The Alpha's Rejected Heir

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine

Alessandro POV


"Mama" he called out

"Mama it's me Alessandro please wake up” he pleaded

"Mia Regina (my queen) please wake up" he continued to cried


I shake my mother's small body urging her to wake up. She looked nothing like the strong beautiful woman I know, instead she looks defeat and weak something my mother isn't.

"Come on momma wake up” I begged as I feel my eyes burn from the unshed tears that refuse to fall.

I tried projecting my feelings through our bond but it wouldn't work since I no longer had access to my emotions. The downside of knowing how to switch off ones emotions is that it doesn’t come back as easy as it goes.

"Mom please I need to know that your really here please open your eyes, I need you" I whispered as my chest aches

A few minutes later I feel her hand move then she started stirring. I sat on the edge of the bed shaking her gently as I urged her to wake up. I unmasked my scent as she started moving about so it would be the first thing she notices when she wakes up. She continued stirring until her eyes opened, however, instead of the bright beautiful hazel orbs my mother had I see lifeless brown unfocused eyes fluttering around the room.

"Mom?" I say but she doesn't seem to hear or recognize my voice.

I touch her hands as she sits up in the bed making her halt her movements and her eyes finally land on me.

"Momma" I say quietly as her eyes look at me with uncertainty

"It's me mom it's Al I'm back!" I say trying to clear the confusion from her eyes

"I'm so sorry I left you mom I thought- I thought you were dead and I felt so hopeless. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you I'm so sorry I didn't find you earlier” I say as I feel my eyes fill with water but still refusing to spill any

"A-ale aless Alessandro?" She asks in a cracked voice

Looking over at her bedside table I see a glass filled with water. picking it up I put the glass to her lips as she slowly drinks the cool liquid. When the glass is empty I put it back as my mom stares at me as if trying to figure out if I'm an illusion or not.

"Your not hallucinating mom I really am here” I say knowing exactly what is going through her mind "Are you really here?" She whispered touching my face carefully as if I'd disappear if he applied too much force

"I'm here mom" I say holding her hands to my cheek

"My baby boy!!!" She suddenly yells as she throws herself into my arms while wrapping hers around my neck.

I held unto her as she shook from the tears she cried into my shoulder. My own tears build up in my eyes as my body shakes as well but yet again my body refuses to set them free.

"Mi bambino h-how are you here? Everyone thought you were dead not even the council could find you" she asked

"I'll explain everything later right now I just need to know that your ok" I replied as I pulled her closer to me.

"I'm so sorry Al I'm so sorry" she cried

"What are you talking about I'm the one who should be apologising” i say

"No sweetie I'm the one at fault here. If i had been stronger none of this wouldn't have happened, if wo

"Shh its not your fault none of this is your fault its Kevin's and that is why I'm gonna enjoy ripping his heart out" i say with a grow!

"What do you mean do you know where he is?" She asks

"He's currently unconscious and duct taped in ke'shaun’s office” i tell her

"What!!?" She suddenly yells then winces while holding her throat.

"Calm down mom and stop yelling your throat is most likely sore” i softly reprimand

"There are a lot of things you need to know so I'm taking you to ke'shauns office so i can explain to everyone at the same time are you up for that" i ask

"Yes I'm fine just don't leave me" she says

"I'm not letting you out of my sight" i assure her

Picking mom up from her bed i held her gently in my arms and close to my chest. I could feel the turmoil within me and my wolf simmer a bit from knowing our mother is alive. I walk through the door and down the hallway then entered the elevator that took us to the top floor where everyone was waiting. Getting off the elevator i walked straight into the office without knocking. As soon as i entered the room with my mom in hand all eyes turned to us. There were a lot more people in here than when i left. There is aunt gen, jermaine, the third in command who's name i forgot, three warriors, izzy and Mrs black

"ALESSANDRO! Izzy yelled. I quickly but carefully paced my mom on a chair as she crashed into me. "Hey!" I say hugging her tighter

"Alesssandro Rafael Parker if you ever and i mean ever disappear on me again i swear to the moon goddess i will whoop your ass so bad you'll think twice about leaving your room before consulting me" she says and starts hitting me suddenly

"I'm sorry izzy it wont happen again” i say

Next up was aunt gen "Al? Oh my gosh alessandro is that really you?" I hear her voice say. Turning around i saw my aunt Genevieve sitting next to uncle micheal with a baby in her arms.

