The Alpha Hates Me

Chapter 2. Why did I say that?

Analyn POV

"Ambrose!" I croaked out and removed my hands from his chest. My fingers were tingling, and I felt a surge of excitement inside me. Or was it fear? I couldn't tell.

He was standing tall, glaring at me. His eyes shifted from green to Amber for a minute. Well, that was weird!

I've never been this close to a werewolf before, but I've heard of their eyes changing colors when they shifted. Was he about to change into a wolf and devour me?

"S..sorry, I was just..lea..leaving,” I stuttered.

"Not so fast. Who are you, and why are you inside the boy's locker room?" he asked and looked at my hand. His eyes narrowed as he realized what I was holding in my hands. "And why are you holding my gym shorts in your hands?

"Err...oh this? I was wondering if I can borrow this for a few hours?" I slipped out.

What? Why did I say that?

He backed up a bit and looked me up and down. I wish he hadn't because I saw what he was wearing for the first time.


He was wearing nothing.

Water dripped down his gorgeous chest and abs. He must've just gotten out of the shower. My jaw dropped, and my eyes turned wide as I stared at his glorious manhood. He was the size of a... "What do you mean you want to borrow my shorts? Have you lost your goddamn mind, human?" Ambrose barked. He didn't attempt to cover himself up even though I was staring at him shamelessly. In fact, he did not look bothered by it at the slightest. Well, he looked more pissed off than embarrassed.

His lips suddenly curled into a smirk. "Like what you see down there?"

I almost choked and forced myself to look away from his junk. Then I said the worst thing you could ever say about a guy's thing. "It's cute.”

No. No, no, no. I am so dead. WHY DID I SAY IT WAS CUTE?

"CUTE!" Ambrose roared.

"I..." I stopped midway and looked behind him. The exit seemed so close yet so far. Why wasn't Tessa and Shirley coming to my rescue?

"Are you going to say something, or have you gone mute?" he barked. I could tell my comment about his schlong being cute hurt his man ego, and he was waiting for me to apologize and address it properly.

Fudge it. I'm making a run for it.

"Oh my god, what the hell is that?" I gasped and pointed at the air behind him,

"What?" he spun around at full speed. I used his distraction as a golden opportunity and dashed for the exit, never looking back.

I ran to the hallway but didn't see my friends. Some friends they were. Bunch of assholes! I thought as I kept running down the halls, trying to get to the main exit as fast as possible. Thankfully, I didn't hear another pair of feet behind me which means Ambrose wasn't following me. He would surely catch me if he was because there was no way I could outrun a dang werewolf!

I finally reached the parking lot and knelt. Hugging my knees, I tried to catch my breath. I was panting and sweating bullets. I am not letting my so-called friends talk me into things like this ever again.

"Analyn! There you are. You are alive!"

I looked up as I heard Tessa squeal.

"Yes, I'm alive. No thanks to you!" I accused. I bet my face was as red as a lobster.

"Aw honey, I'm sure he wouldn't have killed you," Shirley walked up to us and spoke.

"Oh? Are you sure? Are you a hundred percent positive that one of the scariest werewolves in our school wouldn't tear me to pieces?" I hissed.

"Well...not a hundred percent, but he wouldn't kill an innocent human like you," Tessa offered. "I think..."

"Great. Well, it doesn't matter because I escaped and now, I'm going home and watching bad rom coms until I fall asleep. I've had way too much excitement than I asked for. Never again," I declared and started to walk to my car.

Tessa and Shirley followed me. "Well, don't worry about it too much. Graduation is in two days, and after that, you will never see him again.”

That's right. After graduation, my father told me to work for him at the office. Nothing major. He just wanted me to do some paperwork and run errands for him until I figured out what to do with my life. But I was looking forward to locking myself in the house and burying myself in work so I could get away from all these supernatural beings.

I went straight to my bedroom.

I changed into my pajamas and got settled in my bed. It was too early to go to sleep, but I needed to take a breather after all the excitement.

"Analyn! Are you sleeping?"

I heard my father calling me from the other side of my bedroom door.

I groaned softly, so he couldn't hear me, then got myself out of bed so I could open the door. "Hey, dad,” I said and let out a long, exaggerated yawn, so he thinks I nearly went to sleep. "There's something important I need to speak to you about," he said.

"Can it wait until morning? I was about to..."

"No, Analyn. It can't wait. I will be waiting for you in my office," he said and walked away before I had the chance to protest.

What happened now? Are werewolves starting a riot and putting humanity at stake again? But that doesn't seem like something I needed to get involved in.

I sighed and headed to his office. This better be important if he is going to drag me out of bed for this!

"Sit down.” Dad motioned me to sit on the chair in front of him, so I obliged

"Analyn. Ever since your mother died, I have raised you all by myself, so you know how much I love you, right?" he began.

Erm... wouldn't call hiring three different nannies "raising by himself." I thought to myself but didn't dare say it out loud. "Yes dad. I love you too," I said.

"Good. You might want to hold on to that emotion because you're not going to like what I'm about to tell you,” he said and coughed nervously.

Uh father is hardly ever nervous about anything. This must be serious. "What's wrong?" I asked, turning serious.

"Tomorrow, we are going to visit Alpha Marquise from the Lightbridge Shadows Pack," he said. "Why?"

"So we can talk about the wedding.”

"What wedding? Are we going to a wedding?" I asked. I was suddenly excited. Were we going to attend a werewolf wedding? I always wanted to see how their ceremony went down

My father cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Ana. I don't know how to say it, so I'm just going to tell you. Alpha Marquise and I decided to sign a peace treaty to try and end the war between humans and werewolves."

"Oh my god, that's great..." I started to say but stopped as he held his hand up.

"And to do that, he suggested a marital union between a human and a werewolf. He..well, we both believe that it would solidify the pact and make our friendship stronger.”

"Yeah, but what does that have to do with me?" I was confused.

"The only way we can do that is to arrange a marriage between the two species. So I had promised him your hand in marriage,” dad declared.


It took me a few seconds to register what he was saying. Marriage between me and who? I was too young!

"A..are you saying I have to marry Alpha Marquis? Isn't he old? Dad! I can't!" I cried.

Dad shook his head. "No, silly girl. You aren't marrying him. He is getting old, so his son will be the next Alpha soon. You will be the wife of his son.”

The Alpha's son? I wondered what he was like. What if he was a brute like Ambrose?

"So, what's his son's name?" I asked as I couldn't contain my curiosity.

"Ambrose Vikander," my father dropped the nuclear bomb and waited for my reaction.

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