The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon)

Chapter 128

Brandon's Pov

It was the irritating voice again reading s*upid love novels to me. I hated love novels but she was always there with her irritating voice. There were times when I wanted to yell at her but every time I tried to open my mouth or eyes they felt heavy like rocks. I rarely heard the words but lately, I began hearing everything.

Back then I would feel when someone touched me or if they stayed longer and spoke for a long time. That particular voice was usually the one that I heard and I always followed it when I got lost within myself even though it was irritating.

There was also one sweet voice that was always crying. She was just so sad but I liked it a lot, she was always talking about how she never gave up on some dude. Then there was a man who was always talking about his girlfriend. It was a torture session with him. I always heard the voices but never saw the faces. It was like I was trapped with no way out.

But on that particular day, the little voice was causing me to burst out. She was always reading some love books to me. I snapped and all of a sudden my eyes popped open and they landed on the little irritating thing. She quickly got up and screamed like a siren almost bursting my eardrums.

A woman came running but my attention was on the little girl that could not screaming in excitement. I tried to open my mouth but failed miserably. I had to rely on my eyes to warn her to stop. The lady ran towards the bed in excitement, her eyes filled with tears of joy.

"Ooh my God Brandon," she cried out and practically placed her large chest on me while the other little one climbed on the other side and wrapped her arms around my head. They were both crying in excitement. I had no idea who they were, it appeared they knew me.

"Dad, hi Im Kendra," the girl introduced herself and hugged me tighter, nearly popping my eyes out of the socket.

A daughter, I had a daughter... if she was my daughter then the woman on my chest was my wife? I tried opening my mouth but it was still heavy. They both finally let go of me and I breathed a sigh of relief. They nearly burst my libs open but before I could recover. The woman dived for my lips and began devouring the life out of me. I nearly choked to death.

"Mummy, yak, we need to brush his teeth first," the little girl cried out.

She quickly let go of my innocent lips blushing, the woman was crazy. She instructed the little one to go and get the doctor. For the first time, she did something right, I needed a doctor and not the molestation she was subjecting me to in front of the little girl.

"We did it, Love, it took a lot of years and sacrifice but we did it," she said but I only stared at her with no idea of what she was talking about.

The door opened, the girl walked in with what looked to be a mad man. My heart dropped when the lady addressed him as the doctor. He asked the lady to move away as he began assessing me. She hesitated a bit but the little girl pulled her away.

"Mr. Fraser, I know you are scared and confused but blink if you can hear me?" he asked. I noticed he was waiting for me to reply and realized I was Mr. Fraser. I slowly blinked, sending him into a cheer. He did some more tests and began writing in what appeared to be a notebook, a very dirty notebook.

"It is going to take you some time to get back all your senses and ability to talk, you have been in a coma for thirteen years," he declared.

Out of shock my mouth finally opened but I had no words to say. I waited for him to retract the joke but he was dead serious. He was serious even though he looked like he was a homeless man.

After he was done, the woman and the little girl walked back in, very anxious.

"Yes Doctor, how is he?"

"He is trying to process everything but he needs time to get used to a body he has not used for thirteen years," the old man said again. "He will need all the support and therapy he can get because he can't remember a thing," he added.

The lady moved closer and took a seat in the chair next to me. "Do not worry, I will be here for you."

"And me," the girl replied.


I tried to talk but my mouth ached," "please... no... romantic books," I finally said.

The lady burst out laughing, "I told you he was not the Romantic type," she said to the little girl.

"Love is known to bring people out of a coma, it is what brought him out," the girl replied.

I shrugged, sending them into laughter. The two sat on the bed and began narrating how I ended up in a coma which was because of some weird disease. After she was done filling in some gaps, another welcoming party walked in excited and began hugging me.

There was an old woman who introduced herself as Maggie, according to her she was my nanny, the other man was her lover, and her son called Nestor. Then the other family confused more, The man was the little girl's biological father with his wife and two sons.

But why was the girl addressing me as her father? I was more confused as I stared at the excited faces in front of me who I could only sup se were my family but I had no clue who they were. I was not as excited as they were and all I wanted was to get a long bath and be left alone.

