The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 68: Lillian

I stepped down from the plane as Danny stretched forth his hands to help guide me down the plane with a gentle smile on his face.

I was getting lazy every day by day as my due date was drawing near. I wish I could get this baby out of the way and get on with my life but that's not possible. Danny and I walked down the airport to where a taxi was waiting for us. I was expecting Michael to be waiting for us at the airport but I suddenly remember that he had to be with Nina at the hospital.

I can't believe that, that son of a bitch had the nerve to kidnap my friend. Anyway, I'm glad he's dead. To think I introduced them in the first place.

"What are you thinking about so seriously?" Danny's voice cut me out from my inner rumble as I turned to smile at him.

He opened the car door for me and I got in. He got in beside me and signaled for the taxi driver to move after depositing our bags into the car.

"I was thinking that maybe If I didn't introduce Austin and Nina. All this might not have happened" I told him regretting my decision back then to introduce them.

Danny reached out to hold me closer to him, he pecked me gently on my forehead " It's alright. It's all in the past now, what matters most is that Nina is well and okay " Danny told me comforting me gently as he would to a little child.

I pulled out of his embrace just as we heard his phone ring. Danny reached out to his back pocket and pulled out his phone after mumbling an apology to me.

"I'm sorry baby, I have to pick this call, it's Michael" I nodded as he received the call. I was eager to know what Michael wanted to say, I nudged him to put it on speaker which he did.

"Hey Man! Where are you?" Michael's tired voice greeted us from the other line.

The last time we spoke to Andrea he had told us that Michael had refused to leave the hospital after that incident, he was afraid that something might happen to Nina if he did leave. Which was my number one assignment now back in New York, it was to make Michael leave the hospital.

"We are on our way to the hospital, we've just landed," Danny told Michael who grunted in response.

I guess Aurora was bothering him with some documents again as that has been what she has been doing this past few days bringing documents to Michael at the hospital to sign which confirmed what Andrea had told us.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't come to pick you up at the airport, " Michael apologized to us. I tuned out of their conversation as I turned to gaze out of the window. I still don't know how to face Nina, I wished Deborah could be prosecuted as the mastermind of the kidnapping but we can't do that without the evidence.

I turned to look at Danny who was through with his phone call and was now looking intently at me " Do you think Nina still has the evidence" I asked him, I wish she had them so Deborah could be prosecuted.

"I don't think so. They didn't see anything on her. Maybe if she wakes, we'll be able to find out the truth" Danny replied, pulling me closer to his body. I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes, as the sound of his breathing calmed me to sleep.

I awoke sometimes later to see that we were still on the road. I've forgotten how far the airport is to the new Thompson's Hospital.

Speaking of hospitals, I suddenly remembered that I had an appointment with my gynecologist today. I quickly turned to Danny to tell him. I tapped him lightly on the shoulder seeing as he was dozing off " Any problem ?" He asks me as soon as he wakes, causing me to smile. He's always worried about me and rarely sleeps at night.

"I suddenly remembered my appointment with Doctor Sanders today. Do you think you can drop me off there?" I asked him. Danny nodded and turned to give the direction to the taxi driver who nodded and took the route of the hospital.

The driver pulled into the hospital as I scrambled out with Danny after me. He came over to hug me closer to his body as he guided me into the hospital.

I smiled at the nurse in the reception as she took my name down before leading me in the direction of the doctor's office.

Danny and I took the elevator to the second floor where Doctor Sander's office was located. Immediately we stepped out of the elevator, we could hear voices coming out from the doctor's office.

I turned to stare at Danny " I think Doctor Sander has a visitor. Maybe we should wait for her outside here".

"Yes, come and stand over here while I find you a chair " I smiled at him as he turned to walk down the corridor looking for a vacant chair.

The doctor's office was slightly opened so I could hear what they were talking about. It seems she was congratulating the woman on having a healthy baby, I was about to tune out on them when what the woman said next caught my attention

"Doctor Sander, about the paternity of my baby, could we keep it between us just as we've discussed from the onset?" I was shocked. Could that be Deborah in there? I wanted to hear more so I left where I was and moved closer to the door to eave_dropped on them. "Yes, Miss. Melton " Doctor Sanders' reply, shocked me as I gasped. Danny came back with the chair in his hands, I motioned for him to be quiet as I continued listening to them. I can't believe that it's Deborah in there.

"My promise to you still stands, no one will know that the baby's not Mr. Thompson's " Doctor Sanders continued slowly. I gasped and dragged Danny down the corridor into an empty room as soon as I heard Deborah coming out of the office. "Is that what I think that was ?" Danny asked me after we were safely hidden in the janitor's room.

