The Apple of My Eye

Chapter 2050 A Mysterious Call

At the mansion in the suburb

Vicky was polishing her nails when her phone rang.

She didn't feel like picking up the call as she was busy with her nails. However, since the calls kept coming, she answered it out of annoyance.

"Who's this? So annoying!" Murmuring to herself, Vicky stood up and walked towards where her phone was.

The minute she saw the number, she was shocked.

The number wasn't saved in her contacts, but she knew that number by heart.

The owner of the number rarely contacted her, but when he did, it was always something urgent.

Vicky hesitantly answered the call, "Hello?"

"What took you so long?" the man's voice sounded disdainful.

Vicky winced instinctively. His voice instantly sent a shiver down her spine.

She was taken back to the darkest times of her life where she had no one else to rely on but this man. Everyone else had turned their backs on her. She never wanted for that to happen again.

Even though it had been years since then, she still trembled in fear whenever she thought back to those times. She would still have nightmares every now and then whenever she thought of this man. She never wanted to go back.

"I'm sorry. I was in the shower, and I didn't hear my phone." Vicky quickly came up with an excuse. As she spoke, her voice was quivering.

"Why are you showering during the day? Did you just have sex?" the man scoffed.

Vicky hurriedly answered, "No. Charles isn't here. I was just working out, so I was sweaty."

"Whatever. Stop the bullshit. In half an hour, I want you and Charles to be at HY Mall level three. I have a surprise waiting for you." With that, he hung up the call.

Vicky remained frozen for a few seconds. After snapping out of her trance, she quickly dialed Charles' number. She was in such a hurry that she didn't even wait for her nail polish to dry. Charles was busy signing a document. When he saw that it was Vicky calling him, he immediately frowned.

'What does that woman want this time?' he wondered.

At first, he had no intention of answering the phone call. However, he remembered how persistent Vicky was. The last time he didn't answer her calls, she had called and called until he did. With this in the mind, Charles decided to answer her call.

"Hello, Charles, are you busy?" Vicky asked softly.

"I'm at work," Charles answered coldly.

Vicky could sense the indifference in Charles' tone. 'I think this is going to be hard. I have to come up with a way to get Charles to agree,' she thought to herself.

It was as if she didn't realize that this was how Charles normally treated her, just like any other day.

"Charles, I bought you a suit at the HY Mall a few days ago. They've just told me it's ready. Would you please go there with me?" Vicky asked.

Charles coolly replied, "I've got a meeting with..."

Before he had even finished his sentence, Vicky interrupted him.

"Charles, I have a headache. I don't want to stay at home anymore. I really can't stand it. Charles, please take a walk with me. Will you? I'm going to go crazy if I stay here. Maybe, I haven't fully recovered yet...Please visit me, Charles."

'Again!' Charles roared in his heart. 'I've never met a woman as bad as Vicky is!'

"Charles, if I don't see you today, I will kill myself! I'm serious. I would rather die than live. Maybe I should just walk along the streets and let a car crash into me. Anyway, I've done this before..." Vicky was being irrational once again.

Charles was getting annoyed now. 'Is she trying to guilt me into doing things again?'

All the guilt Charles had for this woman had already vanished. He only had hatred and disgust for her now.

"Okay, then," Charles suddenly agreed.

Vicky couldn't believe what she had just heard. She had thought she'd have to do some extreme begging to get Charles to agree, so she was pleasantly surprised when Charles agreed right away.

'I guess he still has feelings for me, ' Vicky thought to herself.

"Charles, you're so nice to me. I'll wait for you at home. Love you!" Vicky said sweetly.

Charles quickly hung up the call. If he had to hear this woman talk like that to him again, he was going to throw up.

He drove to the mansion in the suburban area and saw Vicky waiting for him at the main gate.

"Get in the car," Charles said coldly as he opened the car window.

Beaming at Charles, Vicky pulled the door open and climbed inside the car.

As they drove to the mall, Charles remained quiet.

Vicky was feeling kind of worried. She had no idea of what was waiting for her. Thus, she remained silent throughout the trip-which was unusual of her.

When they arrived at the HY Mall, Charles got out of the car while Vicky seemed to be in a daze.

"What are you waiting for?" Charles said.

"Oh, we're here!" Snapping back to reality, Vicky looked around. Indeed, they were at the mall already.

Vicky got out of the car and grabbed Charles' hand, leaning into his body.

Charles' body instantly became stiff. Nudging Vicky's hand away, Charles walked ahead of her to keep some distance.

"Charles, wait for me." Vicky quickly followed him.

After an hour of shopping, Sheryl couldn't help but admire Duke and how efficient he was at shopping.

In her entire life, she'd never seen a man shop like Duke did. He was quite meticulous.

Duke scoured every single shop in the mall.

Initially, Sheryl assumed that Duke was just a fashionable man. However, she changed her mind. She thought, 'It's either that he's a shopaholic or he's just really bored!' Eventually, she realized that both her guesses were wrong. Duke was just trying to have fun with her.

After a few hours of shopping, Sheryl's hands were full of shopping bags.

'I only came here to accompany Duke, so how come I ended up buying so many things for myself?' Sheryl wondered.

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