The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 75: Michael

After I dropped Nina off at her parents'. I instructed Mark to take me directly to my parents. It's time I make Nina my wife. I wouldn't want Oliver or whatever he calls his name to take my woman from me.

Can you believe that, how can Nina's parents ask her to marry Oliver? Is it because they've known each other since they were young.

"Are you alright, Michael?" I came out of my thought to see Vino looking at me with concern on his face. I've forgotten that I wasn't the only one in the car, my two brothers were with me.

"No, nothing. I'm good" I told him as I straightened on my seat. I wouldn't want them to worry about me.

"Are you sure?" Victor asked me again. He was giving me the 'I don't believe you look'. I shrugged, it was pointless arguing with someone who knows you better than yourself.

"Let him be, he just said he was alright. Didn't you hear that?" Vino told Victor trying to get him off my neck but my little brother just wouldn't give up.

"I don't believe him" Victor countered back, his voice was a mere whisper but I heard him alright.

"He has been this way ever since he found out that Nina's parents wanted her to marry Oliver" Victor continued whispering to Vino. I nearly snapped at him, sometimes I hate my brothers for being too observant but I chose to ignore it as he was right. To think that I didn't even know about this in the first instance.

"Damn! That blabbermouth Andrea. Let him just wait until I lay my hands on him" Vino threatened heavily, his fist clenching and unclenching in anger.

But I was grateful to Andrea, if not for him, I wouldn't have known what Nina's parents were planning to do to us.

"What do you think we can do?" Vino questioned Victor silently, ignoring me like I wasn't in the car with them.

"I don't know. Let him get another wife for himself as for me, I'm never getting married. I wouldn't want to go through all these heartaches "Victor answered shrugging as he turned to stare out of the window. I rolled my eyes at him, I always knew he wasn't interested in marriage and families. So, it wasn't a new thing.

"I'm also not ever getting married. I like the way I am" Vino also told Victor shrugging as he turned to stare at me offering me a sad smile.

I ignore both of them as I check the time on my wristwatch, it was past eight a.m. The traffic was bad, there wasn't any movement on the road. I still needed to get to the office to sort out Melton's properties which have become the Thompsons'.

"Do you think he will agree to get married to another woman?" I came out of my thoughts to hear Vino say that to Victor who was also preparing to reply to him.

"Will the both of you stop it already? I'm tired of you talking about me when I'm present in the car" I snapped at them. Vino apologized to me before going to his phone while Victor stuck out his tongue at me.

I roll my eyes at his playful attitude before opening the privacy screen to speak with Mark" Is there any way we could beat this traffic?. I'm running late"

"I don't think so, but I'll try sir." Mark replied as he tried to maneuver the car through another lane which was free from the traffic. I watched as others gasp at us but they didn't dare follow us.

Thirty minutes later, Mark pulled into Thompson's mansion. We all scrambled out of the car with Victor leading us into my parent's house. Mom and dad were resting in the garden just as Maria said immediately she opened the door for us.

My brothers ran up the stairs to their respective rooms while I walked into the garden to have a heart-to-heart talk with my parents as I couldn't risk losing Nina again.

"Michael, son you are here" Mom exclaimed excitedly as soon as she saw me walking to meet them. My father smiled as he stood up to hug me, I guess he was excited that I had made them an asset worth millions of dollars from the Melton's properties. "Michael, how are you? Have you settled the lawyers and changed the properties in our name?" Dad asked me immediately, I sat down opposite them in the garden.

"Not yet dad," I told him, my face hardened in anger, I still can't believe my parents. Nina is about to get married to another person and here they are discussing how to change Melton's properties to our name.

"Why the delay, Michael?" Dad asked me shocked, I guess he's surprised to see that I was still not getting any documents signed yet

"I have more pressing issues to discuss than properties dad," I told him, both he and my mom sat up. I could see the worry look on Mom's face as she watches me with concern on her face.

"What could that be Michael? Are you sick? Is it Danny, I heard his wife deliver yesterday. I

"That's their problem mom" I screamed up at her. I was so angry with them right now. After everything, none of them are saying anything about my marriage to Nina. They are both pretending none of this ever happen except for the Melton's properties.

"Why aren't any of you talking about Nina? Are you going to watch her get married to another person? Mom" I turned to my mother who was feeling remorseful, she was guilty of disregarding my feelings.

