The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 62

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 62

It was lashing it down, the rain battering off my windows. There was no way I was walking the short distance to his house.

"If that boy doesn't try and get into your panties tonight there's something wrong with him. You're stunning". Lana whistled. "I'm not walking over there". Glancing out my room window I sunk my teeth into my lip I'd end up soaked. Dialling his number I put the phone to my ear.

"It's ten past six princess"......

"Have you seen outside?". I asked.

His dark chuckle caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand. My stomach clenched, the tingles in my lower region awakening.

"It's only a little rain baby"....


He laughed. "I'll be there in 5. Be ready"..

"You're flushed". Lana smirked.

"Am not". Checking my bag to make sure I had everything my fingers brushed against his black card. I would give him that back tonight.

"Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do". She winked her hand slapping off my ass cheek.

I was stood out the front under my porch waiting for Jake to arrive. The air was muggy and hot. Hearing the roar of the engine I rolled my eyes when the Ferrari pulled up outside my house.

He was pushing the boat out tonight. As I watched him get out the car he ran his way up my driveway, holding a jacket.

"You good to go babe?". He asked giving me the jacket he was holding.

"Yeah". Holding his jacket above my head I made my way to his car. My stomach was still in knots, he looked sexy, good enough to eat. Checkered grey trousers grazed his ankles, a fresh white button down shirt and a pair of brown shoes to match his belt and watch.

Holy god!

I couldn't stop my mind from racing, I could hear my own heart beating a little faster than usual. As he stood holding the door open for me I got in placing his jacket on the back seat.

I had to calm myself down.

"Where are we going?". I asked as he started the car pulling out of our street.

"You'll see"...

I didn't like surprises and he knew that. "Am I dressed right for the occasion?". I asked. "You're perfect baby". As he turned up the heat I felt my face flush. We had been out together before but tonight felt different.

This was our first proper and I was nervous. He was making me nervous because I didn't know what to expect.

We had been driving for a good forty five minutes, we were way out of town and away from any prying eyes. Maybe that was his plan?

"Are we nearly there?". I asked. The drive was comfortable but I was starting to get really hungry.

"Almost princess". Placing his free hand on my knee he squeezed gentle. "Patience is a virtue Leah".

"Yeah well I'm starving". I huffed.

He laughed placing his hand back on the steering wheel. "Won't be much longer".

We drove for about another twenty minutes stopping in front of a what looked like an expensive restaurant. The valley attendant was already waiting with an umbrella at the ready. The rain had got worse since we left.

"Looks expensive". I whispered sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. Suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable I looked down at what I was wearing. Was my ASOS dress good enough for this place? "It is". He replied. "It's also a hotel".

He brought me to a hotel? Why did he bring me to a hotel?

"Stay there". It was a simple command but the way he said it had the hairs on the back of my neck standing. I felt a little strange tonight. I was flushed, my nerves shook. My emotions were all over the place and every time I caught him staring I had to squeeze my legs together.

I was horny and he knew it.

As he opened my door I undid my seatbelt and reached for his outstretched hand. He had took the umbrella from the attendant so I wouldn't get wet with the rain.

"Ah Mr Taylor so lovely to see you again. I've got your regular table ready for you". I didn't miss the way she looked me up and down. Her smile tight. I couldn't get over how high the ceilings were or how expensive the chandelier looked.

I was in awe.

Feeling the tug on my hand I didn't realise I had stopped. A small giggle fell from my lips, my cheeks scarlet. Taking my seat I noticed we were secluded from the rest of the hotel restaurant. This was way to fancy for me.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?". She wasn't interested in me. Her smile only for Jake but it wasn't something I wasn't used to.

"Babe what do you want?". He asked.

I was looking over the menu, my eyes bulging at the prices. I couldn't justify paying a ridiculous amount of money for food. Food I couldn't even pronounce.

"Just a coke please". Frowning I placed my menu to the side. I didn't feel comfortable here at all. This wasn't my scene, I couldn't believe it was his.

"A coke and a scotch neat".

He was drinking?

Who was driving home?

"Right away Mr Taylor".

As she walked away I made a face. "Right away Mr Taylor". Rolling my eyes I searched my bag for my phone.

"Not tonight princess". Snatching it out my hand he placed it out of reach. "Just us no distractions".

What was he up to?

"Fine". I sighed just as my coke was placed in front of me.

"Have you decided what you want to eat Mr Taylor?".

I had no idea why she was serving us. She definitely wasn't a waitress but I suppose it was only the best for Jake.

"Can you give us a few more minutes?". He smiled.

"Of course". Smiling sweetly she about turned and left us alone.

"Can you see me?". I asked.

He chuckled. "Trust me baby everyone can see you". His tongue rolled out of his mouth wetting his bottom lip. "You look like a fucking snack". He growled.

Oh god!

My mouth became dry as his eyes darkened. Squeezing my legs together I couldn't break the stare. The heat spread along my cheeks, feeling flustered I took a sip of my water.

He was killing me tonight.

"I feel different". I whispered.

"Horny?". He smirked. Shaking my head yes he smirked before clearing his throat. "It's the full moon princess". I frowned, it wasn't a full moon tonight. "It's coming baby, end of the month. When the full moon rises you'll go into your heat". I had heard of it but no one had explained what it was.

"I'll explain nearer the time. Have you decided what you want to eat?"

I hated how he always changed the subject when the werewolf/mating situation came up.

"What happens exactly?". I asked taking another sip of my water.

