The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 39

Thalia's Pov

I could see his obnoxious grin; yes, he was obnoxious and demanding. And yes, he was ill, but I had the impression that he was doing everything to attract my attention.

I was willing to let him get away with it not because he was unwell, but because he was cute and pleasant to me. One thing I noticed about him was that he was quite cruel to everyone except me.

I began to feed him discreetly, small bites at a time, while he grinned. He wasn't throwing up, which was a plus. That was the most important thing, but the fact that he was naked was an annoyance. Yes, he was lowering his body temperature, but everything was awkward, and I was very uncomfortable. To aggravate me, he continued moving closer to me whenever I turned away.

Before I knew it, he was rubbing his chest on the sides of my thighs. "Brandon, move a bit please, you are way too close to me," I cried out.

"Thalia," he responded with his hands on my thighs, "My neck hurts from bending in." As I stared at him, his grey eyes staring back into mine, I froze, my heart racing and a tingle of electricity running through my entire body.

He had a way of peering into my soul when he looked at me. Previously, he always shifted his gaze away from me, never allowing me to process what his eyes were saying.

He didn't look away this time, though It seemed as if he wanted me to stare into his eyes and see something, but I instantly averted my gaze, not wanting to learn what was hidden behind the cold, gorgeous grey eyes.

I turned around to see him smiling, but before I could say anything, he moved, opened my legs, and stood between them.

"This is better," he replied as he opened his mouth to accept my food. I sat there trying to think of a way to get away from him because it was inappropriate. Not even Josh had never been so close to me.

He murmured in my ears, "Thalia, calm down I'm the one who should be afraid of you since I'm nude," he said.

I looked at him, angry, I screamed at him, "Are you stup*d?"

"No, but I'm hungry; feed me or I'll collapse and die," he replied but I only stared at him. With begging eyes, he said.

"Plz, Brainless, plz, plz, plz, plz, plz, plz," with a lovely pout on his lips, he said, "My suicide friend." I was perplexed and terrified, unsure of what to do.

His body did not seem as pale as it always. It appeared normal, like attractive normal. I had no idea if I was losing my mind seeing his body took me off. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was in the water.

"Thalia take a deep breath," he whispered softly into my ears sending all sorts of lovely echoes in all the right places.

I knew I was overreacting, but it was the way my body was reacting to his. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, then opened them to find him staring back at me. It was almost as if he was punishing


Nestor's voice came from behind us, and I exhaled a sigh of relief. When I was preparing the food, I had texted him, informing him to be on standby or close by in case of an emergency.

I could see the water moving and when I turned around, I saw Brandon enraged, his cheerful mood gone in a flash, and he began coughing violently, spewing blood into the water.

I began panicking, "Are you all right, Brandon?" I inquired but he was quiet and went on coughing roughly.

Nestor moved forward and suggested we move Brandon out of the water but received a hip water splashed over him. He got up and cursed, moving away.

I looked back at Brandon, still panicking, I needed to think fast. I didn't give a d*mn if he was naked or not so out of the blue I plunged into the water and held him without thinking.

I didn't comprehend him at first, but as time went on, I became more aware of his condition. When he was in good health, he was always healthy, one couldn't even tell that he had a dreaded disease.

But when he was in a terrible mood, he would cough and spit blood all over the place and was always pale. His illness was somehow linked to his mood in some way.

But I wanted confirmation, I could sense everything about him, and by everything, I meant everything personal item on his body. I ignored it since I was interested in putting my theory to the test. When he was in a mini coma, he claimed that if I was the one bathing him he would have woken up the same day. I was very much aware that Nester was watching us, but if he had a brain, he was supposed to walk away.

I felt Brandon press his mouth against my ear. "Thalia, don't start something you can't finish?" he urged as he moved closer.

His sentence had a lot of meaning, but I didn't want to explore all the possible meanings. "Shut up Brandon," I said, listening to his heartbeat return to normal.

Earlier his heartbeat was beating fast but my hug somehow began calming him down, his coughing seized, and his breathing normalized.

It all became quiet in a flash, and he put his head on my shoulder, confirming that his mood was linked to his illness. I was certain the doctors and scientists had overlooked that detail. But the big question was one I didn't want to answer or even ask.

Was I the only one that gave him the effect, and if saw then why? That was the question I did not want to be answered.

He swallowed his saliva and motioned Nestor to leave. He was still there in the room, watching us, much to my amazement. He said, "I said leave us."

Nestor walked away, and I could hear footsteps behind him.

