The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0054

Chapter 0054

Dane ‘It wasn’t a test.” I murmur. “What....what was it?” She continues to frown at me.

“He is the best tutor I could find for you. And the only one whe I know that will not lay a hand on you. I need to know that you will be able to have sessions with him without me present. As much as I enjoy watching you figure things out. I have a pack to run. And I still need to figure out where Trey and Cassandra disappeared too.

Her frown retreats. “Not everyone is out to hurt you Neah. le....he asked me why I was bound.” ‘I know. I heard.” “Is that okay ....I mean, what I told him? Should I... I have told him more?”

“You didn’t lie.” I smile at her. “But I do think it is time for me to have a pack meeting and tell everyone. If you shift. Neah, and I am not around.....” I trail off as I look into her blue eyes. She feared peaple knowing what she is. She feared their response.

“lL won't shift.”

“Unfortunately, you can’t guarantee that. Devon said there are a lot of similarities. You most likely won't be able to control the first time. It will happen when you least expect it. And honestly, I thought you would have shifted when you saw Veronica.”

“Oh.” Her blue eyes start to glisten with tears

She hadn't asked me much about shifting. And from her reaction, I could tell that she hoped to be able to control it so that it would never happen. “Come, you must be hungry.” I murmur before her panic has a chance to truly take over.

She nods her head and takes my hand, silently walking with me into the house.

“Go on through to the kitchen, I just need to check on something.” I could smell Veronica in my office and didn’t want Neah to be anywhere near her.

‘What the fuck does she want now? We made ourselves clear.’ Aero mutters. He just wanted to be with Neah and so did I. I was very aware that she could come into heat at any moment.

Reluctantly, Neah lets go of my hand and heads in the direction of the kitchen.

“What do you want?” I mutter, pushing open the office door.

‘Hey Dane;she beams at me from. my office-chair. “I was just = = wondefing if we could go out fora meal? You know, catch Up, like we used to.” Content belongs: to FindNovel.Org

Is she out of her mind?’ Aero snaps


“Come on, just as friends.” Veronica pleads. "I won't even try anything."

Does she even know how to just be friends?’ Aero snorts and I have to fight the laughter

“No. Get out of my chair.

She spins around in a circle before. standing=‘I'm not trying anything Dane. It’s just, I don’t have friends here-And I could do with at least one and you know me really well.”

“Then you should have tried harder. I have a pack to run, Veronica, I can't be swanning off to dinners with you, just to ‘catch up!” “We went out to dinner loads when we were together.”

“The pack was much smaller then. As you have probably seen, it has grown ten times the size since.”

The light catches her grey eyes as she grins have seen. I always J knew yeu would be a great Alpha. You just need the right Luna by your side Are you sure she is thevight one?” She twirls with her blonde hair.

“You shouldn't judge people you don’t know.”

Veronica rolls her eyes at me. “I saw her Dane. She is weak, and full of fear, not fearless like me. A Luna who is fearful is a useless Luna.” “Like I said, you don’t know her. Now unless you have something of importance to tell me, you can go.”

She frowns and heads to the door. "She won't make you happy, Dane.”

I watch her to make sure she leaves the house.

She’s never going to give up,’ Aero mutters. ‘We would be better off killing her.’

‘And when that time comes, I won't hesitate, but right now, she is not an issue.’

I find Raven in the kitchen with Neah, both of them sharing a tub of ice cream.

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