The Billionaire's Secret Lover

Chapter 28: Lilian

"Danny!Danny!!" I scream at the top of my voice. This is the only problem I have with him, he takes time dressing when he, not a lady.

Danny walks out of the bedroom door, doing his cuff while smiling at me showing his perfect teeth.

I glared at him"So you heard me right?"

"Of course baby," He said coming closer to peck me on the cheek. Let's go else we'll be late for our doctor's appointment" He said as he guides me out of the door. "So you knew about that and you still took ages dressing"

"It's not my fault baby, you know I have to look good for you" He replies winking at me. He walks briskly to the driver's side and get in, and pulled out of the driveway to take the road to the hospital.

For the past one month now, I've been feeling sick and occasionally nauseous. I've always dismissed it as being the weather. But today nauseous was so bad that Danny set an appointment with our family doctor, we ate on the way to see her. "We are here angel," Danny's voice brought me out of my thoughts as I turn to look at the big white four-story building. Danny walks over to open the car door for me as he guides me into the hospital. Immediately, we walk into the hospital, The scent of chlorine and other chemicals substance greeted me. My distaste for the hospital visible in my walking manner as Danny looks at me.

"Okay, here we are, "He said as he told me to sit down before walking over to the receptionist.

"Good morning! Can I see the doctor?" Danny asks the nurse at the receptionist.

"Of course. Do you have an appointment?" She asks as she checked for entries on her computer. "Yes. Danny Martins"

"Ok, yes" She replies immediately, she saw the name on the system "The second-floor first room by your right"

"Thank you," Danny said as he walks up to me and guides me to the elevator that will take us to the second floor.

"I hope this will be over quickly, I need to see Nina," I told Danny as we walk out of the elevator.

"Nina can wait, baby, your health matter first even if it's going to take a day, you are going to wait here with me," Danny said glaring at me while I huff at him.

"I think this is it". Danny said pointing to a door on the left with the name" Gynaecologist" written on it.

"Okay, let's do this," I said as we walk to the door and knock.

"Relax, everything is going to be alright. Maybe it's just the flu as you say but just be on the safer side, that's why we are here" Danny said when he saw my hands shaking trying to reassure me.

"Ok" I reply as I offer him a smile. We open the door and walk in as soon as we heard 'come in'.

"Good morning, Mr. Martin and Miss Thomas" Doctor Gulith greeted us as she offered us a seat. We both sat down as she turns to me smiling.

"Miss Thomas, the test samples you sent has been checked and the result is ready"

"What is it, doctor?" I ask softly, my voice betraying the fear inside me. Danny reaches over to clasp my hands tightly as he smiled at me.

"Well, you are one month pregnant. Congratulations" She said smiling as she shakes Danny's hand.

I was speechless as I turn to look at Danny who was grinning from ear to ear" You mean, I'm a month pregnant doctor?" I ask her again, to be very sure I heard right.

"Yes, you are a month pregnant" She answers as she lunges into lectures on what to do and what not to do. It was so cumbersome that I was scared of missing any details. I listen attentively as I take note on my tablet on the very important details.

Thirty minutes later, I was sitting in the car as Danny drove us home. The shock of me having a baby got me gripping my stomach tightly with excitement.

Danny glances at me briefly before focusing on the road smiling" I can't believe I would ever see this day. Thank you for this wonderful gift"

"I'm glad too but there's a little problem" I reply frowning slightly.

"What is it? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you crave something" He asked panicking as he parked the car on the road and turn to look at me seriously searching for any sign of discomfort?

I couldn't help but laugh at his attitude"No, I'm not feeling any of that Danny, stop taking the Doctor's word too seriously. I'm still in the early stage to crave anything" He relaxes as he reversed the car back on the road"if you are not feeling anything, what is then wrong with you?".

"Our parents?" I reply as I said those two words that carry a heavy issue.

"Oh!" Danny suddenly exclaim." that's true"

"What do you think we are going to do now?"I ask with panic evidence in my voice.

"Nothing, we just have to tell them and probably rushes the wedding instead of waiting for Michael and Nina to have a double wedding"

"You are right. I just pray your parents agreed being the strong Catholic that they are".

"They will, we'll just have to change the location instead of the church, we could use your parents' garden. It is big enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

"Sure, I will speak to them tomorrow and you will speak to yours too but right now I need to see Nina"

"Didn't you hear what the doctor say?"

"that I need rest, "I said looking at him. "I heard quite alright I'm not doing anything stressful. I'm not even going to drive. You just have to drop me there and when I'm done you can come to pick me up" I reply giving him my puppy look that he wouldn't refuse me. "Hell, you are one damn of a beautiful thorn in my flesh," He said smiling playfully at me as he reversed the car back on the road to Nina's house.

