grey hair.

"What's the wedding color if I may ask?" The woman asked me as she moved along the flowers on display awaiting our response.

"Purple and Gold " Lilian replied as I turned to look at her in shock

"How come you knew?" I asked her as I didn't remember picking such colors.

"You don't know. Then Mrs. Thompson picked the color, I think" Lillian replied shrugging like it wasn't a new thing that Mrs. Thompson should pick my wedding colors. MY WEDDING COLORS.

I gasped as she turned to look at the florist who was coming back to us with flowers in her hands.

"Lilac and water-lilies. It goes well with the colors of royalty" The florist replied as she handed me the arrangement of flowers.

"Thank you. I love it "I exclaimed as I handed her some cash before walking outside with Lilian.

"Congratulations on your wedding, ma'am" The florist called behind me. I turned to smile at her before dragging Lillian out of the door, waking up a sleeping Joey in the process.

Lillian glared at me before petting Joey back to sleep as we both got into the car as Mark drove us home. I was excited to have gotten past the day with no additional drama.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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