"I thought you said you regret your actions against Nina and her family. Then why isn't any of you saying or doing anything to correct that?" I scream at her. Why isn't she behaving like the mother I grew up to know? The mother who always takes my side no matter any situation. "We are working towards that son, I and your father we're thinking of inviting them over for dinner and

"Mom, I don't think dinner is a good idea. I mean, the two families haven't settled their differences. Mr. Miller will obviously refuse dinner" I told her as a matter of fact. My parents are just so stubborn and proud. They don't want to apologize to the Millers. And I won't have any of them jeopardizing my relationship with Nina again.

"Michael but I

"Michael is right dad," Vino strolled into the garden with an angry look on his face cutting dad off from whatever is it he wanted to say.

"You both just need to put your pride aside and apologize to the Millers. Our family has caused them more harm than good. The only crime Nina ever did was loving Michael and that isn't a crime" Vino continued angrily as he came to stand beside me. I pat him gently on the shoulder trying to calm him down

Along with my two brothers and I, we were able to convince our parents to apologize to the Millers and they both accepted. The meeting was slated for tomorrow. Only after that will be the Millers be invited over for dinner at our home.

I was the happiest man on earth, I couldn't help making plans along the way as Mark was driving me off to the office. My two brothers had refused to come along as they stayed put with our parents.

Mark pulled into the Thompson's Empire. I got down from the car without waiting for Mark to help with the door. John was already running over to meet me.

"Good morning sir," John greeted me as soon as he got me. I nodded at him and handed over my briefcase to Aurora who had run out after John.

"Are the lawyers here yet?" I asked him as we all got into the elevator. Aurora stood in front of us while John and I made ourselves comfortable at the back.

"Yes. And the Meltons are also present too" John replied as my eyes shot up to meet his, in shock. I wasn't expecting the Meltons here today. What were they doing here? Are they here to take back their properties? And the police?

I was about asking John just that when he beat me to it" The judge said it's important the Meltons are present in the meeting as they have to sign off their properties to you. Nothing to worry about, the police are here too" John continued offering answers to all my inner questions. I relaxed, as long as the police were here, I don't have any problem with the Meltons.

"And Deborah Melton, any news about her yet?" I asked John as we all filed out of the elevator and walked down the corridor to the conference room where the meeting will take place.

"No news about her yet sir," John replied almost immediately" The CCTV at the airport caught her and Xavier leaving the country but no sign of her landing. I think it is a mere distraction technique. She's still very much around in the country" John continued. I nodded at him.

I turned to whisper to John, afraid of anyone listening in on our conversation" Send all her necessary details to the new private investigator we've just hired. I want her found as soon as possible as delay could be dangerous"

"Yes sir, I will get to it immediately," John answered as he turned to walk down the hallway to my office. I collected my briefcase from Aurora and sent her away just as I opened the door into the conference room.

The Meltons were the first to get my attention. I stare at them barely recognizing them. They both look so thinner and unkempt from the last time I had seen them at the wedding. It shows how dangerous money and power could be when wielded wrongly.

"Welcome, Mr. Thompson" One of the lawyers greeted me, he was sitting right beside me. I nodded at him since I didn't remember his name. In front of me was a copy of the document containing all the Melton's properties. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

"Mr. Thompson"

I look up to see a man in a grey suit sitting across the room. He was remarkably dressed, I assume he was the judge.

"Yes," I replied urging him to go on as I couldn't wait to get the properties in our name.

"We are here to carry out the agreement on the prenup. Hope all parties are in agreement?" He asked the both of us looking from the Meltons to me. We both nodded for him to continue.

"The document in front of you contains the original papers of all the Melton's properties which will be signed off to you in the presence of everyone in the room" The judge continued as he paused to adjust his glasses.

After much talking, the papers were finally signed. I handed them over to our family's lawyer for safeguarding before going to my office.

I picked up my phone to put a call through to Nina, it rang before she finally picks up on the third ring.

"Hey, handsome" Nina called into the phone. I smiled as soon as I heard her voice, I can't believe I'm missing her already even after seeing her that morning.

"Tesoro" I called huskily into the phone. Her voice was doing things to my inside that I couldn't describe.

We talked at length, pausing a bit to flirt with each other. I couldn't wait to make her my wife. I want to be able to wake up to her beautiful face every morning.

I hung up the call before going out the door to my car where Mark was waiting to drive me home.000000

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