The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 39: Nina

As soon as Michael walked out of the door, I let myself cry as I sobbed uncontrollably, the only man I'd ever loved. I opened the door and ran after him but he has already left, his car was not in the driveway either" "God! Why me?. Why does this have to happen to me" I sobbed into my hands as I kneel down on the front porch.

My subconscious was getting teary too, as she wipe her face with her handkerchief" Nina, don't cry, it's for the best" she said trying to console me as I sobbed.

I stood up from the porch and walked into the house, closing the door gently. Turning back I was surprised to see Shane in the sitting room, watching me intently.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as I wipe my eyes, rid of the tears while I turn to walk into the dining room.

"To eat?" He replied shrugging as he sat down opposite me and took his spoon as he began to eat.

After talking a spoonful of food into my mouth, I turned to look at Shane" How was school today?" I ask him.

He shrugs, his eyes on his tablets "It was fun and like usual stressful"

"That's normal, hope Mr. Clinton was on time to pick you from school?"

"Yes, I got back home just in time to meet Michael ".

I went back to eat just after he said that name. I don't even want to imagine what he is doing right now. Is he back home now with Deborah? "Maybe he's taking Deborah on a date" My subconscious said as I rolled my eyes at her. Sometimes she's caring and understanding, sometimes she is like an evil stepmother.

"Sis, the phone?" Shane's voice brought me out of my thoughts as I turned to watch him as he repeated what he just said. I stood up to go pick the land phone which has been ringing for ages, since I was out of this world.

"Hello!" I called into the phone as soon as I picked it up.

"Hi! Ina, How are you?" Mom's voice greeted me as tears pooled up into my eyes.

I can't believe that I miss her so much. I wish she was here with me right now" I'm good, how are you too?"

"I'm okay and your dad's good too" She answers back laughing excitedly.

"How's Greece? Hope you are enjoying yourself? Shane's fine. Yes mom"

"That's great to hear and Greece is good. One of these days we'll all come over here for a vacation " Mom said smiling happily. I could see she's really enjoying herself.

"I would love that too mom" I replied as I forced the lump of tears away from my throat.

"That's good then, talk to your dad, I'm sure he's dying to hear about his company" Mom said taunting dad as I smiled at them.

"Hello my angel" Dad called into the phone after he had spent time teasing mom" How are you?"

"I'm good dad, and yes before you ask,we got the contract "I said happily into the phone.

"Really? Wow!, that's great. I know you will be able to do it" He said proudly as he praises me on the phone.

"Dad! Stop flattering me, I didn't do anything. You've done most of the designing, I only just blend it" I reply shrugging because my dad just won't stop complimenting me.

"Whatever, when will the production start?" Dad asked, as he switched into his professional voice.

"It's to start immediately but I'm still waiting for the appraisal from his lawyer"

"That's good, I'm sure everything will be ready by tomorrow. Do you have enough material for the production?"

"I don't know yet, but I will make sure to stop by at the factory tomorrow to check it after the office"

"Do that dear and make sure to have enough rest since you have a long day ahead of you tomorrow and extend my greeting to Shane.

"Yes dad, I will do that. Do take care of yourself too and mom"

"Bye" Dad said before he hung up. I replaced the phone back at its place and went back to the dining. Haven't lost my appetite, I ask Linda to clear the table while I sent Shane up to his room as I went to mine to shower and retire early to bed since I have a long day at work tomorrow.


"Shane get down here before I come up there to smack you" I stood at the bottom of the stairs with both of my hands on my waist shouting up at Shane.

Why must I be shouting, before he could come down for breakfast? I can't wait for mom to arrive so I could go back to my house.

"There will be no need for that" Shane's voice brought me out of my thoughts as I turn to glare at him.

"You should be happy that I'm in a good mood right now, if not_ "I let myself stop there as I look at him. I could see different ideas running through his head on the things I could do to him.

I smile, as I took a slice of bread apply butter to it and eat it along with my tea while Shane took out milk and pour it on his coco pops rushing it, as we were both late thanks to him.

Safely in the comfort of my car, I drove Shane to his school as he opens the door to get down" Just as yesterday, Mr. Clinton will pick you from school, be a good boy and behave"l said smiling at him as he nodded and wave to me before walking into his school. I pull out of the drive way and turn in the direction to my dad's company.

"Miss Miller?" Samuel greeted me as he help me with my bag and files before turning into the elevator that will take us to my dad's office.

"Thank you, Samuel" I reply as soon as I was seated on my desk, I turn on the computer and get ready for the work"Inform me once Mr. Feller's lawyer arrives "I said to him as I wave him off.

