The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 98

They would come back soon right?

The rain was lashing it down, thunder breaking through the clouds. I was sat inside the training ground soaked and freezing. I had to wrestle with the door before it would open.

The weather had caused a power cut so that meant there was no heating. It was dark and gloomy and I couldn't help but wonder if they were safe.

They're wolfs of course they're safe.

Cursing out loud I groaned when I noticed I had no signal. I could go home but I didn't want to drive in the rain, it was too dangerous.

Besides I wanted to see him, I needed to make sure he knew we were okay. I could handle everything he threw at me. He wanted to be the boss, fine. He wanted to make sure I knew my place, also fine. But he had to give me my place as his Luna. By his side.

I wasn't giving up this time and neither was he. Walking around the place I jumped when a howl broke through the air.

It was still something I wasn't used to hearing, I don't think it ever will be. Heck I still struggle to believe that werewolf's are real. Somewhere in the back of my mind I still believed this is all fantasy.

I still couldn't wrap my head around that this was my life now. How everything changed the minute I moved here. How someone was put on this earth specifically for me.

An Alpha werewolf.

Shaking my head a giggle fell from my lips. It sounded ridiculous when I thought about it. Holding my jacket tighter I walked further inside.

My nose wrinkled when I reached the main gym area. Male sweat and ballsack. Another howl broke through the air only this time it was followed by a growl.

It sounded closer, like it was right outside. They were back.

Rushing towards the double doors I pulled one side open. 3 large wolfs stood staring right at me. Canine's showing, foaming at the mouth.

Oh god.

They didn't seem friendly, didn't seem like they knew who I was. The one in the middle let rip a growl before stomping its paw on the ground.

Out of no where I saw a flash of black before the wolf in question was pinned to the ground by the scruff of the neck. A whimper escaped its mouth as the black beast tore into it.

I couldn't look away. Frozen with fear I watched the other two wolfs lower there heads.

And then realisation kicked in.

The black wolf was Jake.

A thunderous growl tore from his mouth and before I knew what was happening I was surrounded by werewolf's.

His pack had joined him.

I couldn't catch my breath. I had never seen so many before. Grabbing a hold of the door to steady myself I locked eyes with one that was circling the wolf on the ground.

I jumped as Jake sauntered towards me. His height frightening as he loomed over me. Feeling the wetness of his tongue against my cheek I bit my bottom lip.

Our last encounter like this wasn't very friendly and right now I wasn't sure if it was Jake or his wolf that was present.I didn't know what to do. I was scared to move incase one little movement set him off. "He won't hurt you Leah". Alanna popped out of nowhere wearing only a T-shirt.

"I-I know". I shakily moved my hand forward feeling the warmth of his breath as he bent his head. Feeling the softness of his fur between my fingers a whine fell from his mouth causing me to pull my hand back.

"He wants to know why you're here". She asked.

"Because this isn't intimidating at all". I glanced around, every set of eyes were focused on me. "Can you ask him to change back so we can talk?". I chewed my bottom lip.

"He wants you to go home. Said he'll meet you there".

"Of course he did". Rolling my eyes I watched as he ran off into the forest, every wolf following his lead.

"Can you give me a lift?". She asked.

"Yeah". I glanced at the wolf on the ground.

"She'll be fine. She got what she deserved. Come on before the rain gets any heavier".

"She?". I frowned as we started walking towards my car.


"Of course". I sighed. We hadn't had any run-ins in a few weeks. In fact I had hardly seen her. "She's never going to stop is she?".

"Not until you put her in her place".

I thought I already did.

"Can you drop me off at my moms". She pulled at the hem of her T-shirt.

"Where's your pants?". I asked turning into our street.

"When we shift its best to do it naked. You do it with clothes on and well they get ruined. They're in the forest somewhere".

"Gotcha". I drove to the end of the street pulling up outside her parents house.

"I'll meet you at Jake's. I won't be long".

"Want to wait?".

"Come inside I'm sure my mom would love to see you".

"Yeah I'm sure seeing as I ignored all her calls and text". My stomach tightened. I felt bad. Charlotte had been nothing but nice to me throughout my time here.

"My mom really likes you Leah. She doesn't judge and she doesn't hate. So come inside so I can get some damn pants". She laughed.

"You sure she doesn't hate me?". I followed her up the drive my stomach in knots.

"As if". Matching her stride I followed her inside. It was quiet, the only noise being the soft music coming from the kitchen.

Charlotte was sat at the kitchen island a glass of wine in front of her.

"Girls". She beamed. "Alanna where is your pants?".

"A little issue nothing major". She smirked. "I'll be back in a minute". As she left the room my nerves started to kick in.

"She lose her pants in the forest?". Charlotte sighed.

"Yeah". I felt awkward. "I'm sorry for not responding to your messages". I blurted out.

"No need to apologise sweetheart. Sit". She motioned to the seat across from her. "Would you like some tea?".

