The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 71

The Art Of Revenge

Thalia's Pov

A week passed but yet he couldn't come up with a name for our baby. I thought he was hesitating at times; how tough was it for him to come up with a female name? There were thousands of names everywhere, but every time I attempted to help him, he made excuses like "no, we can't name our daughter this or that because I once slept with a girl named that," I could only curse, he had slept literally with everyone in the country because there was no name that I came up with that he had not slept with.

I let him be since I'd learned that pressing him to do something always resulted in a fight.

Nestor and I talked about my Brandon project for quite some time. He thought I had given up too easily, but he didn't understand how science worked. There was no way I would give up easily for my Brandon. Every professor I approached with my research assumed I was insane or had a lot of free time to waste, and the failure of the first phase was the final nail in the coffin. Nestor, on the other hand, believed I was on the right track, and one night while Brandon was sleeping, he took me to the garage and made me go through everything I had done incorrectly, which seemed to be minimal.

I realized that Brandon was like a brother to him. He even volunteered that I tested the machine on him but I did not want to risk his life for my selfishness. He really wanted Brandon to survive; I felt the same way, but the cursed project seemed to be taking vital time away from me, time that I should have been spending with Brandon, and the constant lying had been draining my life, together with his.

I didn't want to be in that position again, then there was an option of telling him, but for what cause, after finding out that he had secretly contacted doctors which Nestor was fully aware of.... I decided not to give him another false hope.

But one thing I didn't give up was going to work, even if it was only three times a week. Brandon hired eight bodyguards for me, which was completely unnecessary, but it was for the best since it calmed him down and allowed me to work. He still had the notion that Victor was going to attack me or send some bad guys to hurt me. I had somehow gotten used to handling Mandel's Affairs and if I said I did not like it, then I was lying.

I sat at the back of my limousine and asked the driver to make a turn. First, I needed to pay a visit to some people who needed to officially meet the new me. Brandon was going to kill me if he found out, but they needed to know that I wasn't the scary little brainless kid I used to be.

Victor had paid my office a number of visits, according to my Secretary, and even had the arrogance to issue threats, which did not sit well with me. I also needed to return the favor. I began with the elderly gentleman, who, according to reliable sources, spent most of his time in my late father's office.

I only took three guards with me because I didn't want it to become an opera production but I left them at the reception. I marched up to his secretary, who refused to let me into his office. She did not even offer me a seat despite my pregnant tummy. She informed me he was in a meeting with possible investors and was too busy to meet anyone.

The lu**tic had no idea who I was or how important the information she was providing me was. I demanded she inform him of my visit, but she threatened to call security. Victor would halt his meeting and sprin to my feet if she only told him I was outdoors but she refused to grant my wish.

I became frustrated while attempting to put some sense into her so I decided to walk right into Victor's office without knocking. Victor sprung to his feet like a ghost in surprise as soon as I walked in; he had not anticipated me to pay him a kind visit.

"What the hell is going on here? Who is she?" One of the men in the room inquired.

"Thalia, what are you doing here?" Victor inquired.

"Please accept my apologies; your Secretary is really impolite," I explained as I sat down. The men's expressions were priceless, but I was loving every minute of it.

"This is not acceptable, Thalia!" The old man shouted out, but I ignored him and reached for an unopened bottle of water to satiate my thirst.

"How dare you come to my place of work and issue dry threats," I said, looking up at him.

"Thalia," he warned as his veins to the side of his head became visible. "This is not the time and place; I'm calling security."

"You will never have the opportunity to grace my presence if you call security," I warned forcefully. I could see him pause for a fraction of a second. As he argued within himself which of us was more precious. Deep down he thought I was still the naive girl who he could manipulate, so I could not see him passing off the opportunity.

He fixed his gaze on me rather than his guest. It was thrilling to see his old croaked face debating, the nasty face I never envisioned meeting but I had to rethink my decision because he still believed he was untouchable.

"Gentlemen," he murmured, and a smile crept over my lips, but not on the faces of the other gentlemen in the room.

They were all dissatisfied and irritated when they stood up "Victor, you asked for time, and we not only gave it to you, but we also followed you here," he remarked, "Wait a minute, we've already gone over the important topics; I still have something to say."

