The Alpha's Temptation

Chapter The Alpha’s Temptation – Scene 196

The jailer looked at the sparkling precious gems in the black velvet bag and scoffed. He tilted his head and started rotating the river stone paper weight on his table. “In my long career as the jailer of the dungeons of the Draka Kingdom, I have come across such instances a number of times.” He glanced at the gems again. And there were a lot. It meant that the man in front of him wanted to bribe him for an important political prisoner. The Draka dungeons held many political prisoners but only very few were attracted to such hefty bribes.

“I know, Gordon,” said Mizvah. “But I am sure that you haven’t come across these many gems for one prisoner. You can practically live your life in pure luxury. Not only you, these precious gems are going to keep three generation of your family healthy and wealthy!” He leaned forward. When Gordon didn’t speak for a long time, Mizvah’s irritation spiked. “Oh, come on, Gordon! Take these. No one will even know what has happened. I am going to bring someone else instead of the prisoner and your dungeon would be full!”

Gordon didn’t like it at all. Had he done this kind of a deed in the past, his king would have killed him already. But King Eltanin had faith in his jailer. Gordon wasn’t a man who got swayed by the riches and that was the reason why he was still the jailer of the Draka dungeons despite his senior years. “Who is the prisoner?” he asked, as he leaned back.

Mizvah’s lips curled up. The old man was taking the bait. “I would rather not give the name. But I promise that the moment the prisoner is out, I will take her away from Draka. You would never see her face again and we will get lost somewhere in Araniea.”

“So it’s a woman you want?” Gordon remarked. “Lover?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

“Yes!” Mizvah replied in excitement. “I can’t wait to be with her.”

“You are taking a great risk by trying to release her. I hope you know that,” Gordon said as he sucked in a sharp breath of air.

“I am!” Mizvah had risked his life when he had gone to get the gems from her bedchamber. Now there was no looking back. to me after two days,” Gordan said.

Mizvah became silent as he tried to understand what Gordon was saying. There was a danger lurking for him. If he came back after two days, then would Gordon catch him and throw him in the dungeon. Was this a bait? Narrowing his eyes, he said, “Why two days?”

“Because I can’t decide in a few minutes. It is a lot of money and I know that it is for a very important prisoner.”

Did Mizvah had an option? Still, he pushed. “Take the money now, Gordon, and let’s just end this business.”

“No,” Gordon replied very coldly. “You will have to wait.” He had all the cards in his hands. Why would he underplay? Looking at Mizvah’s urgency, he knew that Mizvah would wait.

“Okay!” Mizvah agreed with a rough exhale. “But after two days, the offer ends!”

Gordon gave him a tight nod. “I give you my word.”

Mizvah collected the black bag and left, anger evident on his face. He would have to somehow stay in Draka in the shadows because now he suspected that Gordon was going to send his spies to trail him everywhere. That was a normal way of doing things. Mizvah knew how to dodge the spies.

Gordon watched Mizvah leaving his room with cold eyes. He knew what had to be done. He was going to go to the king and let him know of the traitor in the kingdom. Until then he would have his eyes on Mizvah. Gordon asked Mizvah to come back after two days because that was when the king would come back from Pegasii. Determined that he would get Mizvah caught, Gordon rose from his chair to go to the palace. He had to go to General Fafnir to place his request to meet the king.

For the next two days, Mizvah stayed in the basement of a dungy ramshackle building, knowing fully well that there were spies hovering around him. He couldn’t make the mistake of visiting Morava or else they would know who he wanted to be free. At the same time, keeping those precious gems too became a constant worry. He didn’t trust the spies or Gordon. What if he would ask the spies to loot his possession and leave him high and dry? All he wished at the end of it was the two days to get over. Sleep eluded him at all times.

He was hungry, but he didn’t have the courage to sell even one gem. And the reason was that it would attract the attention of more people. Right now, it was important that he stayed low and let the spies do what they were supposed to do. So, Mizvah did menial labor in order to earn money and use it to pay the rent and eat food. While working in a corral of horses for a local merchant he learned from others that the king had returned, but he had come back with the princess of Pegasii, Lusitania. The gossip ran hotter than the fire’s belly. It was that the king and the princess were now lovers. They were inseparable and that the princess had actually run from Pegasii with their king, which meant that she was revolting against her father.

