The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 93

Days turned into weeks....

1 month today since I last saw him....

1 month since that horrible night. He broke my heart all over again.

We didn't mate, our bond wasn't complete. He left town and no one's heard from him since. I wasn't convinced, I knew they knew his whereabouts.

He was Alpha, he wasn't just going to abandon his pack and not tell his Beta where he was going.

"You ready for this?". My gran started the car pulling out the drive.

"Eh yes". I grinned looking down at my hand. Today was the day I got my cast removed. "I've been ready for weeks". I couldn't wait to get a good scratch at my arm.

"We won't be doing that again anytime soon will we?". She asked.

"Absolutely not". Although if I had half the chance I would do more than punch him.

"Heard anything yet?". She asked.


"And how do you feel about that?".

I shrugged. "I'm fine". She didn't need to know that I cried myself to sleep most nights. I felt empty inside. It was like part of me was missing.

"Our walls aren't that thick sweetheart". She signalled into the hospital car park. "But if you say you're fine I won't argue".

"How could he just leave and not tell me?".

"It'll all work out I promise. Now let's go get your hand taken care of".

"What if he doesn't come back?". That was always the thought in the back of my mind.

"If he doesn't come back before you graduate then you go to Yale and you get on with your life".

"It's not as easy as that. He's here". I tapped the side of my head. "Everyday I think about him, everyday I cry, I don't know how much longer I can take this. He left me". I cried. "The guy I'm supposed to be with left me".

I knew it was only a matter of time before I completely broke down. But I didn't think it would be in the hospital car park in front of my gran.

"It wasn't suppose to be like this". I blinked away my tears. I was embarrassed at the way I was acting. I shouldn't be crying, I was sick of crying. He did this to me.

"Aw sweetheart". She whispered taking a hold of my hand in hers. "It'll all work out I promise. He'll come home, he will.

"I feel so lost". I always thought I could handle being away from him but I couldn't. Our relationship wasn't the best but it wasn't all bad. "How could he leave when he knew the effect it would have on me". "Reach out to him. Tell him everything you've just told me. He'll be suffering too".

"No". I wiped at my eyes. No matter how much I wanted to I couldn't. I was too stubborn for my own good.

"Why don't you ask the girls to come round tonight. I'll stay with George. You need your friends around you honey".

The girls had been great. Always checking up on me, always messaging and calling. I still hadn't faced his parents yet. I felt so guilty, I felt like I was to blame.

"Yeah I might actually". I hadn't had a girls night in ages and right now I needed it more than ever.

"Let's go get your hand seen to and then I'll take you for some lunch".


"So how does it feel?". My gran asked.

We were in the car on our way to the coffee shop. It wasn't late but we didn't want to go all the way out of town for a Starbucks.

"Weird". I was trying and failing to closed my hand into a fist. "Still feels a little tender".

"Remember what the doctor said. It'll take a few weeks until it feels normal again. Don't over do it". She scalded as she caught me trying to clench my hand. "It's my dominant hand gran. I need to get back to using it".

"And you will in due time. I don't want you ending up with another cast back on it". She parked the car outside the coffee shop.

"That won't happen". I unclipped my seatbelt and waited for the traffic to pass before I opened my door. As we entered the coffee shop I smiled at Reign. "Leah, Miss Wilson. Sit anywhere and I'll be with you in a second".

We headed for a window seat at the back of the shop. Away from prying eyes but just enough so I could see who was coming and going.

I was nosey shoot me.

"How come I haven't met her yet?". She asked as we took our seats.

"It's complicated". I scanned over the menu already knowing what I was getting.

"Rocco's sister right?".

Looking at her from over the menu she winked at me. "I know enough to keep myself in the loop. I'm guessing them being asked to stay didn't sit well with Jake?". Not something I really wanted to talk about. Him I mean. It either really upset me or really annoyed me and right now I didn't have the energy to be either.

"Yeah". I sighed. "I want a double cheeseburger with extra pickles and dirty-....". I stopped myself. "What are you eating?".

"You know it is okay to think about him right?". She leaned over placing her hand on top of mine. "It's normal sweetheart. He is after all your mate". "Yeah I know". I placed my menu back in the holder just as Reign reached the table.

"Ready to order?". She smiled.

"Can I have the chicken tenders-....".

"Two double cheeseburgers with extra pickle and dirty fries to share". My gran interrupted cutting me off. "You want soda or coffee?".

"Coke please".

"Two cokes as well sweetheart".

"Coming right up".

"You don't eat cheeseburgers". I frowned.

"I do just not very often. I'm going to nip to the ladies room I'll not be long".

Taking out my phone I sent a message to Alanna to see if she fancied coming over for girls night. She replied instantly.

