The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 2109 At Shirley's Mercy

Sheryl came back to a video call from Joan.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Xia. Something has happened," Joan said hastily, her voice cracking as she began to sob.

It took Sheryl a moment to respond. "What happened?"

'The last time Joan requested some leave, she didn't explain the reason either. Could something serious have happened?' Sheryl thought worriedly.

"My grandson..." Joan started. "He's gone..." A choked cry came from her throat.

"What? How could that be?" Sheryl asked, her eyes widening at what she'd just heard.

"My daughter-in-law had a fever. I had offered to go back home and take care of my grandson, but she refused. Soon after, he had also contracted a fever. At first, it was just like any other illness. My daughter- in-law thought that it was nothing that needed a visit to the hospital. But that night, he started burning up. His body temperature went up to 40 degrees Celsius. I had been careless. During the second day, the child was delirious with fever. He could barely form sentences. We rushed him to the hospital, but the doctor said that there was permanent brain damage..." Joan's breathing came as harsh inhales and exhales of air. Tears flowed down her face as her hands clutched her chest.

Sheryl listened grimly as the other woman told her story. "But even if his brain had been damaged, it shouldn't have killed him, right? What did the doctor say?" she asked.

Joan broke into another fit of weeping. "The doctor said that there was no longer any hope for recovery. His body might recuperate, but his mind would always be that of a child's for the rest of his life. My daughter-in-law went hysterical upon hearing that, and she..." Joan paused as if unable to continue. "She carried her son..." As if the admission had taken too big of a toll on her, Joan burst into a loud and heavy wailing.

Sheryl's heart was slamming inside her chest. Her skin felt clammy as a sudden thought chilled her. 'Did she commit suicide together with her son?'

"Joan, take deep breaths. There is no need to rush. What happened next?"

"She carried the child and jumped from the third floor. She... She was able to survive, but the child is dead..."

Sheryl was dumbfounded at the turn of events.

'Why did things turn out this way?' she lamented inwardly.

Joan had all but crumbled to a weeping figure. Sheryl saw the woman's legs staggering as she kept herself upright. She was at a loss on how to give Joan respite from her ordeal. She remained silent and waited until her cries quieted down into hushed sobs.

Finally, Joan steeled herself in front of her superior. She would embarrass herself no longer in front of Sheryl. "Ms. Xia," she said apologetically. "I'm very sorry. I can't work for you anymore. I have to go back. I..."

"I completely understand, Joan," Sheryl said before Joan tried to explain herself any further. "Don't worry. Remember to take care of yourself. You can take as long as you need. We can talk again when you feel better. I'll transfer some money to your account, as a token of my appreciation, and my sincerest condolences."

Joan's voice threatened to once again break. "Thank you, Ms. Xia. You are truly a kind person. I don't know what else to say but thank you. Thank you so much..."

The video call ended with Sheryl reminding Joan to take care. She put the phone down and quickly transferred some money to Joan's account. It wasn't a large sum, but it was better for Joan to have it in such a situation.

Joan's story hovered in her mind, and Sheryl was lost in thought until her phone rang again, pulling her back to reality.

"Yes?" she answered.

"Sher, are you at the hospital? How is Shirley now?" Damian asked over the phone.

Sheryl was in dampened spirits after having heard from Joan earlier. In a low voice, she answered, "Shirley is awake. She's alright." "Really? Is it alright if I come to the hospital to pay her a visit?" Damian could tell from her voice that something must have happened.

Was it Charles? The idea of Sheryl spending a whole day alone with that man burned his gut with jealousy.

"You don't have to," Shirley refused politely. "I'm sure you're busy with work. Shirley's grandma is taking care of her."

He had foreseen Sheryl declining his offer, and so he felt no disappointment at her response. Instead, he just concentrated on her again. "What about you? Have you eaten? You didn't really sleep last night. Are you feeling alright?" he asked concernedly.

"I'm fine," Sheryl answered simply. "Damian, I'll be going to the hospital soon. Let's talk some other time."

"Alright. Take care of yourself," he answered.

The call ended, and Sheryl took a quick shower and changed into fresh clothes. Packing some clothes for her daughter as well, she got in the car and drove to the hospital.

The sound of laughter and chattering from inside the ward greeted her in the corridor.

She recognized Shirley's voice, as well as Melissa's, and, of course, Charles'.

Her steps came to a sudden halt; she hadn't expected Charles to be here so quickly.

A weight settled on her chest the moment she thought of him.

As she was still hesitating, the door of the ward suddenly opened and revealed Charles.

"Sher?" Charles was startled. "When did you come? Why are you standing out here?"

He found Sheryl just standing a few steps away from the door.

She was flustered-the last person that she wanted to see in the world was standing right in front of her.

"I'll check on Shirley," she said and walked past him into the room, not bothering to answer his questions.

Charles' eyes dimmed as Shirley blatantly ignored him. He had expected her to be distant, but he didn't know she could be this cold.

When Shirley saw her mother come in, she lit up with joy. "Mom, you're here! Grandma and I were talking about you!"

"Aunt Melissa," Sheryl greeted her ex-mother-in-law, giving her a small smile. Then she turned towards her daughter. "Is that so? What were you saying about me?" "I was praising you!" Shirley said proudly.

"Oh, really? About what?" Sheryl played along and acted intrigued by the topic as she sat at Shirley's bed.

The trick worked exceptionally well for the little girl, and her excitement doubled. "Mom, I told grandma that you're young and beautiful and that many uncles like you..."


Sheryl was equal parts baffled and embarrassed by her daughter's words.

She couldn't believe that her own daughter's innocence would put her on the spot like this.

'What kind of logic is that? Does she think that being beautiful is all there is when a man likes a woman?' she thought.

Melissa's expression had also stiffened. Stealing a glance at her, Sheryl decided to change the topic to save both of them from embarrassment.

"Shirley, do you still have a stomach-ache?" Sheryl attempted to shift the little girl's attention to something else. If this girl was to continue with her stories, there would be a bigger risk of misunderstandings. But then again, children were oftentimes given too little credit. And Shirley was no ordinary child with an ordinary amount of mischief in her. She was a girl who would cause a huge headache even to the most patient of teachers in the kindergarten. She wasn't going to be tricked so easily.

"Mom, why are you blushing? Are you shy because I was praising you? The teachers in the kindergarten told us that people blush when they are shy."

Shirley's innocent words made Sheryl's cheeks flame up even further.

She desperately wanted to dig a hole in the ground and hide in it, if that would mean she wouldn't be at the center of her daughter's impishness. Unfortunately, there was no hole for her to hide in. Sheryl sat down and suffered in silence, at the mercy of her own dear daughter.

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