The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 58: Nina

I strolled into the Thompson's Empire the next morning with a heavy heart. After receiving a call from Michael to meet him at the office, I couldn't help wondering what could be wrong? I smiled immediately I remember the prank I pulled on my bodyguards this morning, Gosh! I'm so clever...

"Good morning Miss Miller. I'm Aurora, I will escort you to Mr Thompson's office" I came out of my thoughts to see a young girl speaking to me.

I was skeptical while trying to remember where I probably would have met her. My brain has been fussy after the accident, I have problem remembering some things.

"I'm sorry, Aurora but do I know you?" I asked her as I watch her slowly.

"Sure, Miss Miller. I'm Mr Thompson's personal assistant" Aurora replied causing me to nod my head at her. I clenched my fists together as I brush past her.

I suddenly remembered Michael telling me that he had slept with her before. Gosh! I can't believe the nerve of that man. Did he have to sleep with every women in New York to be rich...

"Miss Miller, I'm sorry if I've offended you" Aurora's panicked voice called to me as she tried to keep up with me. I wanted to stop just to let it go, I mean it happened a long time ago, no need holding grudges but my subconscious wouldn't allow it, she keeps on walking fast until we were in front of Michael's door.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I pushed the door opened slowly and walk in. I was surprised, Michael was not in his office. Where could he have gone to? But he called me to meet him at the office this morning. Is he in a meeting?

"I'm sorry, Mr Thompson is having a secret meeting in the other room. If you would allow me, I will excort you there" Aurora's voice cut me out of my thought.

I turned to stare at her as she was standing behind me with her hands folded across her chest. I could sense the hatred aura ozing out of her but I don't care. Michael is mine, I can't be competing with Deborah and also competing with Aurora. No! Never.

"Fine, lead the way" I told her with my chin held high. It high time I stopped behaving like the victim. I need to show them that I can't be stepped on. I've been through death and back, I can accomplish anything I set my mind to and my first accomplishment will be Michael Aurora nodded as she walked into Michael's office fully and turned to lead the way to a painting. She removed the painting revealing a hidden door on the wall, she opened the door and motion for me to go in.

I stood gasping at the hidden door before I summoned courage to go in while also wondering why Michael will need another room in his office? Is this where he slept with all his women?

I walked down the stairs in the dark room, my heart was in my mouth as I walked slowly. The door opened into a room with a bed, but Michael was not there either. I pass through the room down the hall to the sitting room where I could hear voices. I walked into the room to see Andrea, John and another man I didn't recognize they were discussing with Michael but they all paused to stare at me...

"Nina, I'm glad you could make it. Please, have your seat" Michael's voice pulled me from gasping at the men in the room. I turned to stare at him looking handsome in beige suit and a white turtleneck top. I gulped as I forced my legs to the chair beside him.

"I'm sure you are familiar with Andrea and John. That's is Donald but Don for short" Michael replied as I smiled at both Andrea and John. John responded by waving his hands to me. I turned to look at the man Michael introduced as Don. He looked so familiar, where I've I met him? Yes at my dad's factory.

My eyes widened as I shoot up from the couch " You, I've met you before. I did saw you at my dad's factory and

"Yes. I sent him to watch after you went I first suspected Austin was trying to murder you" Michael replied as I nodded and sat down. I can't believe someone was watching me all those time. No wonder I was always feeling be watched...

"Thank you so much" I told Don with a smile on my face. I can't believe Michael tried to make sure that I was alright...

"I don't deserve your thank you ma'am. I failed to carry out my duty which lead to your accident. Rather, I'm the one who's sorry" Don apologized to me. I wanted to point out that he was wrong but I chose to ignore it...

"I'm sure you are wondering why I asked you here?" Michael asked me. I nodded, that has been on my thought all morning since I dropped his call.


"I've decided to give it a try. I mean by using you as a

"Michael paused as he struggled to control his emotions as I wonder what's going on with him..

"I've tried everything to bring Austin to justice but none of it is working. That's why I decided to go with your suggestion since that's the only way to apprend him. Though I'm not fully in support of it. I mean I will be sending you to the den of the enemies and I'm not glad. What if something happened to you? I won't be able to forgive myself?"

"Nothing is going to happen to me, Michael. Moreover, if I don't make a move first, I'm sure Austin or Deborah are already making plans to get me" I replied looking at each of them. I felt like crying, I mean they are all working together to make sure I'm okay. The best I could do is bring an end to all these problems.

Michael nodded to John who stood up to go bring something outside. He walked in with a parcel in his hands, he handed it to Michael wordlessly before going back to his seat.

