The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 86

Josh's pov

As I drove to Gentex headquarters, I continued to gallop the bottle of whiskey. My gun was fully loaded and sitting next to me in the passenger seat. A daughter and father-in-law expecting a child? It was like something out of an episode of American Horror Story. Every time I thought about it, I felt sick. Was it a one-nightstand or were they f*cking for months? Or even years. Jessica would have answered a lot of my questions, but I wanted to hear the answers straight from the pig's mouth.

Siblings sharing a lover was OK, but a parent sleeping with a child's spouse, getting them pregnant, and then pinning the pregnancy on the child was inhuman. However, if I looked at it carefully, the indicators were there all along, but I was too ignorant to perceive them.

Jessica was far too comfortable with my father; she was constantly seeking his favor, and whenever we had a disagreement, she ran to him. She respected him more than me, in fact, she worshipped the ground he walked on but I was just too stupid and viewed everything like normal. I always thought they were just free with each other. How could I blame them, it was a father and daughter in law, there was no way anyone could have suspected them.

But my father was a pig who had no shame or self-respect. I was going to pop some bullets in him, maybe he was going to grow some self-respect and dignity. Or maybe I was going to pour kerosene on him and while he burnt I was going to put the bullets in his head.

I arrived at the company and breathed in hard. I took the bottle of whiskey and took a long gallop. Looking through my rear windows I made sure that his car was in his usual parking space. The pig could not even take a day off to find his son. All he cared about was the s*upid company.

The company that I sacrificed my life for but all went in vain because my own father, my biological father chose to betray me. I took the last drink and grabbed my gun and stuffed it behind my shirt then I grabbed my kerosene and went into the building.

I received a number of stares from the employees but I ignored them. Yes, I looked terrible but I did not give a dumb. I walked straight to my office, he had a thing for that office and I was going to burn him in it. The Secretary greeted me but alerted me to a meeting going on but I did not care. If he was in a meeting and not on the run, then Jessica had not informed him about anything.

I matched in and they all looked up at me confused apart from my father who was standing in front giving a presentation.

"Son, what brings you in here?" he asked. Just the tone of his voice made me sick, his face made my skin crawl. I wanted to bash his head in with the projector but I played cool.

"I have been missing for two days and that's all you could say?"

"I was told you went to Canada," he replied without an ounce of remorse, not even a shred of pretense. My blood boiled and without a second thought, I removed the gun out of my back and pointed it at him. All the people present in the room murmured and raised their hands in fear.

"Everyone out! Except for the pig that calls himself my father!" I yelled.

Without a second thought, they all ran out of the room like flies and locked the door behind them. As I turned I found him pouring himself a glass of Scotch. He did not even care that I was pointing a gun at him He took a sip and stared at me, waiting for me to speak. But I grabbed the kerosene and began pouring it around the office. He chuckled like a stupid fool, he probably thought I was joking.

"You think if you burn us in this dumb office then you will solve everything?" he asked.

I finished the entire room and walked over to him, pouring the rest on his pathetic body.

"At Least you will not be able to get Gentex! Is that not what all this has been about. Stealing a dumb company from a friend that never wronged you!" I yelled at him.

To my annoyance, he laughed out hard. "Do not play innocent," he said. "Everything I did up to now was for your benefit! Your s*upid future. I gave you all the shares, every s*upid share!" He yelled. "You f*cked my wife you pig!" I replied and hit his dumb head. "How is f*cking and impregnating my wife ever going to benefit me!"

Blood oozed out of the temple of his eye as he turned to face me. I was expecting him to make excuses or blame Jessica for seducing him but he went straight point-blank. "That s*ut never deserved you, I did you a favor that you will forever live thanking me," he replied. I pointed the gun straight at his face but we were disturbed by a bang In the door.

"My Nelson, this is the police, please open the door there is a better way of resolving whatever is wrong!" The officer on the other side of the door yelled. He was probably s*upid, the room was soundproof inside and he was not going to be able to hear me even if I replied to him. I turned and decided to concentrate on the fool below; "That s*ut was my wife! Where was your self-respect!"

"Your marriage was already over, you were the one that gave up when that s*upid Thalia threw rocks on us! All I had to do was damage control!"

"Damage control by lying to me about the operation in Canada and f*cking my wife!"

He wiped his face; "If we had told you about the operation you would have given up on life. You have always been a p*ssy Josh. Every obstacle in your way, you resorted to alcohol gambling and w*ores," he replied.

"In fact, I planned to tell you after you changed the shares but Thalia sabotaged us. You went nuts and when I proposed you to change the shares you spat at me so I had to do something for the company I sacrificed my life for!" he yelled.

I felt like hitting him but I was curious, "Sacrifice! What sacrifice? You fool, I was the one who was forced to choose a career that I never wanted. I was the one that had to marry that crazy Thalia! What sacrifice did you make you fool! You used me and when you realized that I could not continue the generation for your grudge you decided to make my replacement!" I yelled and hit him. It felt good hitting him, that part I could not lie but I wanted to see him dead.

"If you were man enough to handle roadblocks in life I would have not resorted to making myself an heir!" he yelled back.

I put my gun down and began hitting him with hard punches over and over again. The pig could not even defend himself. He just sat there as I punched the life out of him. "You should have told me, taken me to therapy, and maybe we wouldn't be in this dumb mess! Do you know the side effects? Did it ever occur to you that my behavior was as a result of me not being a man and having no testosterone!" I yelled at him.

Suddenly the door burst open and a swarm of policemen ran in. I turned trying to locate where I put my gun but they were fast. Before I knew it two of them threw themselves at me and pinned me to the floor. I tried to free myself but they were stronger, "You fools, get off of me, let me kill that animal! Let me kill him!"