Finally, the lady came to my rescue and chased them all out of the room. They all said their goodnights and I just nodded Because I was having trouble talking they gave me a writing pad. My handwriting was all over the place but it was readable.

I requested a cold bath and she quickly prepared it. She called back the guy she was calling Nestor and he assisted me to the bathroom. He tried to help get the gown out but I refused. I was not disabled, I was going to bathe myself. I just wanted to be alone.

But to my shock, as soon as I was completely naked and in the tub. The lady walked in naked and entered the tub. I really wanted to scream but she laughed out like it was funny.

"Do not worry, I will not touch you," she said in a teasing way and she began bathing herself.

I was left trying to force my eyes not to look. She giggled, "you are free to look if you want to?"

"No," I said

She giggled again, irritating the shot out of me.


"No we are not married but you did propose the day you agreed to be placed in a coma, but I said no" she replied.

I glanced at her confused as she began explaining everything from how we met. It was like hearing a tragic movie.

The Brandon she was talking about sounded terrible but in a good way. I could not believe she waited for me for thirteen years. But it was the way I met with her that hit me hard and to think the man that destroyed her was in that room welcoming me back was weirder.

She went on to explain about the Kendra girl and how she was born, and how it was my idea to take down her ex. How we castrated him, how we sank her company, how her ex-father-in-law impregnated her ex's wife, how Kendra was kidnapped, and his ex' wife who was rotting in Mexico.

The shock on my face was priceless, I guess I had relaxed a bit and was not aware that she was washing my hair. Our entire story fit a period of one year. But it felt like a story that could fit the time frame I was in the coma.

The bottom line was I could not remember anything. I kept apologizing for that. She seemed like a nice person, however, I could not remember anything about my past or her.

We finished bathing and she assisted me with picking some clothes. It was awkward, any man in my position would have nailed her but my brain was a network of confusion. I had just gotten up from a thirteen year-old coma.

The following day I was taken to the city and the following days that followed were intense and I began my therapy. Thalia did not want to waste time, she hired therapists in different areas. Speech, trauma, psychology, anything that could help me heal.

The therapists were the cool ones and I was always looking forward to their sessions. But when it came to being home, Thalia was all over me trying to force me to remember her. One day I had to shout at her because it was becoming overwhelming.

Yes, she was excited and wanted to continue where we left from but I could not remember s*it. I needed time, I needed to remember at my own pace and time.

I had begun catching up with their names and Nestor was the coolest, he rarely talked or tried to force me to remember him.

He was just there playing video games with me which I had to learn from scratch. Sometimes images would pop up when we were playing even though they never made sense. The doctors said it was my brair trying to piece my memories together.

Kendra was also cool, even though she never stopped talking. Her voice was weird because I remembered it not only from her reading me her boring romantic novels but from talking. I recalled her placing her mouth to my heart and talking over and over when I was in the coma.

I guess she was used to that so she

was all over me telling me about everything, even things I was not supposed to know. I knew that she could drive, and she had a bank account that no one knew about except me. I was her secret bank and she was always itching to tell me things. She was the one that made it easy to understand other people.

According to her, we made a pact to share each other's secrets when she was five years old. She was very manipulating but I liked her very much. I even got used to her calling me dad.

The only person I only stared at when he visited was the Josh guy, I just could not help it especially since I castrated him. Sometimes Thalia would snap me out of it but I would go into the staring phase again. Maybe I just never liked the guy naturally which Thalia confirmed.

After two weeks more tests were done and I was pronounced free of the BFAM. All the cancerous cells dead and wiped out like I never had it. I was a free man and I owed it to the old man who nearly became insane trying to solve my case and Thalia who stood her ground and never gave up on me.

Everyone was always talking about how she never gave up on me and how special she was. I was not blind, I already noticed and she was filthy rich even though according to her it was my wealth but I did not feel like I was the rich type. Hoved sleeping a lot and I developed an obsession with water, not the office.

Slowly my memories began popping up though they were mixed up. But the first memories were the ones I used to party a lot before I met Thalia or before I was diagnosed. it was a start in the right direction according to the doctors.

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