"Yeah, that's why you love" I reply poking him slightly on the shoulder.

"Sure. I really do love you as much as I love my son too" He said smiling as his hand reach forth to graze my stomach briefly.

"How do you know that it a he?" I asked him surprised we are already talking about the gender of my unborn baby. I didn't know he was so into kids. I would have given him lots and lots of them earlier.

"Babe! I know what is in there cos I put it there" Danny said winking at me trying to stifle a smile. I scoff, surprised at what he just said.

"But I'm the one who's carrying it. That's why I know it a girl" I said protesting back at him as he smiles at me.

"Okay, let's wait and see" He replies as he pulls over at Nina's apartment.

"Call me when you are done," he said as I walk out and wave to him as he disappears before walking into the elevator that will take me up to Nina's apartment.

I punch in the code to her apartment after ringing the doorbell continuously and she didn't answer. The door clicks open as I walk in.

I drop my bag as I ran to where Nina was curled on the floor crying her eyes out "Nina, are you ok? What's wrong?" I said as I shake her. She was still in her office dress. I didn't know the fight she had with Michael was this bad, I would have been here earlier. "Lilian, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in," Nina said as she wipes her tears and stood up from the floor.

"What are you doing here,?" She asked me after she has settled down on the couch beside me. "Are you sure you are alright?"I ask her not believing her fake smile.

"I'm good, let's talk about you," Nina said as she smiles at me trying to reassure me that she was fine. "Okay" I replied excitedly"I have news for you"

"Really? Hope it's good news cos I've heard enough of the bad news that will last me for a lifetime"

"Why? What happened?

"I will tell you later. Now tell me about the news that making you glow" she said smiling as she reaches out to poke me on my shoulder playfully.

"Okay. I'm pregnant" I reply shyly as I put my head down, I don't know how she will react. What if she hates me for having everything while she has none?.

"Really?" Nina asks shocked as she looks at me.

"Yes" I replied smiling at her

"That is very good news! I'm so happy for you" Nina said hugging me genuinely happy for me.

"I know. We are just going to rush through the wedding because of Danny's parents and their Catholic fallacy. Moreover, I don't want to bring up my child outside wedlock, I hope you'll understand" I said looking at her apologetically. If things have work out between her and Michael, we would have had a double wedding like we always want to.

"It's alright. I'm just happy that at least one of us is lucky In this game called love" She said smiling sadly with a faraway look on her eyes.

She has suffered a lot, I just wish she could live happily with Michael but life doesn't give us what we hope for. Right?.

"Now, let's talk about you. What's wrong with you? Why were you crying? and don't even tell me that it's nothing because I know there's definitely something" I said looking at her curiously. She chewed her bottom lip probably wondering if she should tell me or not. Or trying to keep the tears from falling again. Either of the two I watch her closely.

"I've been sacked," She said after sometimes "Well, maybe not immediately but I just have still Friday," She said forcing herself to smile but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"What!? How come?" I ask her shocked as I stood up and went over to hug her.

"It has to do with Deborah and lush beauty" She replied shrugging it off like it was nothing.

But to me, I know it was more than something. I knew how excited she was when she was offered a job at Melton's Media and to think that, that slying bitch has a hand in this.

"It's okay dear, what are you going to do now?"I ask her as I made a mental note to speak with some of my clients who owned a media house.

"I'm not sad about the job, I could always work in my father's company" she replied. Stupid me, I've forgotten that Mr.Miller owned a shoe company, she could always work as the CEO that exactly what Mr. Miller has always wanted.

"Why are you sad then?"I ask her curiously

"It's Michael" she replies.

"Michael? What's wrong with him?"I ask her surprised, Michael wants to get in touch with her but she has been the one avoiding him.

"It's a long story"

"I'm not going away then"I reply as she lunges into the whole story of what happened while I sat down shocked looking at her.

I can't believe Michael's mom would stoop so low as to lie to her son. I don't know what's is wrong with all these rich mothers sometimes "It's alright. Have you been able to talk to Michael since then"

"No, I don't know what to say to him. How do I tell him that his mom is behind this?" She said as she looks up at me for advice.

She sighs heavily"I'm thinking of ending things with him," she said laughing hysterically"It's not like we have a thing anyway"

"No, don't say that. You've come along way don't lose hope now" I reply as I pleaded with her to exercise a little patient.

"I will try for now," she said looking at me as she smiles.

"Good," I said standing up, she stood up with me and walk me to the door to see me off as I walk into the car while she turned to walk back into her apartment. Danny droves us home. I vowed to do everything in my power to bring Michael and Nina back together. Deborah Melton shall not win this fight."Danny!Danny!!" I scream at the top of my voice. This is the only problem I have with him, he takes time dressing when he, not a lady.