She gave the baby to uncle micheal before standing up and running over to me with tears falling from her face as she cried out loudly. I think its fair to say it has been an extremely emotional day. "Oh alesssandro i thought I'd never see you again i missed you so much" she cried

"I missed you too aunt gen and I'm sorry for making you worry" i apologize

"Wait h-how are you even here? No one knew where you were or how to find you it was like you completely vanished" she asks

"I will explain everything in minute" i say

She nods before letting go of me and walking back over to my uncle. I turn to the side to see jermaine looking at me as if he was looking at a ghost. I could tell he wanted to come over but was hesitant for some reason.

"Well is that any way to greet your nephew who has been missing for months?” I say teasingly bringing him out of his trance like state

"Oh my gosh its really you" he says suddenly as he quickly closes the gap between us and pulls me into a bone crushing hug

"Hey jermaine" i chuckled hugging him back

After a few minutes of embrace we pulled apart and his eyes landed on my mom. However instead of going to her side or at least saying something to her like i thought he would he quickly averted his eyes when she looked at him while squirming in her seat.

"I can go if you want me to" he whispers lowly for only mom to hear but i heard him clearly

"Its ok you don't have to" she replied in the same voice

Jermain then walked over to the far corner of the room opposite to us and sat on a chair near the window. He was still in range where he could hear me and everyone else in the room talk and vice versa but he was as far away as possible from my mom.

"Ok now that everyone is here its time to get down to business" ke'shaun says bringing my attention to him.

Deciding to find out what was going on with my mom and jermaine later i turned back to the situation at hand and the infuriating alpha before me.

"First of all alessandro could you ask your companions to release my father and why is it that no one but them can go near him" he questions

At the mention of kevin my mom and jermaine growled simultaneously it was so in sync so threatening it sent chills down my spine.

Resting a hand on my mother's shoulder in efforts to calm her i say "First of all alpha they are my friends, well more like family not “companions’ and the reason you or anyone else cant go near him is because Sage here put up a barrier around him and themselves” then point towards my three friends who were sitting on a small couch

"Oh she's a witch" uncle micheal says nonchalantly

"Yep" i confirm

Ke'shaun, his gamma and the warriors all growled in sages direction as soon as the word left my mouth. I growled at them threateningly while dropping my canines and extending my claws

"Try it i dare you" i say with an evil smirk on my lips as my eyes flashed to black

Everyone immediately stepped back in retreat as i turned and pulled the chair my mom sat in next to the couch my friends are in as i took a seat next to them.

"Ok first of all I'd like to introduce everyone in the room" i say mostly to my friends than anyone else

"These three are sage brandon and Aj. Yes the other two are wolves, also sage is Brandon's mate” i inform

"Wow your a witch huh so cool I've never met another supernatural species before" izzy says with a girly squeal

"Hi im Isabella black but you can call me izzy I'm also alessandro's aunt, its nice to meet you sage i think we'll make great friends. She says

"Hi Izzy I'm Sage harper" sage replies

Izzy then moved on to introduce herself to brandon and then when she went over to Aj the most shocking thing happened. They both froze in their spots staring at each other before they both growled out mate at the same time. Everyone looked at them in shocked while sage brandon and i quietly laughed at the love sick puppy look Aj had on his face. Catching us in the act he narrowed his eyes at us while shooting glares our way before turning back to the izzy. After a moment of watching them ogle each other i cleared my throat to bring back everyone's attention to me.

"Ok as i was saying. Now Sage Aj brandon this is my mom Rosalyn, my aunt and uncle micheal and Genevieve also the beta couple of this pack, you all met izzy my other aunt\bestfriend, you guys already know the alpha and that's my grandmother beside him and by the window over there is-" "Your dad?" Sage cuts me off

"Actually no he's my uncle" i say

" huh!? So if he's your uncle then that lady is his mom so where's your dad?" She asks

"I'm his father" ke'shaun pipes in

"Wait whaaaattttt?" My three friends say in unision

"Its a long story I'll explain later" i tell them

After they nod in agreement i continued with what i had to say.

