The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0030

Chapter 0030


Neah had fallen asleep by the time we got back. I had watched her shoulders judder as she silently cried, while keeping her back facing me. I had chosen to keep silent. not knowing what to say or do to make her feel better. Even Aero was at a loss.

Picking her up, I carry her inside. She doesn‘ stir, she doesn’t make a sound as I observe her blotchy red face. Do you think she is crying over him?’ Aero asks.

I don't know. She said she had felt nothing. A delayed reaction maybe, you know, because of the binding?’ We could tell her she is our mate, we can claim her now. She is free of that areshole.”

No, I think that is the last thing she will want to hear.’

Putting her on the bed, I take her boots off and she instinctively pulls her knees to her chest, letting out a little snuffly sound as she always deos when sleeping

I watch her for a little while until I get a link from Eric. ‘We need to talk!’

He sounded urgent. Maybe the hunting party had found something.

Office.” I link him.

You are going to want to meet me outside for this. We will be arriving in about ten minutes.’ What the hell is that about?’ Aero asks when Eric cuts the link.

I guess we will find out!’ I snap back at him.

With one final check of Neah, I make my way down the stairs and through to the front of the house. Within a few minutes, a line of vehicles started to arrive, all creating a blockade in front of the house as though Eric didn't want the rest of the pack to see.

He jumps out of the vehicle that comes to a stop right in front of me. “Did you find them?” I ask and he shakes his head “Not exactly.” Eric looks around. “Where is Neah?”


He nods his head and pulls open the back door of FIs large car and drags a naked matrout by his feet, tossin him to thé-snow covered ground. Kis wrists and legs were tied together, a thick Metal chain had been looped around his neck and he was‘only half conscious. Blood and-mud covered him, making it iripossible to tell his age. Content belongs to FindNovel.Org

“You brought me a naked man?” I muse, "He's not really my cup of tea.” Eric shakes his head and grabs the end of the chain. He kicks the man on the ground. "Show him!

Some of the others that had been with Eric, come forward, all carrying chains. Was the naked man a powerful Wolf? Someone that I didn’t know, because that would be impossible!

The man jus lies there, staring up at the star filledSky, dazed. After a few seconds, we hear his bones crack . and wat¢h is legs and arms SS lengthen, snapping the ropes that hold-timn. Tufts of fur sprouted from hima, but he didn’t turn into awolf, he tarned into a beast, like the creature that had tried attacking my men.

Eric calls someone forward and they quickly throw chains around the beast's legs

“Where did you find it?” I demand, studying the beast with my crimson eyes. It looked exactly like the one that had attacked us. “During the hunt for Trey and Cassandra. This one was high in a tree.”

The beast was still sprawled out in the snow, slightly dazed.

In a tree?’ Aero murmurs.

I had to agree with his surprise, you wouldn't find Wolves in a tree.

“Have you not noticed the other thing?” Eric asks

I look at the beast and realise it had no scent. Nothing at all, not even a whiff of body odour.

“How is that possible?

Eric gives the Qeast a kick. “This one either fell outaf he tree, or the branch caurd no longer carry his weight. Bither way, he landed rightin front of us. But if he hadn't, we” woulé never have known he was there, Dane. When shifted, they can lit@rally hide in plain sight=“Content belongs to FindNovel.Org

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