The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0143

Chapter 0143

“Damien is a good guy. He has a dark side like all of us Lycans. It's funny, it’s like we could only become a Lycan if we had a bad past.” She half smiles. "Fucked up, right?"

“You really believe that?” “I saw the girl’s arms. Whats her name. Jess? Kids don't cut themselves like that unless there is some seriously bad shit going on.” “And you?”

“I watched my father stab my mother over and over in a frenzied attack. After I attacked your friend, all I could see was my father in me. I had become exactly like him. And that is exactly what Cassandra wanted, what she hoped for.”

She ruffles up her blonde hair. “Cassandra never chose normal, happy people. She always chose someone with issues. Peaple who would perform the cruellest acts.”

I feel my stomach drop. What was Damien’s past? Why had she chosen him?

“And Damien?” I was almost afraid to ask

“It's something he never talks about.”


“Never. I’m sorry, that’s not the answer you were looking for.”

I stand up to leave and glance back over my shoulder at her. “You should tell Dane and Neah what you told me.” She snorts. “You think that will make Neah think differently of me?”

“She has a dark past too. The only difference is, she is a pure blood. The last living one. She has a hard time trusting people after her history was built on lies.”

‘Well that was not what I was expecting!’ Midnight tells me as we make our way to the pack house.

Neah and Dane were no longer outside arguing and were most likely making up when she should be resting, but Jenson is sat out front. Maybe he could give me some advice.

“What were you doing at Mallory’s?” He asks as I drop down in a seat next to him ‘I’m mated to a Lycan too.”

I didn't have to look at him to know he was staring at me.

“Mallory? I didn’t think you were into girls?"

“No, not Mallory. Some guy called Damien. His scent was on her. You met him, right?” He nods


‘I don’t know phat you want me to Say, Sis. He'sttall, maybe a little taller than Dane.He has tattoos. Abit => abrupt, 6 but he seems to like thats Mallory. Are you sure you are raated to hit? I could have sworn those we" were together.” Content belongs

to oO FindNovel.Org 4

“Yes. “Then I feel sorry for you. To know of him and you might never get a chance to meet him.” “Thanks for the vote of confidence!” I snap. “How's Jess?

He glares back at me.

“Don't claim you don't care for her. The moment you heard she was missing, you went after her.”

“She's okay, shut herself in her bedroom. Do you think the Moon Goddess is playing a prank on us?”

“On you, maybe.” I laugh “It's weird right? All three of us being mated to Lycans?” He continues, ignoring my comment.


he funny thiag is, I said the same thing to Neal If Jess and Damien were never turned, we would nevers have beén mated to them. Does s that meanwe would have been destined to bemateless for the rest ofour

li ves? Were we always supposed ite) b@mated to Lycans?” Cagitent belongs to FindNovel.Org

Jenson shrugs his shoulders at me. “You know me, I would have been happy without a mate.” I roll my eyes at my brother. “How you are still alive is beyond me!

He rises to his feet, patting me on the back. “Love you too, sis!

Jenson strolls off, leaving me sitting alone. Sometimes I was jealous of my twig’s carefree attitude. Rarely did things phase him. Even when he was-kicked out, he ended upctaking it in-his stride. Content belongs to FindNovel.Org “

I sit watching the pack for some time. They move around, completely oblivious to me. I was pretty certain that if Dane wasn't my brother, they probably wouldn't even know of my existence.

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