Mizvah shook his head. That’s how the people were. They loved to gossip to quench their dirty minds in order to live through the day. Well, he wasn’t bothered. Tomorrow, he would free his Morava and then take her away from here forever. However, he just had one doubt in his mind. What if Gordon renegades on his promise? The jailer was a cunning man, but Mizvah had seen the flicker of greed in his eyes.

When he reached the palace in the morning of the third day, with hopes high, he almost bounced like a deer to the dungeons. He clutched his velvet bag beneath his tunic as he rushed to meet Gordon. Just thinking that Morava would be free and be with him made him feel all the more enthusiastic. He had brought a cotton dress for her that commoners wore which was now lying in the leather satchel he had strapped across his shoulders. He had even retained the horse that he had stolen from Pegasii in order to make an escape from Draka, the moment he freed her.

Gordon was sitting in his room when Mizvah entered. Everything was quiet. Gordon went rigid in his chair as he watched Mizvah approaching him.

Mizvah exhaled sharply and gave him a tight-lipped smile. “Gordon!” He rubbed his hand as Gordon gestured to him to sit on the chair opposite to him. This was encouraging. Mizvah’s heart thundered in his ribcage. Without a minute’s delay, he took his velvet bag out and said, “What have you decided, Gordon?”

Gordon poked his tongue in his cheek and gave him a measuring gaze. Then he took a deep sigh and said, “Once the prisoner is out, I don’t want to see her again in Draka.”

Adrenaline surged through Mizvah. He stifled a squeal of excitement. His face flushed. “I intend to take her away from here as far as possible!” he confirmed.

“Where do you plan to go?” Gordon asked, tilting his head and staring at the gems.

Mizvah raised his eyebrows and gave him a smile. “That is a secret, but I assure you that you won’t see her in Draka Kingdom.” Saying that he slid the velvet bag across the table.

Gordon picked it up, peered at the gems inside and then tied its string. “Though I am not the one to caution you, if you take her to the borders of Aquila, I think you would be safe.” He weighed the bag in his palm as a smile appeared on his lips.

“Why?” Mizvah asked. Though he was taking Morava to Aquila, he was curious to know why Gordon was suggesting it to him.

Gordon said, “I have heard that there is some disturbance on the outskirts of Aquila Kingdom near the Pegasii border. General Balfour of Pegasii is there personally to solve the situation. You can take advantage of the situation and get inside.”

“Oh, thanks!” Mizvah’s lips lifted in a smile. Gordon was even giving him good advice. This was all the power of wealth that he just handed to the jailer. He got up.

“But be aware that our soldiers noticed Nyxers in that area. Be careful!” Gordon cautioned.

Mizvah jerked his head back. Even he had noticed the four gray wolves but they were near Pegasii. They had travelled this far already? He had to keep Morava well-hidden until they reached Aquila. “Thank you again for your help, Gordon,” Mizvah said. “I will never forget it!”

Gordon nodded once and then stared at the bag. “The master key to the dungeons is right over there. Once you have freed her, give the key back. My man will go with you.”

“Sure!” Mizvah said and hurried to the board where the keys were hanging on nails. He found the master key that had the insignia of Draka. It was a dragon shaped key. He removed it from the nail and rushed to the dungeons to free his love. Excitement bubbled to spark thinking that Morava would be with him forever. Gordon had been… interesting. Mizvah wasn’t surprised when Gordon chose the bag of gems over the prisoner. Like a deer he ran all the way to the dungeon that had Morava with a guard following. The guard had his hand over the hilt of his sword.

“Morava!” he called her.

She was lying down on hay stock, muttering curses. She popped her head up. “Mizvah!”

Mizvah hurriedly opened the door.

“How did you–” Morava sounded astonished. She got up and swayed a little, feeling weak.

Mizvah caught her wrists and yanked her to him. “Shh…” he said. “I will explain everything later. Just come with me.”

Morava bit her bottom l*p as she stared at him. Her gaze went to the guard who was standing out of the prison with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“He won’t do anything,” Mizvah assured him. “Come.” He held Morava’s hand and pulled her out of the prison. The guard behind them locked the door behind them and left.

Mizvah made her wear the dress he got for her. Despite the fact that she was stinking of piss and shit, he picked her up in his arms because she was too weak and walked out of the dungeons.

“Where are we going?” she whispered.


“No, take me to Pegasii. I have a plan to kill Lusitania.”

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