The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter The Alpha’s Temptation – Scene 337

Petra too was trying to find time to meet Eltanin on a personal basis, but Eltanin just wasn’t available. For the whole day their parents remained busy with something or the other. Petra went to Tarazed’s room where she was with her betrothed, the General of the Aquila Army.

Tarazed and her man were lying in an embrace when Petra barged in. The General got up with a start as Tarazed rolled her eyes. Her sister’s tantrums were becoming unbearable these days. There was not a single king or prince in the world of Araniea who wanted to marry her and she knew why. It was because she had eyes for Eltanin and at the same time had tasted several princes and kings on her infamous tours.

The General got up. He grabbed his tunic. Putting it on, he bowed to the princess and then walked out of the room after giving a glance to his betrothed.

“What is it?” Tarazed asked, propping her elbow up and resting her head on her palm.

Petra started to pace the room. She appeared extremely nervous. She sniffled and said, “Why aren’t father and mother talking about my marriage to King Eltanin? It is such a wonderful opportunity to come face to face with the king. They can easily talk about it!” She lifted her hands up in the air exasperatedly. “But here they are—not even interested in the future of their younger daughter!”

Tarazed shook her head. “You are sounding ridiculous Petra. The main reason why the Draka King has called other kings is because of his wife. Of course we are talking of alliances, but don’t forget the main reason. It would be rude to speak with him about your marriage.”

“You are the most complacent woman in this world. Aren’t you?” Petra accused Tarazed, narrowing her eyes. “You will not take my side because if I were to marry the Draka King, I would become more powerful than you!”

Tarazed raised her eyebrow. “More powerful than me?” she remarked and then a laugh slipped her mouth. “Being his second wife would give you more power than me? That wolf is clearly in love with his wife. He wouldn’t even see you if— and there’s a very big IF, he marries you!”

Petra clenched her teeth. She pumped her fist on the side and snapped, “I knew it! You are jealous of me. If you and our parents can’t help me, I will take this up in my hands.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Petra!” Tarazed said, getting up. “Don’t do anything that would endanger our relationship with the Draka King.”

Petra glared at her and then stormed out of the room. Tarazed shook her head, hoping that she didn’t embarrass her or her parents.

Petra was now clear that Tarazed or her parents weren’t going to talk to the king about her marriage, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She knew that she had to tread carefully because even Eri was there to deal with. From a little gossip amongst the maids, she had heard that Eri’s father had offered his daughter’s hand to the Draka King and that information made her furious.

She went to her room and began pacing it, trying to think of a way to meet Eltanin and tell him about her feelings. He had always ignored her in the past, but in the presence of her parents and the impending alliance, she could take advantage of the situation. The problem was that he wasn’t available. When she had gone to his bedchamber, she saw the littered undergarments on their bed. It was very awkward, but she came back to her room and didn’t go to the orchards.

She had heard all the gossip as to how Eri embarrassed herself in front of everyone and how Queen Lusitania made fun of her. Suddenly, an idea struck her. “Lusitania!” When the idea came to her mind, she couldn’t help chuckling. She gathered herself, walked to the mirror to see her reflection and then asked her maid to send a message to Princess Eri that she wanted to meet him.

The maid came soon after with a reply. “Princess Eri said that she would be free in half an hour.”

Petra chuckled. The bitch didn’t have any work, but she wanted to show her importance and also hurry up and listen to what Petra had to say. So, Petra waited for fifteen minutes longer and then went to Eri’s room. Her estimate was right. Eri was pacing her room, impatiently.

“What took you so long?” Eri asked, a little peevish at her late arrival.

“I was caught up…” Petra replied as she sat down on the couch. She patted beside her and said, “What I am going to say is very important to both of us.”

Eri sat beside her. “And what is it?” she asked eagerly.

“Let us join hands,” Petra responded immediately.

“Join hands? What do you mean?” Eri exclaimed.

Petra took a deep breath in. “We both know that we want to marry King Eltanin, but there are problems. How about we go and talk it out to Lusitania instead of relying on our parents?”

Eri’s eyebrows shot to the roof. “Are you insane? Do you think Lusitania will just allow us to marry her husband? I saw how bitter she was in the orchards.”

“Eri…” Petra placed a hand on hers. “This is our only chance. Let us both talk to that fae girl. She may be bitter, but I feel that she is slightly thick in the head. She is not as sharp as us.”

Eri licked her lips as she contemplated.

“I was with her during that ball a few months back, and I played with her easily,” Petra replied, flicking her long hair back. She still hadn’t changed from what she was wearing for Eltanin.

After a few moments of contemplating the pros and cons, Eri said, “Okay… but how do we meet her?”

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