The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0549

Chapter 0549


"Neah," I sigh, knowing she wasn't going to like my answer.

"He can help. He knows where to find information. He might have already leamed something. It's what he is good at."

"I know but I haven't heard from him for over a week."

"Well donel' Aero snaps in annoyance

Neah's lips part as she gazes at me. There is a brief flicker of hurt in her eyes and in that moment, I felt as though my soul was being crushed. Of all the things she had learned lately. this was the thing that had hurt her. She wasn't even upset when she found out I was a twin or that I had kept the information from her.

I didn't like that I had hurt her. I didn't like the way she was looking at me. It hurt deeply, right down to the core. My chest is tight and there is a strange tug at my heart that I couldn't explain. It's not a nice feeling and something I never wanted to feel again.

She glances over her shoulder at Eric's home. Her blue eyes return to me. She shakes her head and strides past me without muttering a word.

"Do you want me to go after her?" Damien asks.

"No, I know exactly where she is going." She doesn't even look back as she continues to stomp across the grounds in the direction of Athena's home. "I'm just going to give her a few minutes."

"I told you that you should have told her."

"I was just trying to protect her. She is supposed to be taking it easy." I mutter, watching Neah disappear around the comer and out of sight.

"After all this time, you still can't see that she isn't like other women. She likes to know what's going on. She has her own way of dealing with things that neither of us will understand."

"I know!" I snap in irritation. "Just keep an eye on Silas will you?"

"Is Mallory home?" He asks

"Yes, asleep."

"Then I will be taking Silas to my place."

I glance at him. "You two really need to sort it out."

"I'm not the one with the problem." He tuts as he moves to the house and pokes his head in through the door, calling for Silas. I watch as Damien leads Silas in the direction of his home.

Neah is sitting on the bench outside of Athena and Sebastian's house. A hand circles her bump as her eyes flicker between blue and black.

Sitting down next to her, I let her have her conversation with Nyx until she sighs. "You should have told me."

"I should have." I agree

"But you didn't because I'm supposed to be resting." A small crease forms on her brow.

I nod, taking her hand in mine. "It's a shit excuse, I know."

"You don't have to treat me like I'm going to drop dead at any second. I'm not going to run off, or try to do something stupid. Klaus is family." She turns her face in my direction. "No more secrets."

"No more secrets. "I confirm.

"Is he in danger?" She asks with a frown

"No, I don't believe so. I think the freedom of being able to do what he wants has given him a chance to be himself. A chance to figure things out, but he can't do that if he is always helping us."


"He said he would contact us if he is in trouble." I confirm. "And he did tell us that he will come back when he is ready."

"So we just figure it out ourselves?" She frowns and her hand pauses on her bump as a small crease appears.

"Maybe with the help of one or two people."

"Silas?" She asks

"And maybe Samara. She seems to be quite good at finding things."

She nods her head at me and grabs her stomach.


She frowns. "No, ow!"

The colour begins to fade from her skin. She suddenly doubles over, vomiting in Athena's garden. Sitting back up, she wipes her lips. "Home." I mutter, lifting her off the bench.

"It's okay." she mumbles. "I just feel..."

"You are going home, to bed and I will cuff you to it if I need to."

She doesn't fight it this time. Letting me carry her back to Eric's place. Mallory's eyes are

wide as I push my way in through the door. "Is she okay?"

Neah half waves a hand at her, but doesn't speak as I head directly for the stairs.

"Call me if you need anything." Mallory shouts behind us.

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