He turns to walk out of my office closing the door gently. I turn back to the computer which was on already, I started designing the shoes in different sizes.

I was almost done when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" Samuel walk in ushering in a man which I assume was Mr feller's lawyer.

"Ma'am, Mr. Feller's lawyer is here" Samuel said before he turns to leave us alone.

"How do you do sir?" I ask him as I took his hands and shake them.

"I'm good, Miss Miller, pardon me for being late. Traffic in new York is something else" He said as I smile at him. I offer him a seat as we both got down to business.

"These are the designs, Mr. Linch" I thrust the designs at the manager in the factory as he went through them one after the other. After signing the appraisal I left immediately for the factory where production will take place.

"These are good, Miss Miller. How urgent is it?" He asks me as he guides me into the factory. I was surprised to see that the factory was big and divided into different sections. Some were at the sewing machines while others were polishing. I smile, I never knew dad was as rich as he is and to think that he started from nothing.

"As soon as possible, Mr. Linch" I reply smiling up at him" can I see the materials?"

"Sure, this way Miss Miller "Mr. Linch reply as he pointed to the elevator that will take us up to the warehouse. We both got into it and stood side by side while I look down marveling at the size of my dad's factory.

"We are here, Miss Miller" Mr. Linch said bringing me back from my thought as I turned to look at him.

We both step out of the elevator as I stood gasping at the building we were in:

"Wow!!, this is huge" I exclaimed surprised and amazement writing all over my face.

"Yes, Miss Miller. Your father always order for the best materials from all over the world. That's why Pandora is rated No 1 in shoes making" Mr. Linch explained proud of being part of such a big vision.

I smiled at him as I walk through the materials, touching it one after the other to feel their weight and texture " I think this will be enough for the productions. Right Mr. Linch?"

Mr. Linch tilts his head upward like he's thinking while looking at me" Sure, this will surely be enough for the productions"

"Good if you will excuse me I need to put a call through to my father?" I said to him as he turns to walk away while I took out my phone to call dad. It rang before he pick it up on the fourth ring. "Hello Nina, how are you?" Dad called tiredly into the phone.

"I'm good dad and you? Hope you are not too stressed out?" I ask him with concern in my voice. I can't believe I miss him so much.

"Not at all angel. How did your meeting with Mr feller's lawyer go?" Dad asked.

"It went well, I've signed the contract and right now I'm at the factory to check the materials " I replied as I step back into the elevator that will take me back to the second floor.

"That's good honey. Hope the materials will be enough for the productions or do you want me to order some more?" Dad asked briskly getting into business mode.

I smiled at my dad's behavior" Not all Dad. The material will be more enough "I told him as I step out of the elevator, and walk close to people who were using the machine to sew designs onto the shoes.

I was fascinated as I stood watching them curiously my dad's voice brought me out as I forced myself to listen to what he was saying" Thank you so much Ina. I need to go. I and your mom have a noon meeting with a potential investor. Extend my greeting to your brother and do take care of yourself " Dad said as he praises my ability.

"Okay, dad. Extend my greeting to mom and good luck on your meeting" I called to him as he hung up.

I walk closer to the elderly woman who was handling the sewing machine" Wow!, excuse me can I try?" I ask fascinated.

"Sure, ma'am" She replied as she stood up offering me the seat. I sat down as she guides me through the process. "Ouch!!!" I screamed loudly. Causing Mr. Linch and another man who I didn't recognized to come running to me. "Are you alright Miss Miller?. What's going on here?" Mr. Linch ask looking from the older women to me.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to try this but the needle pierce me on my finger" I said apologizing on the woman's behalf. The woman and Mr. Linch work together to get my finger out of the needle while I scan the room looking for the young man from earlier but he was no where to be found. "Thank you, Miss Miller for coming over to check on us. We really appreciate your effort "Mr. Linch said as he stood by my car.

"Thank you too for taking care of Pandora" I reply as he smiled and walk back into the factory.

I opened the car door but stop when I heard my name. I turn to see Lilian standing across the road smiling at me. I wave at her. It's been long I've seen her since the night of the launching party.

I signal to her to wait for me while I got into the car and reversed it, the brakes failed. I became scared as I scramble around searching for the handbrake, I pulls it up which trigger the tires blowing up in flames.

I screamed as I struggled out of the car but I couldn't make it before I succumb into darkness.

I couldn't hear the ear-piercing scream Lilian let out before she fainted nor my guidance angel who was rushing to me with his phone on his ear putting a call through to Michael. Nor the media that have gathered to make breaking news before I was lifted into the ambulance.

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