The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter The proposal part 2

POV Rasheed:

A low growl rolls out as soon as I see her. This woman literally takes my breath away each time I see her. I love how she doesn’t wear heavy makeup. No man likes a clown face woman. Her outfit is perfect, she knows how to complement her figure while being respectful towards her mate by not showing so much skin. I love that!

“Wow! You look stunning.”

“Thank you, not so bad yourself handsome.” She playfully says.

I smirk and have on all black; black jeans, black t shirt and all black Jordan XI, I knew bringing these Jordan's would be a good thing.

I am starting to get nervous the longer she stares at me with her lust filled eyes.

“What are you doing here? I was going to change and then mind link you, but I got a huge order that needs to be completed by tomorrow. I won’t be able to go out tonight, I’m sorry.” She looks at me with sad eyes.

“I have a confession, there is no order. I had your Beta and Gamma set this all up. I wanted some time alone with you.”

“Oh, thank the goddess, as much as I love baking, I am honestly baked out.” She chuckles.

I just love to hear her laugh. Alright, it’s time to get down to business. Trigger mind linked me and said everything is complete and they are waiting on our arrival. My hands are sweating, and I have butterflies in my stomach.

“So, what do you have planned?” she asks with a twinkle in her eyes.

Oh man, here it comes I walk up to her and grab her hands. I look deep into her eyes and it’s as if she is pulling me in. My worries and fears fade away instantly, I know that this woman loves me. I mind link Trigger to have someone bring Onyx to the bakery.

“Gianna, I have never felt this way about any she wolf, even before our mate bond. I knew you were special. You completely take my breath away, not with just your beauty but your brains, strength and so much more. I have no doubt that you will be a perfect Queen and a great Alpha to our packs. The Goddess truly blessed me. I love you wholeheartedly, that painful, earth-shattering true love. The kind that leaves you lost yet feels like a homecoming, one that makes you sleepless yet exhilarated, and the one that keeps you speechless yet profound with emotions. The love that burns so intensely it feels like an explosion of fireworks in the heart. The love that brings you closer to the magnificence of life, gives you a sense of purpose and makes you feel more like yourself each passing minute. give up, make you smile when it’s hard to find happiness, and be your safe place when you need comfort. You’re my person and I’m crazy in love with you. And I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you marry me?”

I reach into my pocket and present her with a 4 carat round cut sapphire ring with emeralds imbedded in the black gold band. Her eyes glisten with tears and she nods her head yes. I place the ring on her finger and stand to pull her into my embrace. Our lips met and I swear fireworks go off. This woman is going to be my wife.

POV Gianna:

HOLY SHIT! He just asked me to marry him. I felt like I was going to pass out. Our sweet embrace didn’t last long, tears are streaming down my face. The door opens and in walks Trigger carrying my beautiful boy Onyx, he is dressed in a cute little all black suit and he also has on baby Jordan XI. I turn to look at Rasheed kind of puzzled.

“I am not only asking you to accept me as you husband, but I need to ask the most important person in your life if he will accept me.” Rasheed says.

Trigger places Onyx in my arms and Rasheed’s eyes light up.

“Onyx Lucas Federico, you may not understand what I am saying, but I love you and your mommy very much.

I see how lovingly your mommy looks at you and how precious you are to her. I want to be able to give you that love and guidance as a father. I want to ask if it’s okay if I marry your mommy and adopt you as my son?” Rasheed asks him, then looks at me.

More tears fall from my eyes, and I say yes. Rasheed pulls another box out of his other pocket and places a black gold sapphire and emerald encrusted necklace around his neck. It is gorgeous, it matches my ring perfectly. I am so impressed with Rasheed.

“The night is not over yet my Queen, we have some people waiting for us in the pack house.” He says.

He grabs my hand, and we proceed to the pack house. We are escorted into the dining room and the room is filled with all the people we love. I notice all the food and it’s all of my favorites.

The room erupts in cheers. Storm, Sierra, my mom, and his mom all rush to me and grab my hand. Rasheed takes Onyx from me and smiles down at me, before walking off to talk with “the men”.

“Girllllll, he did good. It’s the perfect size for you hand too. He incorporated his pack and our pack colors. He did damn good!” Storm says.

“Hush with that language child. Oh, Sweetheart its gorgeous just like you. I only wish the girls would have told you to dress a little fancier” Mom coos.

“We would have but she would have been suspicious of us Luna Belle, plus Gianna isn’t into dresses and all that. Rasheed wanted her in whatever she was comfortable in.” Sierra says.

“Welcome to the family darling, I couldn’t have picked a better mate for my dear boy.” Former Queen Luna Kay says.

“Thank you everyone, I was so shocked, at first, I was mad about the order, then I seen him, and my worries just disappeared. I knew that whatever came my way I would have him with me to overcome it.”

“Well, he planned all of this for you, down to the food. He knows all of your favorite foods already!” Sierra chuckles.

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