'Yes girl! I'll drop by for 7.Ax'

Seeing as I already had my phone out I opened up Facebook typing his name on the search bar. I hadn't checked it, was to scared to incase I saw something I didn't like. Clicking on his name I scrolled through, the first thing I noticed was that picture of him and those girls were gone. Y'know the one I found on the night we had the fight.

It had been deleted.

He hadn't posted anything in weeks.

Curiosity got the better of me and I clicked on his photos. As I was scrolling my heart tightened as I noticed he had a picture of me in there.

It was the night he took me to the beach shack for the very first time. I was sat with a big goofy grin on my face holding a burger.

Reading the caption a lump appeared in the back of my throat.


Oh god here we go again with the tears.

"Did you manage to get a hold of the girls?". My gran asked as she took her seat.

Masking my tears with a smile I locked my phone placing it to the side. "Yeah Alanna is coming over for 7".

"Some girl time will do you the world of good".

Reign brought over our drinks letting us know our food wouldn't be long.

"Have you decided what you're going to do after you finish school?".

The Yale question again.

A month ago I was so set on going. I accepted my offer out of rage and now, now I wasn't so sure. I kept changing my mind.

"No idea". I took a sip of my coke. "I accepted my offer but now I'm not so sure I want to go".

"Because of Jake?". She asked as Reign placed our food on the table.

"Can I get you anything else?". She smiled.

"No thanks honey".

"Yes because of Jake". I sighed. "But if he doesn't come back-...".

"He'll be back trust me on that one".

"How can you be so sure?". I took the top off my burger and started eating my pickles. "It's been a month already and I've heard nothing".

"Just trust me okay?".


"I bet if you were to reach out he would come back in a heartbeat".

"I'm not doing that". I wanted too, had wrote the message out so many time but I couldn't bring myself to send it.

Again with the stubbornness.

"Stubborn just like your mom was". She smiled. "I hate to see you unhappy Leah".

"Gran I'm fine". I smiled.

"Okay if you say so".

My gran packed an overnight bag and left for George's as soon as we got home. She left me some money for pizza and snacks for the girls coming over.

I showered and changed into clean pjs. A cute set I had bought before I came here. Tying my hair into a messing bun I put on my glasses and headed downstairs. Alanna had texted saying she wouldn't be long. She was out picking up some goodies for tonight. If I knew her like I thought I did I knew she was out getting booze.

Not really the girls night I had planned but right now I would take it. It had been so long since we all got together.

The door was unlocked, I was currently sitting on the couch music playing on the tv and my head buried in my phone.

Again I checked Facebook clicking on his name and scrolling. I wanted to post something. I wanted to see if I could get his attention, anything. But I wasn't even sure if he was checking it. Scrolling until I found the picture he posted of me my heart fluttered. Lucky. Was he lucky? Sighing I closed the app and clicked on my camera.

"What am I doing?". I made a face before locking my phone and setting it aside. A picture wasn't going to get his attention and if wanted to reach out he would.

"Hey girl". Alanna bounced into my living room grinning like a Cheshire Cat. "I got us a little something". She pulled a bottle of rosé and a bottle of shots from her bag. Rolling my eyes I got myself off the couch. "I'll get the glasses then".

"You got your cast off".

“I did”. I grinned grabbing two glasses. “Take it it's just me and you tonight?".

"For now yeah". She poured the wine into the glasses before handing me one.

"For now?". I frowned.

"You didn't think we were staying in tonight did you?".

"Aren't we?".

"Girls are meeting us at the club". She winked.

"Alanna". I groaned sitting back down on the couch. "I don't think I'm in the mood for going out”.

"Oh come on". She sat down beside me. "When was the last time we had a night out?".

"I don't think I want to remember that night". The last time we were out I caught Jake with that girl.

"Right, sorry". She winced. "Please come out. Some drinks, some dancing and maybe take your mind off everything for a bit".

How could I argue with that?

"Fine". I smiled.

"Yesss". She grinned. "Let's do some shots to get us in the mood".

And we did. We did several shots, so much so I was already starting to feel tipsy.

"Come help me find something to wear".

"I brought you something". She smirked as she pulled it from her bag. "I don't have the boobs for it".

Catching it as she threw it I held it against my body. "Where's the rest of it?". I asked.

"It ties at the back".

"Where is the back?". I frowned.

Rolling her eyes she opened my closet rummaging through it. "Wear it with these". She threw my ripped jeans at me. "And your silver heels".

"No jacket?".

"And no jacket". She winked.

"Okay". I grinned.

I felt incredible. The best I had felt in weeks. Finishing off my eyes lashes I flicked my hair over one shoulder.

"You good?". She asked passing me my glass.

"I'm good". I smiled. Finishing the wine in my glass I grabbed my clutch bag. "You ready?". I asked just as I caught the flash.

"Memories". She winked.

"If you're uploading it caption it lucky".

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