I took a seat as she went about making my tea. The nerves faded and I loosened up a little.

"How are you doing?". She asked.

"I'm okay". And I was. We were handling things and sorting out what we needed to. He was always going to be hot headed. His temper was always going to be there but I was willing to stay. I wanted to stay.

I wanted us to work.

"You know he didn't want to leave right?". She placed the hot mug in front of me. "We made him sweetheart".

I felt the lump appear in the back of my throat. They made him leave?

"He was dangerous Leah. His head was all over the place and we couldn't risk him being around you like that".

It kinda made sense.

"If he had hurt you he would have never forgave himself".

"I get that". I whispered. "But what happens because we missed the full moon?”.

"Ah eager to mate?". She grinned causing the heat to spread across my cheeks. "The next full moon won't be long in coming around".

"I didn't feel anything. No pain, no heat, no nothing. Is that normal?".

"When an Alpha meets his mate they are meant to mark and claim as quickly as possible. It's tradition for the mark to be made during the mating. You won't feel anything until a few days before". She wasn't getting what I was saying. "But I felt nothing. He left a few days before and I experienced nothing".

"Then the moon goddess gave you a free pass". She smiled. "You experienced something when you accepted the bond yes?".

"Yeah". I didn't want to remember that pain. "But how can I have accepted the bond if we're still not mated?". I didn't get any of this and even when they tried explaining it I still came up with nothing. If I didn't feel anything then does that mean our connection was broken?

"You don't feel the connection?". She frowned. "The sparks when you see him. The little bit of excitement in the pit of your stomach?".

I felt myself smile. I felt it all. The sparks, the tingles, the way my body hummed whenever things got heated.

"Stop putting so much pressure on

yourself. It'll all happen when it's

meant to happen. And when it does you'll understand everything". I felt better but I always did after speaking with Charlotte. "Just let it happen". She reached over placing her hand on mine. "Don't think about anything just feel".

She was right. I was stuck in my head way to much. It was time I stopped thinking and just went with the flow.

"Thanks Charlotte".

"You're welcome sweetheart".

Finishing off my tea I heard her before I saw her. She bounced into the kitchen grinning. "He's kicking her out". She turned her phone towards me but pulled it back before I could finish reading all the message. "What's going on Alanna?". Charlotte asked. "Who's kicking who out of where?”.

I had a pretty good idea what was going on.

"Jake is kicking Jessica out of the pack".

"Why what happened?". Her mom asked.

"She almost attacked Leah in wolf form".

"She did what?". Her eyes blazed, the tone of her voice changing. "When was this and is your dad aware?".

"Mom, Jake's handling it".

"In case you've forgot Jake isn't

Alpha just yet. So in order for this to

be dealt with it has to go through

your dad I'm throwing an emergency pack meeting so I suggest you put the word out want everyone here for 6pm and no later. I'm going to call your dad and get

that brother of yours over here".

I was still sat with my mouth hanging open. He wanted to kick her out? This was big, huge even. How did one kick another out of a pack?

Jessica didn't like me it was as clear as day but was kicking her out the right thing to do? Did she deserve to lose her place within the pack?

"No Leah don't you dare". Alanna snapped me out of my thoughts. "I can see the clocks turning. She brought this on herself and she deserves everything she gets". "Does she really deserve this though?".

"That's up to my dad but considering she almost attacked the packs future Luna I'd say her chances are slim".

"Almost Alanna. She didn't actually attack me".

"Yes because Jake took her down".

She frowned. "You always try and see the good in people but enough is enough, She could have killed you in a instant. Don't try and stop this because you're too nice of a person to actually see that this needs to happen".


She was right but it still didn't sit well with me. Where would she go? What would she do? If they kicked her out was she allowed to stay in town?

"I'm going to round up the pack. Stay here because you need to witness this".

"I do?". I didn't want to be apart of it. I didn't want to give the rest of the pack another excuse to hate me. I needed to get them to trust me, to like me. Jessica was family to them and I, well I was just a human

who happened to be their Alphas mate.

"When are you going to realise that you are one of us?".

I didn't feel like one of them. Not all of them disliked me but there was still a good few that did. But this wasn't my decision and it was out of my hands.

"Half of your pack don't like me. If she gets kicked out because of what happened then they'll hate me even more".

"Is that what you really think?". She frowned. "That they hate you?".

I shrugged. They hadn't exactly made me feel welcome. Only a certain few. Jack and Lacey, his parents and of course Alanna.

"They're distant because they have to be. They can't fully approach or talk to you because it's disrespectful".

"What?". My heart hammered in my chest. What did that mean? Did they really like me? "But you talk to me, Jack talks to me". I didn't get it.

"Jack is Beta and you are my soon to be sister in law. Once you are fully mated you'll see the difference. You have no idea how many of the young girls are dying to meet you, the elders that want to teach you" "What". I felt the lump in my throat. All this time I thought they hated me, wouldn't accept me but they were respecting me all along.

"I really have to go but please stay".

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