Danny walks out of the bedroom door, doing his cuff while smiling at me showing his perfect teeth.

I glared at him"So you heard me right?"

"Of course baby," He said coming closer to peck me on the cheek. Let's go else we'll be late for our doctor's appointment" He said as he guides me out of the door.

"So you knew about that and you still took ages dressing"

"It's not my fault baby, you know I have to look good for you" He replies winking at me. He walks briskly to the driver's side and get in, and pulled out of the driveway to take the road to the hospital.

For the past one month now, I've been feeling sick and occasionally nauseous. I've always dismissed it as being the weather. But today nauseous was so bad that Danny set an appointment with our family doctor, we ate on the way to see her.

"We are here angel," Danny's voice brought me out of my thoughts as I turn to look at the big white four-story building. Danny walks over to open the car door for me as he guides me into the hospital. Immediately, we walk into the hospital, The scent of chlorine and other chemicals substance greeted me. My distaste for the hospital visible in my walking manner as Danny looks at me.

"Okay, here we are, "He said as he told me to sit down before walking over to the receptionist.

"Good morning! Can I see the doctor?" Danny asks the nurse at the receptionist.

"Of course. Do you have an appointment?" She asks as she checked for entries on her computer.

"Yes. Danny Martins"

"Ok, yes" She replies immediately, she saw the name on the system "The second-floor first room by your right"

"Thank you," Danny said as he walks up to me and guides me to the elevator that will take us to the second floor.

"I hope this will be over quickly, I need to see Nina," I told Danny as we walk out of the elevator.

"Nina can wait, baby, your health matter first even if it's going to take a day, you are going to wait here with me," Danny said glaring at me while I huff at him.

"I think this is it". Danny said pointing to a door on the left with the name" Gynaecologist" written on it.

"Okay, let's do this," I said as we walk to the door and knock.

"Relax, everything is going to be alright. Maybe it's just the flu as you say but just be on the safer side, that's why we are here" Danny said when he saw my hands shaking trying to reassure me.

"Ok" I reply as I offer him a smile. We open the door and walk in as soon as we heard 'come in'.

"Good morning, Mr. Martin and Miss Thomas" Doctor Gulith greeted us as she offered us a seat. We both sat down as she turns to me smiling.

"Miss Thomas, the test samples you sent has been checked and the result is ready"

"What is it, doctor?" I ask softly, my voice betraying the fear inside me. Danny reaches over to clasp my hands tightly as he smiled at me.

"Well, you are one month pregnant. Congratulations" She said smiling as she shakes Danny's hand.

I was speechless as I turn to look at Danny who was grinning from ear to ear" You mean, I'm a month pregnant doctor?" I ask her again, to be very sure I heard right.

"Yes, you are a month pregnant" She answers as she lunges into lectures on what to do and what not to do. It was so cumbersome that I was scared of missing any details. I listen attentively as I take note on my tablet on the very important details.

Thirty minutes later, I was sitting in the car as Danny drove us home. The shock of me having a baby got me gripping my stomach tightly with excitement.

Danny glances at me briefly before focusing on the road smiling" I can't believe I would ever see this day. Thank you for this wonderful gift"

"I'm glad too but there's a little problem" I reply frowning slightly.

"What is it? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you crave something" He asked panicking as he parked the car on the road and turn to look at me seriously searching for any sign of discomfort?

I couldn't help but laugh at his attitude"No, I'm not feeling any of that Danny, stop taking the Doctor's word too seriously. I'm still in the early stage to crave anything" He relaxes as he reversed the car back on the road"if you are not feeling anything, what is then wrong with you?".

"Our parents?" I reply as I said those two words that carry a heavy issue.

"Oh!" Danny suddenly exclaim." that's true"

"What do you think we are going to do now?"I ask with panic evidence in my voice.

"Nothing, we just have to tell them and probably rushes the wedding instead of waiting for Michael and Nina to have a double wedding"

"You are right. I just pray your parents agreed being the strong Catholic that they are".

"They will, we'll just have to change the location instead of the church, we could use your parents' garden. It is big enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

"Sure, I will speak to them tomorrow and you will speak to yours too but right now I need to see Nina"

"Didn't you hear what the doctor say?"

"that I need rest, "I said looking at him. "I heard quite alright I'm not doing anything stressful. I'm not even going to drive. You just have to drop me there and when I'm done you can come to pick me up" I reply giving him my puppy look that he wouldn't refuse me. "Hell, you are one damn of a beautiful thorn in my flesh," He said smiling playfully at me as he reversed the car back on the road to Nina's house.