"Here" Michael said and gave me the parcel. I collected it from him and turned it over in my hands curiously.

"What is this?" I asked Michael before turning to look at Andrea who shrugged like telling me to wait for Michael to say to that...

"Open it" Michael commanded me gently. My hands moved to the parcel as I tore the wrapper off, revealing a ballpen, gold necklace and a tiny chip....

"What is this, Michael? I can understand the necklace but what is with the ballpen and the chip?" I asked him confusion written all over my face. Is this some kind of a trick? "The ballpen is not an ordinary pen but with a recorder" He collected it from me and show me how it works.

"I figure your phone will be collected from you but Austin won't be suspicious of an ordinary pen" Michael replied winking at me causing the rest of us to guffaw.

"That's so thoughtful of you" I said with smile on my face. Just wait Austin, I will exposed all of your evil deed to the world...

"I'm doing everything to keep you safe. The chip will go into your necklace, it will video everything that is happening, okay?"

Michael asked me as I nodded. He collected the necklace from me and fix everything in order before handling it back to me...

"Keep the ballpen and the necklace on you at all time because we don't know when Austin might strike" Michael warned me. I acknowledge his words with a smile.

"Thank you so much. I'm grateful for all your help, I will make sure that this will be the last time Austin or Deborah could do this to me" I told all of them as they all nodded with a smile on their faces...

"With that out of the way, could we discuss business now?" Andrea cleared his throat as he turned to look at me...

"What business? Can't you see that she is not in the mood for business? I mean with all the tension in the room, you are only thinking about business" Michael screamed up at Andrea. Andrea ignored him as he waited for my response with a smile on his lips.. "I'm very much in the mood to discuss business, Michael. Please, I need this, anything to keep my mind off all of this tension" I pleaded with him. Michael grunted under his breath but succumb to my plea.

Andrea smiled triumphantly and turned to look at me" Lush Beauty has been suffering after your accident. Sales have been dropping at a high rate. You still have a contract with us, so we need to have another Photoshoot and a signing event to boost our sales" Andrea explained to me...

"I will do it. Text me the time and address so I can meet you" I told Andrea who smiled at me. Michael shoot him a piercing glared left to him, he wouldn't have agreed for me to do it..

I stood up from the couch and stretched my weary bones. I took my purse off the centre table and turned to look at each of them" Thank you very much, gentlemen. I'm grateful for each of your support. Now, if you would excuse me I'll like to take my leave wouldn't want my dad to tag me as a missing person at the police station"

"Thank you for coming. Mark will drop you off" Michael replied as he walked with me down the stairs into the elevator that will take me to the parking lot. Mark dropped me off at my parents'. I straightened my spine and walked into the house...

"Nina Miller!!!" Dad's piercing scream nearly bust my equilibrium as I strolled into the sitting room where he was seated with mom's head resting on his shoulder...

"Where are you coming from? And why did you have to trick your bodyguards. Don't you know that they are there for your protection" Dad scolded me. I searched my brain for a possible excuse...

"Dad, you told me to get a life. How do you expect me to do so with bodyguards by my side always. They dispel men off me. I can't date. I can't go on a blind date why? Because they are always with me" I told him, I could see his eyes softened meaning he believes me.

I turned to walk out of the room pretending to be annoyed" And another thing dad, I have a date tomorrow. I don't want the bodyguards to go with me" With that I walk up the stairs to my room. My dad can imagine any kind of date that's none of my business...

As soon as I walked into the room, closing the door gently behind me, my phone exploded in my bag. I brought it out to see that it was Lillian calling...

"Hello girlfriend. I've just gotten home from my meeting with Michael. How are you?" I asked her walking into my room to drop my purse and remove my shoes.

"Nina Miller!!!. How can you do that? Don't you care about me at all?" Lillian screamed as she tried to mask the tears in her voice...

My hands stilled on my shoes as I searched my brain for how I could have offended Lillian" Why? What's wrong? Are you in pain? Is it the baby?"

"Nina Miller. How can you tell Michael to use you as a bait? What were you thinking?" I relaxed as soon as I heard that. I was so scared thinking something was wrong with her.

"That's the only solution, I mean even Michael thinks so and he has accepted for me to do so" I explained to her hoping she will allow me to go.

"Michael accepted for you to go?" Lillian's voice was a mere whisper as I strained my ears to listen to her clearly..

"Fine, do what you have to do but just make sure that you are safe, okay?" Lillian told me, causing me to smile.

"Yes ma'am. I will keep that in mind" I answered and hung up the call. I went to shower and went to be with the thought of what I was about to do in my mind taunting me...☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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