"It's fine Victor, we're leaving," said the man who appeared to be in command.

I quickly got up and handed him my card; "Thalia Nash, acting owner of Mandel logistics," I said.

He looked surprised when I mentioned the corporation, his countenance softened, and I knew he'd heard about the baby mom taking over Mandel. Before handing me his business card, he grinned and introduced himself. Victor just stood there stunned as he realized what I'd done, unable to do anything but watch as his investors walked away.

He turned furiously to face me when they'd all left and walked up to me, holding my arm tightly, "So you think you can simply walk...

I took out my paper spray and went straight for his eyes before he could complete his sentence. He cursed and rubbed his eyes as he yelled in agony. I figured he'd do something st*pid, so I went prepared. He shouted, "Are you crazy?"

"When I file you for sexual misconduct, you'll be free to question insanity. I'm sure you know Brandon has a lot of judges in his pocket, and no one would be able to get a conviction. Lay your filthy hands on me and the next thing you'll see is a cell block," I warned.

The room fell silent as he began his hunt for a chair with difficulty. I was going to reduce the foolish m*ron to the trash that he was. I got up when he sat down.

"I've come here to ask one question, and yes, I've risked my life to ask it: what did my father ever do to you?" I inquired, carefully removing a gun from my purse. The good news was that he had taken down all of the cameras that may have served as proof so I was free to do any sh*t to him.

He carefully took his hands away from his puffy eyes and glared the gun down. "Are you a m*ron!" He stated, "There are a lot of witnesses, and Brandon won't be able to spare you from prison."

I took the pepper spray and sprayed him again without warning, making him s*b uncontrollably. While he was scratching his eyes, I stood up and slammed his head into the table, causing him to scream even louder. Even if he shouted on top of his lungs, no one was going to hear him because of the soundproof room. The room was made soundproof to keep whatever was discussed in the office to remain in the office. But that was going to be my advantage.

"You foolish bit*h, you have knocked out my teeth!" He screamed. I could see blood gushing out of his mouth, and his other hand was over his mouth while the other rubbed into his eyes.

It felt good to watch his foolish a*s in pain; he thought he was untouchable, but I was about to show him what that meant.

"If you don't answer the st*pid question, I'll spray you again!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Your (sc um bag) father robbed me of everything!" he retorted "I was the one who came up with the idea of starting an invention firm instead of working for some old company, it was my idea, but what did your foolish father do!" he cried as the room became silent. With pepper spray and a gun aimed at him, all I did was gaze at him

"He founded that idiotic company and bankrupted my company," he continued.

I nearly burst out laughing but I held it in, the man in front of me was a sorry sight. "How many chocolate companies, how many car or cellphone companies are there in this country, you st*pid man?" I screamed at him, but he remained silent. I stood up and grabbed one of his arms; he attempted to push me away, but I was quick because I had rehearsed before visiting his office.

I cuffed one hand and walked to the other side as he tried to grab me with his other hand; he was mostly blind and couldn't see that I had moved. I sna tched the other hand and cuffed it behind his back too.

I roared and lodged my gun into his mouth, saying, "When I say answer the foolish question, I mean answer the dumb question." He believed he had the guts to go at my work rate and deliver dry threats, but I was going to teach him.

"Are you now prepared to respond?" I inquired, and he responded with a fearful nod as if he was beginning to realize how serious I was. I took the gun out of his mouth slowly, and he coughed loudly. "If you are not going to kill in here, I will come after you and bury you!" he said.

"You will be shocked what rich people, I mean very affluent people, can get away with," I added, hitting his face hard with the edge of the rifle. "So, where were we before... ooh, I was just saying, there are a lo of similar companies out there, and he wasn't making the same gadgets or machines you were, so why blame him for your failure?" I inquired, but he remained silent, his gaze on the floor.

"So, now that you're at my mercy, you've got nothing to say?" I asked.

"Do not expect me to regret what I did because you put a gun in my mouth. I'd do it even more if given another chance...

I smacked him across the face before he could finish his thought.

Suddenly the door opened and the sk ank strolled in, bouncing her fake hips, but she froze when she saw me holding a gun at her father-in-law. I was not expecting her to pay the old man a visit, but she did. I quickly pointed the gun at her and told her to enter slowly and quietly or I would blow her head off.

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