"Ok now that everyone knows everyone lets get down to business" i say

"So six months ago my mom was captured and tortured by this man and his associates" i say pointing at Kevin

"When we found them we killed everyone well except for evans and a few others who were ripped apart by my mom. Anyway in an attempt to ruin our lives further kevin here tried to kill me but my mom ended up taking the bullet instead by using herself as my shield, because the bullet lodged so close to her heart and she past out I thought she died so i left everything I've ever known behind went in search for kevin determined to avenge my mother, that's when i met Sage brandon and Aj and even though i was a cold emotionless monster they still befriended me and helped me achieve what i set out to do six months ago and after all this time here i am once again” i say

"So why did you come back why not just kill him when you found him?" The gamma asked

"Well i may be a monster but I'm not completely heartless. The only reason i came here today was so that all of you who wished to say goodbye could" i tell him

Ke'shaun scoffed at my answer before saying "you really think that i would let you kill my father? I know what he did was unforgivable and i will never forgive him for it but he needs to go to Alcatraz not be executed by you"

I bark out a lout laugh before replying with "its cute you think you have a choice in the matter alpha and here i thought you were a wise man obviously i was wrong"

His warriors growled threateningly at me before his gamma said "Who the hell do you think you are talking to an alpha like that on his own territory. Ever since you got here all those months ago you act as if you own the place because alpha black is your father and you keep threatening and hurting people because they talk the truth about your gold digging whore of a mothe-"

He never got the chance to finish his sentence as i elongated my my claws and stuck my hand in his chest ripping out his heart, his body falling to the ground immediately after. Everyone in the room gasped in shock as i stood their with what's his heart in my hand.

"Anybody else wanna say something about my mother, go a head the stage is yours" i say to everyone in the room while giving a mock bow

A loud growls echo through the room as the three warriors lunged at me i side step them watching as the stumble over there own feet before using my wolf speed to get in front them, as i was about to make my move keshaun shouted


I pause in my movements then turned to look at him his gamma's heart still in my hands. I could tell he was pissed that i killed yet another pack member of his maybe to the point where he wanted to kill me even but he knew deep down he was no match for me.

Sighing i drop the heart then say " look alpha i apologize for killing yet another one of your pack members however I warned you if no one insulted my mother or harmed her in any way I would kill them and if memory serves right which it does she was constantly insulted by your Luna as well as other members of your pack and to top it off your father kidnapped and tortured her for days it is not my fault that you took my threat to lightly so now it's time to pay the price" i tell him

"What the hell that makes absolutely no sense, the harming part I can understand but insulting your mother? that makes no sense; what are you going to do walk around killing everyone that insults Rosalyn” he asks

"Actually yes that's exactly what I plan to do and you were at the top of my list however I didn't kill you because one; my mom wouldn't approve, two izzy, Jermaine and your mother would be sad" i say in a matter of fact tone

"Your crazy!" One of the warriors yelled

"Meh I've been called worst" i retort

"He's not crazy he's just an uncontrollable monster created by the council” ke'shaun says

This time it was my friends my mom aunt gen and uncle Michael's time to growl at him

Smiling i replied "i see they told you about me huh?"

"Did they also tell how i killed 3/4 of their whole group before my mom came in and saved them all” i asked just to tick him off further

"Get out!!!" He growled in his alpha voice shaking the entire house

"Oh don't worry about that I'll be leaving today and taking my mother with me" i reply before scooping my mom into my arms and walking towards the door while my friends followed behind Aj throwing kevin over his shoulders

Turning in the doorway i say "kevin will be chained in a corner of my room you can let me know when you guys are ready to say goodbye, i suggest you make it quick as my offer expires at sunset and i mean the begining of sunset not the end" before continuing my way out the office

"Holy shit alessandro dude you never told us you were that powerful i mean we knew you were badass but to have one of the most feared alpha's on the US afraid of you that's insane” brandon whisper yelled the admiration in his voice evident, i was just happy none of them were afraid of me or resented me for what i had become.

Laughing at him i say "all that i am i owe to this beautiful woman right here" as i looked at my mother who fell asleep some time ago i could feel the exhaustion rolling off her in waves.

I hated seeing my mother like this it was heart wrenching but it doesn't matter now i will nurse her back to health, back to the strong beautiful woman she is.

That is a promise.

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