The Alpha’s Contract

Chapter 0001

Chapter 0001


“Where the fuck is she?” I hear the Beta scream. I already knew Beta Kyle was talking about me, the only servant of the house. I groan and get to my feet, grabbing the cleaning basket and taking it with me.

The moment Beta Kyle sees me, he strides towards me and his hand slices against my cheek. I don't make a sound. Years of experience has taught me to keep my mouth shut at all times and only speak when spoken too, even if what they are doing to me hurts.

“Alpha Trey and I are expecting company and you still have not cleaned the office like you were asked.” Beta Kyle spits at me

I nod my head and my hand tightens on the cleaning basket. If I could just find the courage to swing it at his head. it would make my day. I resisted he was stronger than me and I didn't need locking up for another week with no food. My stomach already hurt enough.

“We are trying to make a good impression on Alpha Dane. Do you not understand how important it is for us to join ourselves with his pack?!

I don’t answer, I know it's a trick, to try and get me to say something so that he can give himself a reason to punish me. I keep my eyes low so that I didn't have to look at his face.

Alpha Dane, I had only ever heard rumours about him. Words exchanged between the other pack members when I was in the room. From what I gathered, he was a ruthless man, a Wolf feared by others. He didn’t mess around and he had the largest pack.

“He is the Alpha of Black Shadow, the biggest pack in the world. we need him!” Beta Kyle continues. Yet he doesn’t tell me why. We had never been attacked and we had never attacked anyone, so why did we need another pack to help us?

He places his hands on my shoulders, digging his nails into my thinning skin and turns me around, kicking me in the ass as he shoves me towards the office. “Useless fucking Wolf.” He mutters as he moves away.

Quietly closing the door, I lean back against it, observing the already clean office. There was nothing out of place, it looked perfectly fine for a meeting with this so-called powerful Alpha

Closing my eyes. I slide down to the floor. I hated this house. I thought that when I turned eighteen, I could finally escape, but four years later, here I still am, a slave in my own home. Doing all the dirty tasks for my brother, Alpha Trey and the pack. While my ex mate, Beta Kyle waltzes around reminding me of how worthless I am.

Someone clears their throat and I freeze, I thought I was alone. Leaning forward, I see a handsome man sitting in a chair, just around the corner. A foot propped up on his knee as he nurses a glass of alcohol. His short hair is dark and his eyes are a deep crimson colour, that don’t quite look right.

They suddenly shift to me and I throw myself back against the door as my heart pounded “Is this the way you greet all Alpha’s?” His deep voice rumbles through the room, there was an edge of amusement to his tone.

‘I'm sorry.” I whisper, getting to my feet. “I... thought I was alone.” I had no idea who he was but I could feel the power radiating off of him, even without my Wolf. He doesn't introduce himself either, why should he?

“Come forward.” He orders and I already feel a lump forming in my throat. Alpha Trey was going te kill me

I step around the corner, doing as I’m told, allowing him to see me properly. I close my eyes, expecting the worst.

“You smell funny. Yet you are a Wolf, correct?"

I nod, though I couldn't tell how he was going to react. Most laughed when they found out about me.

“I would prefer it if you spoke to me.” He growls, “I'm not in the mood to play games.”

“Yes.” I whisper. I couldn’t help but think of all the punishments I was going to have to endure. A whipping maybe? Starvation for another week? “Why do you smell strange? And how is it possible for you to not know I was in the room? You should have scented me.”

“l.....” [hated the question

“Spit it out, I haven't got all day!" He takes a swig from his drink.

I knew why I couldn't scent him. I knew why I hadn’t been aware of his presence, but telling people why was not something I ever wanted or liked to do. They never let me tell my side of the story. All they do is laugh and mock me.

“You should open your eyes when you are talking to someone. It’s rude to not look at them. Has your Alpha not taught you anything?” His deep voice sends a shiver through me.