"Yes baby, can you believe that?" I told him. He shook his head like he couldn't believe what we've just heard.

"I mean how can she do that without any feelings? Is she a mother?" I asked Danny, he put his hand on my mouth to shut me off as he saw Deborah approaching. I shut up and watch her catwalk down the corridor into the elevator.

I opened the door into Doctor Sanders' office angrily. She smiled up at me " Mrs. Martins. Nice to meet you again, how was your trip?" she asked me with a calming smile on her face.

But I was nowhere calmed." Michael isn't the father of Deborah's baby, yes or No?" I asked her.

I watched as her eyes widened in shock " How ___did______ you know that?" she asked us, stuttering like an idiot.

"That's none of your business. I need your written document and all of the pieces of evidence" I told her, my session with her was completely forgotten as right now all I could think about was bringing Deborah to justice.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Martins, that won't be possible. It's against my work ethic to disclose the confidential matters of my clients with others, "Doctor Sanders stubbornly refused. I felt like her punching her mouth right now. The nerves of her?

"Doctor Sanders, I'm sure you know how powerful and strong the Thompsons are. Do you know what will happen to you if I should inform Mr. Thompson of your collaboration with his fiancée to give him a bastard son? I'm sure you shouldn't be worried about your job right, rather your life," Danny told her as gently as he could muster. I was shocked, I've never seen my husband threaten anyone before like he is doing right now.

Doctor Sanders wordlessly reached into her desk and retrieved Deborah's files she handed it to us. I cross-checked everything before nodding at Danny.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Doctor Sanders, I'll be sure to put in a good word for you to Mr. Thompson " Danny called to her before opening the door for me. I got into the elevator clutching the document as my life depended on it.

We got into the car as the taxi driver pulled out of the hospital. I couldn't help but praise myself for coming over to the hospital today.

Michael welcomed us as soon as we arrived at Thompson's hospital. Both Danny and I had concluded not to tell Michael about our newly found evidence.

"Welcome back guys. How was your trip?" Michael greeted us leading us into the elevator that will take us to Nina's wards.

"We are good. How's Nina?" I asked him as Danny and I exchanged looks. I know he was dying to reveal the evidence to Michael being his friend and all that but I shake my head for him not to.

"Nina's fine. She woke up a while ago," Michael replied. I smiled excitedly, glad that Nina was finally awake and doing okay.

"Have you seen her?" I asked Michael, stepping out of the elevator with Danny beside me.

"No, not yet her parents are still with her in there " Michael replied shrugging like it wasn't a big deal but I know that it means a lot for him to be with Nina right now. I could finally understand why Nina was so adamant that it was Michael or no one else.

"That's good. I guess it's high time you go home to bathe and change out of your clothes and hopefully by the time you return, her parents might allow you to go in and see her " I told him Michael nodded after reasoning the truth behind my suggestion. He turned to leave the ward with his blazer on his shoulder and John following beside him.

I breathed in nervously before turning to open the door, Nina excited scream filled my ear as I ran to hug her careful as not to hurt her as her body was still covered in bruises.

"Wow! Look at you. Paris weather sure does make you glow" Nina exclaimed checking me out after greeting Danny who was deep in conversation with Nina's father and brother. Come off it girl" I smiled at her, swating her hands gently.

"I'm glad you are alright. How does it happen ?" I asked preparing to hear the story but Nina wasn't in the mood for it.

"I can't find the necklace and pen. Do you know where it could be?" Nina asked me as my heart skipped a beat. It is just as I have imagined, she has lost the evidence. What will Michael do now? I don't think my evidence will be enough to stop their wedding. "It's okay, I'm sure it is somewhere safe. You just need to relax, okay?"

"And Michael, where do you think he is? Is he probably annoyed with me?" Nina asked me. Her voice had dropped to a hushed whisper, she probably didn't want her father to hear her asking about Michael.

"Relax Nina, Michael isn't annoyed with you. Rather I was the one who sent him home earlier since he had refused to leave your side ever since the incident"

Nina smiled as soon as she heard that but just as the smile appeared on her face, it quickly disappeared.

"I was scared I thought I was going to die. If Michael didn't find me on time. I wonder what would have happened to me," Nina said in a scared voice. I move closer to hug and comfort her.

"It's alright. It's all in the past now. You are safe" I whisper to her. Only when Nina had fallen asleep did I go home to change and return to the hospital with Danny by my side.00000000

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