I tried to move, but he clung to me even tighter. "Please two more minutes," he begged as we hugged each other. After all, it was only going to improve his mood and health if I gave him two more minutes. There was no danger, but yet I was mistaken. Something large began pressing against me; at first, I mistook it for his leg, but the position was incorrect. I tried to move, but he clung to me even tighter, insisting that his two minutes were not over yet.

I tried to object, but he told me that he would never cross the line and that he was always aware of his boundaries.

I attempted to figure out what he meant, but he was already hard against my body. I remained motionless, waiting for the beautiful nightmare to end.

I was under no obligation to let him do so, but I had a sneaking suspicion that the moment I let go, his health would deteriorate.

Yes, I was a fool and falling into every trap he set for me. Or maybe I enjoyed every trap he set for me and the terrible part was that he seemed to enjoy himself and moaned, which somehow sp*ked my body temperature.

My body began to twitch for inexplicable reasons. He had crossed the line, but I was enjoying it. I needed to stop him before I started reacting and slipped deep Into the trap. I needed to stop the chaos. My mind began to swirl with the phrase "Pity Sex!" I didn't have the entire faith in him, and I suspected he was waiting for me to lead the way so he could blame me for crossing the line and not him.

I could picture him turning the case on me and saying, he was a sick man whose brain was crowded while I was healthy and my brain intact.

Yes, it felt fantastic; his body against my skin was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. Josh never made me feel like that before. I was desperate for it, so I leaned closer to him and clutched him tightly. One part of my brain was telling me I was getting trapped in pity sex, while the other was telling me to just give it to him and not worry about it. Sex was casual, friends always engaged in it and forgot about it the following day.

But then it hit me: I just had insemination and there was a good chance I wouldn't get pregnant with the first sperms. And Brandon didn't have any condoms, which would lead to getting pregnant with his sperm.

That was a fact I was certain of. I instantly let go of him, knowing that becoming pregnant with Brandon's child would be disastrous and And that would mean saying goodbye to both my company and my revenge...

But when I let go, I felt him release, I looked at him in disbelief, as if I hadn't been leading him on. I hurriedly exited the pool, angry.

"Brandon, you're a complete m*ron!" I screamed, and I heard him laugh. He was clearly irresponsible and unconcerned about the plan; he was eager to have sex and jeopardize our entire plan for stup*d s*x, a plan for which we had worked hard and nearly killed a man.

I hurried outside, furious with myself; I wasn't the same person, I almost messed up my plan because I was h*rny too. As I walked past Nestor, who was standing at the door with a sarcastic expression on his face, as if he wanted to laugh at me, I yelled at him at the top of my lungs.

"Say one word and I'll slap you!" He raised his arms as if surrendering, yet his brows were elevated. I stared at him and then realized he was staring behind me.

"Whatever you do, Thalia, don't glance behind you," he said solemnly. But I was intrigued; I had a sneaking suspicion that something horrible had happened to Brandon. I gradually came to a decision that I would later come to regret.

Brandon was marching towards us, absolutely naked, as if he had no care in the world. Nestor put his hands on my face fast, as if I were a teen who had never seen a naked man before. Yes, I felt his penis against me but I did not see it with my eyes since I was in shock.

"Brandon, what's the matter with you! Put on a stup*d towel!" Nestor screamed at him. As he got closer to us, I could hear a chuckle.

"I told you I was bigger than Josh!" he exclaimed, irritating the living daylights out of me even more. He smiled as I took Nestor's hands from my face.

I extended my hand and slapped him across the face without thinking. I couldn't care less if his mood shifted or if he spat his entire blood supply.

"Why are you so self-centered? What if we had sex and I became pregnant with your child?" I inquired of him, but all he did was stare at me.

"Let me tell you something, all of our plans would have been ruined!" I added.

To my surprise, he backed up and began walking naked toward the chopper. Nestor just raised his shoulders and walked back into the complex while I stared at him. I was left p*ssed in the doorway. Nestor returned with a towel and walked past me. I was fuming, I screamed on top of my voice in frustration, everything was being ruined in front of my eyes because of my stup*dity.

I held my hands in my hair trying to process how I allowed everything to get that far. I gritted my teeth but there was no need to cry over spilled milk.

I walked to the helicopter where Nestor was waiting for me, Brandon was already in the helicopter and facing the other way. He was still naked but had a towel placed on his thighs probably placed by Nestor.

I decided to board but not in the passenger seat but in the front. Nestor stayed glued outside like he was waiting for instructions.

After a long wait, he boarded the helicopter and we started off in silence, no one wanting to talk to the other.

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