The Billionaire's Daughter

Chapter 15: His Past

As I was hugging Franco, I realized that I will do everything in my power to ease the pain he was feeling. If only I can do anything to relieve his burden. He has been with me whenever I feel sad or alone and I promised myself that I will do the same for him. With his stubbornness and macho attitude I know it won't be easy to get him to start relying on me but I will try my best to let him know I will do anything just to make him happy. After a while, he stopped crying and was just hugging me while I continuously stroke his back as a sign of comfort. How do I know that he was crying despite his silence? Easy, my shirt was soaking wet with his tears.

Still not letting go of me, he started telling me his story.

"I met Madeleine on my last year at Delaney Public School. She was, well, my first love."

I felt like my heart was ripped apart when I heard his words but of course, I can't let him notice that.

"She was my everything. All my plans in my life before were mainly to provide a comfortable life for her. She is also rich like you but her parents openly detested me. They treated me like I was a plague whenever I come and visit their home. I heard every insult they throw at me. She never treated me that way but thinking about it, she never defended me either. She just asked me to be patient with her parents and that when I became successful they will love me too, so she says."

It was distracting how he was unconsciously tracing circles on my back and how his breath was fanning my head as he spoke but I was very much interested in his story. It will explain his behavior towards me.

"I tried my best to give her all the love I can to cover up for my deficit in social status. After our first anniversary, she began to change. She was one of the reason why I applied for a scholarship here. On our last school day before summer, that was the school year before I transferred, she left me. That day I just found this box at our doorstep."

I felt the hurt and sadness in his voice when he mentioned their breakup.

"She didn't even have the guts to tell me personally what she thought about me. She gave me this letter."

He reluctantly released me and reached for the letter hidden on the box. I saw several pictures and letters inside. I was really envious of her. Their pictures showed how happy he was with her. Though I can't say the same for the girl. She seemed distracted in every picture. I felt like she was hiding something and that Franco was just blinded with his love for this woman. Oh how I hated her for hurting my bestfriend.

"Here. Read this out loud and tell me if I deserved any of her words."

"Are you sure you want me to read this?"

I searched his eyes for any indication that says otherwise.

"Yes. It's time I shared this with you. Even my mom was not aware of what happened. She always thought we were doing great. I guess we were both surprised how things turned out." "Okay. Here goes."


I know this may seem surprising but I need to leave and I need to break up with you. I have let this drag on for too long as I was afraid that you will get mad at me, but I guess I need to be free once and for all.

The first time I met you I was mesmerized by your intelligence and chivalry. Nobody treated me like the way you did. You respected me and that was what made me grow fond of you. Thank you for everything.

Truthfully, I lied when I told you I loved you. I think never did. I liked you but not really loved. I was just scared to lose someone like you. You have been my rock and strength in surviving that awful school. I just wanted you to believe that I loved you so you won't leave me. But now, there is no need since you will be soon leaving anyways. Before you do, I want you to know that I will not wait for you.

I was somewhat relieved when you told me you were accepted at Berkeley's because finally I can get away from your grasp. I felt constricted by our relationship. It was like we have our own world where nobody even wants to be in with us. Even my parents hated me for introducing you to them. In a way, you helped me annoy them and that was one of my plans when I accepted your proposal to be your girlfriend.

Franco, you are a good person, but I am not. We are not meant to be together. I'll be going away for this summer. When you receive this package, I may be on my way abroad. Don't try to contact me. If possible, just try and forget me. In this box contains everything that you gave me, even the pictures that you printed are all here.

Take care and I hope if ever we crossed paths, you have already moved on so I won't have any more problems.


"Seriously?! She has some nerve!"

I was not able to control myself, the letter enraged me. Franco does not deserve those awful words from an insensitive bitch.

"Calm down. Hearing the letter again this time made me realize one thing."


"That I have finally moved on. The letter does not hurt me anymore."

"How can you not be hurt when everything in that god damn letter was a lie?!"

"Saphira, calm down. For you it may be a lie but for her, that was her letter. I guess that was how she felt."

"Franco, stop defending her!"

He hugged me tightly, caressed my hair and kissed the top of my head and I just had to shut up.

"I'm not defending her. I am just explaining to you that it is not important anymore. Her perception about me is no longer important. I am not affected anymore."

I gently pushed him away to look at his face for any signs of pain or anger. He was telling the truth.

"You are very special to me you know that, and reading this letter really makes me feel so violent. It was crushing my heart how she perceived you and how she fooled you into thinking she loved you."

"I can see that you know."


"I can see that I am special to you and that you are very very furious."

He hugged me again.

"Will you stop hugging me! I can't concentrate!"

"That's good so you'll stop being angry. You can tear up that letter if you want. If you want we can even burn everything on this box."


"Aawww. why did you push me? Hey, where are you going?"

"Looking for a match and somewhere to burn those awful stuff.

I can't help it I guess I was really affected with the way that woman hurt him. All I want was to burn all the contents of the box. In a way I will be destroying all their memories and that makes me excited and relieved all at the same time.

Franco deserves someone better. He deserves someone who will love him for who he really is and not just for what he can give. Like me, I love him for everything he is including his flaws and insecurities. Realizing this now made me look back at him. He was smiling at me with tenderness and adoration in his eyes.

At that moment, I knew, I am in love with my best friend. For your love Franco, I will do anything and everything.00000000000

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