The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0009

Chapter 0009


His lips are rough and yet soft, but I pull away. He looks annoyed, frustrated, maybe even angry as he studies me. I couldn't be sure. His hands that had been clenched around my upper arms, drop as he takes a step back from me.

I had rejected an Alpha and he was an Alpha who most likely had never been rejected before. What had I done?

His crimson eyes hover on my face until I lower my gaze. I felt mortified that it had even happened, it was definitely not how I expected my first kiss to go.

“You can go!” He snaps, turning away and moving to his desk.

“Go? Go where?” I whisper. Fully expecting him to throw me out of his pack.

“Out of the office!”

I pause at the door, wondering if I should apologise. Glancing back, he was focussed on the paperwork. He flicks his hand at me, shooing me away.

Stepping out into the hallway, I feel my cheeks burn.

“Are you okay?” A deep curious voice asks

Looking up, I see one of the men that had come to my brother’s house with Alpha Dane. The more I looked at him, the more I saw how much he looked like Raven. The same dark hair and dark eyes.

“We haven’t really had a chance to speak. I’m Jenson.” He smiles

“Alpha Danes brother?” I whisper as he strides down the hallway towards me.

He smiles. “And I believe you have met my twin too.”

“Raven?” She had just said brother, she had never mentioned that Jenson was her twin, not that it was important.

He leans against the wall next to me. “That’s the one. Is everything alright? You seem a bit….. flustered.”

“Just tired.” I lie, I didn’t know who or if I could trust anyone around here. And I definitely didn’t want to spill my guts to Alpha Dane’s younger brother. “And just trying to remember the way back to my room.”

"I can show you." His dark eyes drift down past my face to my chest before flashing back up. I had seen that look so many times, but not here, only at home.

"You will do no such thing!" Alpha Dane snaps as he rips the office door open. "Shouldn't you be training right about now?"

I see how Jenson frowns and holds his hands up. "Just trying to be friendly." Jenson mumbles, but he has a smirk on his face before he turns and walks away.

Alpha Danes crimson eyes settle on me, "I love my brother, but I would prefer it if you were never alone with him." His tone had changed from how it had been in his office.

I find myself staring at him, after all, he was the one who sent me away. Or was this some kind of test? My brother and Beta Kyle would like to test me now and again. I should be used to it, but I was always caught off guard.

"Neah, if you have something to say, say it." Alpha Dane presses

Hold your tongue, don't say anything, it's a trick. I shake my head, keeping my eyes low.

"You're tired?" He asks, not pushing for more information.

I nod my head, it was the easiest answer.

"This way."

He walks in front of me again, leading me through the maze of hallways and up a flight of stairs before stopping in front of a familiar door.

"I shouldn't have kissed you. You were clearly taken by surprise. Although I have control, Aero has a tendency to break through now and again." He

tells me as he moves into the bedroom.

Who the hell is Aero?

"You were lucky I stopped him before he did anything more. While I am a little more patient. He is not."

"Aero?" I mutter.

"My wolf."

Now he really made no sense. How could his wolf be someone completely different?

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