Slowly. I open my eyes and lower them, there was no way I was making eye contact. "My Wolf abilities were bound,” I mutter. Twice, I wanted to add. Twice my abilities were bound. But he probably wasn't interested in that part.

He leans forward, carefully placing his glass on the small table next to the chair. I could feel him staring at me. “Why would someone do that?”

If this is the Alpha that my brother is supposed to be meeting with, I knew I could screw everything up for him by saying too much. "It was a punishment.” I whisper. It wasn’t far from the entire truth but it was the simplest answer I could give.

There's a twitch in his cheek. Was he angry to hear of such a punishment? Or maybe, just like the others, he was amused by it. I couldn't tell.

The door swings open and my brother screeches at me "Neah, what the fuck are you doing in my office?” He turns to the crimson eyed man. “I am so sorry that my sister is bothering you, Alpha Dane.”

Crap, it was him. My brother spins around, his hand stretching out to hit me. I close my eyes, bracing myself, ready to feel the burn. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Alpha Dane’s voice rumbles through the room.

Peeking through slits, I see Alpha Dane has risen to his feet, his hand coiled around my brother's wrist.

He was taller than my brother, more muscly too. “Nleah,” My name rolls off of his tongue ‘was kindly showingme to your office, Alpha < Trey, as-you failed to meet me atthe frontef your house like I requested. I was lucky someone was present, at least someone understands the importance of this deal.” Content belongs to FindNovel.Org

What? I had no idea what he was talking about. And he had no reason to lie for me.

My brother glares at me, clenching his jaw tight. I was going to pay for this later. I would have to try and steal some food “Go and get Beta Kyle.” Alpha Trey seethes. “Tell him that our guest is here.”

I nod my head and hurry from the room, the last thing I wanted was to be caught between bickering men.

“Beta Kyle,” I whisper as I enter the dining hall. He instantly glares at me with his dark eyes. I had spoken without being spoken to. “Alpha Trey is in the office with Alpha Dane. I was sent to inform you.”

He slams the newspaper down on the table and glares at me as he walks by. “You're lucky that the Alpha sent you to get me, otherwise you wouldn't be seeing sunlight for a few days.”

Pausing behind me, he yanks my head back, locking his fingers in my hair, leaning in close to me, I feel his hot breath on my skin. He doesn’t speak. it was just his way of proving that he could do what he wants when he wants.

I try to keep myself busy so I can stay as far away from the office as possible. My peace doesn’t last long when I hear my brother calling out to me. Quietly, I pad towards the office and plaster a smile on my face as I open the door. “Neah, go get the champagne and some glasses, we are celebrating.”

I bow my head and hurry to the drinks cabinet. Quickly finding what my brother has asked for. As I re-enter the office, I can feel Alpha Dane watching my every move, even the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. No one ever watches me this closely.

Approaching the small table by Alpha Danes chair, I start to fill the glasses. He takes the champagne bottle from me, telling me he is more than capable of filling his own glass.

I feel my cheeks flame, not from embarrassment, but because I knew that I would-be punished for this. Ix should have been quicker. I should” have filed the glasses before ¢> enteritig the office. I should have... Mycrain freezes when I see my brother glaring at me. Caftent

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“Neah is your sister, correct?” Alpha Dane questions my brother. “She is.” Alpha Trey mutters with disgust. He looks away from me to focus on the man asking questions.

“Why do you treat her like shit?” Straight to the point, my brother wouldn't like that. He only liked sharing information on his terms.

No one had spoken to my brother about his treatment of me because everyone.took great joy in beating » me. I did't know what todo.I =< couldnt move but I knew I had get out oftthere. If this deal goes-to pot because of me, then that would be rity fault too. Content belangs to FindNovel.Org

“Neah was responsible for our parents’ death.” Alpha Trey spits I closed my eyes, battling back the tears that were threatening to break free. “Responsible how?” Alpha Dane’s voice rumbles through me. He was definitely angry.

“She served them Wolfsbane.

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