"You won't be able to keep your hands of me". He winked.

"Shut up". I laughed.

"I'm serious Leah. The full moon is a powerful thing. We mate when it rises". My laughter cut short, the lump forming in my throat. He wasn't joking.

"Will I be in pain?".

"Unfortunately baby yes you will". As he took a sip of his drink I felt my stomach tighten.

"Excruciating pain?". I asked.

"Let not talk about it just now. You're hungry are you not?".

"A little". I shrugged. "Why did you bring me here?". I asked.

"First proper date babe. I had to pull it out the bag". He grinned.

"I would have been happy with a burger and dirty fries". I smiled as I looked over the menu again. "Do they do pasta?". Fancy restaurants always did pasta right?

"They do steak".

"No". I wasn't a big fan of red meat unless it was a burger. "Just order me pasta". Couldn't go wrong with pasta. The same lady as before approached our table and Jake placed our order.

"Not long until you finish school". He said finishing off what was in his glass. He could drive home after having one but it was whether or not he was going to order another.

He knew I couldn't drive yet.

"Less than six months". And I had zero plans on what to do after I was done. Get a job or go to uni. Couldn't go to a uni too far away because apparently I wouldn't be able to be away from him for so long. "Any plans for after?". I knew he was fishing. Worried I'd run off and leave him.

"I've looked at a few universities". I was testing the water, dipping a toe in. I had looked at some, Yale more than any other.

His adams apple bobbed. This conversation wasn't going to go down well. I could already feel it and it wasn't a conversation I wanted to get into right now.

"Have you applied to any?". He asked.

I had in Florida and I applied to one here. The furthest I've got with Yale is filling out the application. I still didn't think I was good enough to go there.

"A few". Taking a sip of my coke I was glad when our food was placed on the table.

"Can I get you anything else to drink?". Thank god it was a different waitress.

"Scotch neat"....

Oh yeah his mood had definitely changed. He was the one that asked the question. I was just being honest.

"I'm fine". I smiled.

"So where have you applied to?".

"I applied back in Florida but that's no good now and one here". I decided to leave Yale out. I would tell him if I decided to submit my application.

"The university here is good". His mood changed again, he seemed perkier. His scotch was placed beside him.

2 drinks so far.

"Need to wait and see if I get in". Taking my fork I started digging around my plate. I was eating pasta I just didn't know what kind. Taking some on my fork I placed it in my mouth.

"And if you don't get in?".

"I don't know". I shrugged.

"Do you still want a job at the gas station?". He asked.

I was staring at his plate jealous that he had fries. The pasta was nice but there wasn't any meat in it so for me it was a little bland.

"Yeah is that still okay?". I didn't want to wait until my cast came off but there wasn't much I could do otherwise.

"Could take you over there tomorrow after school?". He suggested.

"Is Alanna still working there?".

"Sometimes. We all take a shift here and there. Kinda keep it in the family". He laughed. "So everyone that works there is like you?". I frowned. Most of his pack members didn't like me. How awkward was that going to be. "You don't need to work there if you don't want to. We keep it in the family because it's easier so yeah everyone that works there is like me".

"Okay". I couldn't eat anymore of the pasta. I didn't like it and it left an odd aftertaste in my mouth. I had been swirling it around on my plate after the first few bites. Finishing off my coke my phone vibrated across the table catching my attention.

"The ex sure does love to message you". His tone was flat, dry. His mood changed more than the weather. I didn't like when he was jealous because when he was jealous he was nasty.

"Never once have I replied". I sighed holding out my hand for my phone.

"No interruptions". His second drink downed, gone.

"Fine". Pushing my plate to the side I tried to get rid of the taste with the last of my water. I wouldn't be coming back here. No matter how expensive it was it just wasn't my cup of tea and not to mention I was

still hungry.

I didn't want to feel rude by not eating it but I couldn't stomach anymore. He had made the effort tonight and I appreciated that but I would still have preferred a burger and a walk along the beach.

"You finished?". He asked.

I couldn't stop staring at the few fries he had left on his plate. McDonald's fries would be so good right now. A double cheeseburger with extra pickle and a-.....


"Sorry yeah I'm done".

"Can I interest you in any of our desserts this evening?". The waitress asked.

"I'm not-...."

"The bill will be fine". He interrupted cutting me off.

Our first date wasn't going as well as I had thought it would. I had no idea why he thought I'd be into this. It was sweet for him to want to wine and dine me and spend a little money but I wasn't that kind of girl. Bonfires on the beach with burgers and fries. That's the way to my heart. I wanted to break the silence but I didn't know what to say. I always didn't know what mood he was going to be in.

As the waitress placed the check on the table I was quick to grab it. I was curious to see how much it all cost.

"Don't even think about it". He hissed snatching it right out my hand.

"Hey". I yelled folding my arms across my chest. The waitress appeared minutes later with a card machine. I really wanted to know how much the pasta cost.

"All done. I hope you both enjoy the rest of your evening"....

I didn't make any movement to get up. My stomach growled with hungry, I could already feel the heartburn starting because my stomach was empty.

"Jake I'm-...hey no phones remember". Glaring at him I watched as he typed and scrolled.

"Business princess not ex boyfriends". Getting to his feet I leaned over retrieving my own phone and slipping it into my bag.

Tonight was a disaster and fair to say I didn't have as good a time as I thought. Getting to my feet I took the hand he was offering. Not one of us spoke until we were back in the car.

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