"Mr. Nelson, calm down!" The offer urged. He turned and ordered other officers to take my father to a secure place. They were not supposed to be protecting him, the man was a dirty pig. The officers lifted me as I kept fidgeting and kicking my legs in the air. They pushed me against the table and began cuffing me while reading my rights to me.

"Mr. Nelson you will force us to taser you, you do not want your employees to see you like that," the officer warned.

"Just get the f*cking cuffs off my hands," I yelled at him.

"Am sorry but we can not do that, just calm down and whatever your father did to you there must be a legal way to deal with it," he stated.

"No, the only way is to burn that fool together with this s*ity company!" I yelled at him as he took me out of the office. My commotion had brought the entire company to a standstill and everyone was on the floo trying to catch the glimpse of the son who came to blow his father's brain off. I was led through the corridors in cuffs, everyone stared at me like I was a mad person or like I was the culprit.

My father and wife's pig were the culprits. As we reached outside I spotted Jessica standing by the car and keeping a distance. I could see regret and shame on her face but I looked away and entered the police car. "There are a lot of ways to take down a company without burning a company and your father," the officer stated and drove off. I was breathing fire but he was right, his statement was making sense.

My father only cared about one thing and that was Gentex. Taking him to an early grave was a very easy way out for him. He needed to feel it where it hurt. I thought to myself as I was walked into a police station and led into a cell. Attempted murder was what they were charging me with but I did not pay attention to a**s hit.

My mind was occupied with making my father pay. They first put me in a holding cell while I waited for processing. I was granted my one phone call and I called Kim, she was the only one who hated Victor as much as I did. She hated me too but what I was proposing to her was worth her time and money. I was very sure my father was busy trying to do damage control or looking for a way of taking my name off. But luckily I had all I needed in my car and all Kim had to do was bring me a briefcase that sat in my car. I had all the papers and signatures I needed to make changes to my shares.

After seating for what seemed like forever and without processing and no sign of Kim I began thinking my father had something up his sleeves. The fool could not even put himself in time out and reflect the s*itthat he had put me through. He was busy trying to show him who was in control.

I tried speaking to the policeman on the desk but he ignored me and instructed me to shut up. I walked away from the bars trying to think of a person who could get me out when I heard a familiar voice. I turned and it was Kim. She showed up even though I treated her like s*it.

"Well well well, I would have really loved to watch you pull the trigger on your father, the s*it is all over the internet," she stated.

I sighed in relief and walked to the bars, "I thought you were not going to show?"

"Well, the Nelson's are tearing each other apart and want to kill each other. I want a front row seat."

"I just want to say sorry..."

"Save the c*ap! I brought your briefcase as you instructed so where do you need to sign in order to destroy your life," she asked and ordered the officer to release me or charge me.

"We haven't processed him yet," the officer replied.

"Then what are you waiting for? You know this is against the law, if you do not charge my client now we are suing you!"

The officer began stuttering and making fake calls but Kim insisted on a charge. After a series of calls, the officer decided to release me. Apparently, my father was not filing charges against me. If he thought I was going to fall for the cheap act then he was wrong.

Immediately I was out of the cell I grabbed my briefcase, asked for Kim's laptop, and made all my shares public right there in the police station. I did not want to give my father any chance or anyone. "Did you call the press?" I asked

"Yes, the entire News outlets are outside, they heard about your attempted murder on your father and they want front news," she replied.

"Good," I said and made my important call, a call that was going to change everything and put an end to the lifelong grudge and revenge vendetta. It was time for everyone to get a life and no one was going to get anything unless they had billions to restart the s*ity company again.

Kim stared at me confused, I could only assume she had come out of curiosity and thought I was not going to do it.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought you had no balls and what exactly did your father do?" she asked.

"He f*cked my wife!" I replied, sending her choking on her saliva. I walked outside and joined the angry waiting reporters who had been waiting for close to two hours.

As soon as I walked outside their cameras began flashing, I had to put my hands over my face as I got bombarded with thousands of questions. I raised my hands and they became quiet. "Yes, I attempted to kill my father and burn him in that worthless company," I said, sending the crowd into a murmur.

"Why, and are you getting charged?" One of the reporters asked.

"Because the company never belonged to me or my father. We stole it from his best friend's daughter who had done nothing to him rather than outshine him. My father forced me into his lifelong grudge and I married Thalia Nash with the sole purpose of manipulating her and stealing the company," I announced. They all looked at me in shock.

"Anyway, I have offloaded all my shares on the market, all my inheritance shares because there is no one to inherit the shares."

"But is your wife not pregnant," another reporter asked.

I cleared my throat and said, "During my honeymoon in Canada, I was involved in an accident that forced the surgeons to remove both my testicles," I said with my face down. "I'm not capable of having children so the baby my wife is carrying is not mine but my father's," I added.

The entire outside became quiet, I could only assume they were trying to process what I had just said.

"Yes my wife is carrying my little brother so as of noon today Gentex is hundred percent public and if anyone is willing to gamble they can buy the shares," I added and thanked them all for attending the press briefing.

I turned and found Kim looking at me in shock. I moved close to her and thanked her for everything and wired money into her account to finish up the process of making the s*upid company public. I trusted she could finish it up without intimidation from my father. It was ironic that it was the first time I was paying her with money, my last money, money that I had been saving up for a new life in Europe but it was not to be.

"What's next?" She asked.

"I'm going to visit my mom, I haven't seen her for over a month," I replied and began to walk away. She tried to offer me a ride but I wanted to be left alone. I did not want her sympathy or anyone else's. By noon all the shares were going to be as worthless as paper, I was going to watch everything crumble to the ground with mom even though she could not remember me. At least she was the only person that had no idea of how pathetic my life was.

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