"Yeah, that's why you love" I reply poking him slightly on the shoulder.

"Sure. I really do love you as much as I love my son too" He said smiling as his hand reach forth to graze my stomach briefly.

"How do you know that it a he?" I asked him surprised we are already talking about the gender of my unborn baby. I didn't know he was so into kids. I would have given him lots and lots of them earlier.

"Babe! I know what is in there cos I put it there" Danny said winking at me trying to stifle a smile. I scoff, surprised at what he just said.

"But I'm the one who's carrying it. That's why I know it a girl" I said protesting back at him as he smiles at me.

"Okay, let's wait and see" He replies as he pulls over at Nina's apartment.

"Call me when you are done," he said as I walk out and wave to him as he disappears before walking into the elevator that will take me up to Nina's apartment.

I punch in the code to her apartment after ringing the doorbell continuously and she didn't answer. The door clicks open as I walk in.

I drop my bag as I ran to where Nina was curled on the floor crying her eyes out "Nina, are you ok? What's wrong?" I said as I shake her. She was still in her office dress. I didn't know the fight she had with Michael was this bad, I would have been here earlier. "Lilian, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in," Nina said as she wipes her tears and stood up from the floor.

"What are you doing here,?" She asked me after she has settled down on the couch beside me. "Are you sure you are alright?"I ask her not believing her fake smile.

"I'm good, let's talk about you," Nina said as she smiles at me trying to reassure me that she was fine. "Okay" I replied excitedly"I have news for you"

"Really? Hope it's good news cos I've heard enough of the bad news that will last me for a lifetime"

"Why? What happened?

"I will tell you later. Now tell me about the news that making you glow" she said smiling as she reaches out to poke me on my shoulder playfully.

"Okay. I'm pregnant" I reply shyly as I put my head down, I don't know how she will react. What if she hates me for having everything while she has none?.

"Really?" Nina asks shocked as she looks at me.

"Yes" I replied smiling at her

"That is very good news! I'm so happy for you" Nina said hugging me genuinely happy for me.

"I know. We are just going to rush through the wedding because of Danny's parents and their Catholic fallacy. Moreover, I don't want to bring up my child outside wedlock, I hope you'll understand" I said looking at her apologetically. If things have work out between her and Michael, we would have had a double wedding like we always want to.

"It's alright. I'm just happy that at least one of us is lucky In this game called love" She said smiling sadly with a faraway look on her eyes.

She has suffered a lot, I just wish she could live happily with Michael but life doesn't give us what we hope for. Right?.

"Now, let's talk about you. What's wrong with you? Why were you crying? and don't even tell me that it's nothing because I know there's definitely something" I said looking at her curiously. She chewed her bottom lip probably wondering if she should tell me or not. Or trying to keep the tears from falling again. Either of the two I watch her closely.

"I've been sacked," She said after sometimes "Well, maybe not immediately but I just have still Friday," She said forcing herself to smile but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes.

"What!? How come?" I ask her shocked as I stood up and went over to hug her.

"It has to do with Deborah and lush beauty" She replied shrugging it off like it was nothing.

But to me, I know it was more than something. I knew how excited she was when she was offered a job at Melton's Media and to think that, that slying bitch has a hand in this.

"It's okay dear, what are you going to do now?"I ask her as I made a mental note to speak with some of my clients who owned a media house.

"I'm not sad about the job, I could always work in my father's company" she replied. Stupid me, I've forgotten that Mr. Miller owned a shoe company, she could always work as the CEO that exactly what Mr. Miller has always wanted.

"Why are you sad then?"I ask her curiously

"It's Michael" she replies.

"Michael? What's wrong with him?"I ask her surprised, Michael wants to get in touch with her but she has been the one avoiding him.

"It's a long story"

"I'm not going away then"I reply as she lunges into the whole story of what happened while I sat down shocked looking at her.

I can't believe Michael's mom would stoop so low as to lie to her son. I don't know what's is wrong with all these rich mothers sometimes "It's alright. Have you been able to talk to Michael since then"

"No, I don't know what to say to him. How do I tell him that his mom is behind this?" She said as she looks up at me for advice.

She sighs heavily"I'm thinking of ending things with him," she said laughing hysterically"It's not like we have a thing anyway"

"No, don't say that. You've come along way don't lose hope now" I reply as I pleaded with her to exercise a little patient.

"I will try for now," she said looking at me as she smiles.

"Good," I said standing up, she stood up with me and walk me to the door to see me off as I walk into the car while she turned to walk back into her apartment. Danny droves us home. I vowed to do everything in my power to bring Michael and Nina back together. Deborah Melton shall not win this fight.00

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