The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 2056 Destiny

"We are going to celebrate the fact that you own a new car. So it is better for you to select the destination," Sheryl answered Damian politely, but she looked a little absent-minded. Sheryl thought being indifferent to him was the best way to prevent him from getting more serious about her. Somehow, she had to stop him from coming closer.

A hint of grief flashed across Damian's face but disappeared quickly, so Sheryl didn't even notice it. She was thinking about a solution that could cause him the least harm and let him give up on the idea of courting her.

Damian had been in love with Sheryl for a long time. By now, he knew all about her likes and dislikes. Since she had asked him to pick the place of his choice, he decided he would take her somewhere she loved. After all, he would spare no effort to make her happy. Finally, he decided on the beach.

They didn't talk much on their journey. Damian made a few attempts at starting a conversation, but Sheryl didn't give any encouragement from her side. Hence, the atmosphere became awkward.

Soon they were approaching the beach. Suddenly it struck Sheryl that she hadn't been there for a long time. The beach was one of the places she and Charles used to visit when they had a date. She suddenly felt overwhelmed with grief when she realized she was going there with a different man.

"Sher, what's the matter?" Damian asked, noticing there was a sudden appearance of sorrow on her face. He couldn't help but regret taking her here.

"I'm fine. I just haven't been here for a long time. How did you know about this place? You have only been here for a short while." Sheryl looked at him with evident curiosity.

Damian flashed her a smile but didn't give an answer to Sheryl's question.

He knew that his intention to court Sheryl was obvious. She was clever enough to have known what was going on in his mind. However, he realized he had to be careful. If he put his feelings out there, she might not hesitate before rejecting him. Hence, he had to think twice before saying something.

The trip didn't go as planned. Sheryl found an excuse to leave almost as soon as they arrived.

Damian had thought they would spend the whole day together, but Sheryl was not willing to cooperate with him. So he took her back despite his reluctance.

"Sheryl, is there any chance that you and Charles will patch up?" Damian failed to suppress his eagerness to know the answer as he asked.

"Why do you ask?" Sheryl regretted asking this question. She thought this would give him a chance to confess his love, and she couldn't take that. To rectify her mistake, she quickly added, "That depends on our destiny."

"Then what do you think destiny wants from us? From you and I?" Damian looked to Sheryl with anticipation, desperate to get a positive reply from her.

Sheryl felt a bit embarrassed at hearing this question. She indeed thought there was a bond between her and Damian, but she didn't want to give him hope. So she responded to him with just a smile and avoided the topic.

They arrived at Sheryl's home soon. She let out a sigh as soon as he was out of her sight. And slowly, she made her way upstairs.

She had been busy with a lot of things these days and didn't have time to take care of her kids. So tonight, she had made up her mind to dedicate time to them.

At the Shining Company, Charles was impatiently sitting in his chair.

Ever since that awful man had appeared beside Sheryl, Charles couldn't think of anything else. The atmosphere at the Shining Company had always been tense, but today, everyone had to be extra careful with Charles.

Charles had been very hard on the employees lately. Even the smallest thing was enough to ignite his temper. David stood outside his office, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door and going in. "Any progress?" Charles raised his head and looked at David. He noticed there was a stack of papers in David's hand and knew they must be about that man.

David nodded his head and placed the information about Damian on the desk, right in front of Charles.

Charles had never been this eager to see someone's information. Hungrily, he went for the document. He read it carefully, so as to not miss a single word.

Damian, a Chinese American, had a double doctorate. His family enterprise was of a large scale, almost the size of the Shining Company. The only difference was that their company was located overseas. Damian was also an excellent painter. Before reading these details, Charles hadn't had the slightest idea that the man who was pursuing Sheryl would be such an excellent man.

Once he was done reading, Charles slapped the document that contained the details about Damian on the table. It was hard for David to read Charles's face since it was expressionless. However, in Charles' mind, he had made up that the competition between him and Damian had just begun. A combination of both fury and anger was felt by Charles.

Spotting Charles' unpleasant expression, David asked fearfully, "Mr. Lu, what should we do now?"

David had looked over the information about Damian earlier when he had gotten it. To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was another man in this world who was a match for Charles. What was worse, Damian was serious about Sheryl. He was the most formidable opponent Charles had ever met and would perhaps ever meet.

Charles didn't answer David's question. He merely gazed at the document on the table, immersed in his thoughts. When Charles put on such an expression, it made it hard for people to tell what he was thinking about.

When David understood Charles had no intention of giving him an answer, he decided to speak. In a calm tone, he suggested, "Mr. Lu, how about you tell Miss Xia the truth? I don't think it is a good idea to keep things from her. I believe that she would by no means accept that man when she comes to know the truth."

Charles looked at David and said coldly, "I'm not going to do that."

"If you can't do it, how about I tell her the truth?" David thought Charles was embarrassed to do it, therefore he volunteered.

"It looks like you have nothing important to do these days." Charles rolled his eyes at David unpleasantly.

Hearing that, David dared not to speak anymore.

"If dating another man is what Sheryl wants to do then let her do it. It is her life, and she can do as she pleases." Charles spoke suddenly, making the air more intense.

David looked at Charles and knew clearly that Charles didn't mean what he had said. However, he also understood it was not a good time for him to reason with Charles. Charles had to solve it on his own. "Mr. Lu, since you don't have any other task for me, I think I should go back." David felt it was hard to handle Charles, who was about to lose his temper. He was keen on fleeing the office. But he didn't dare to leave without Charles' permission, so he waited for a reply.

"Okay, you can leave."

After getting Charles' permission, David quickly walked out of his office.

Charles looked at the photo of Damian on the table, and an unpleasant expression once again crossed his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he looked at a man with such strong hatred.

'Sheryl, are you really going to leave me for another man?' Charles wondered, heart aching.

Suddenly, he went for his phone and thought for a while. He began to type a message for Sheryl. But after considering it several times, he decided not to send it. He simply gazed at his phone, not knowing what to do. Later, he put the phone on the table and closed his eyes to have some rest.

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