The Alpha Chose Me (Leah and Jake)

Chapter 102

When I woke the next morning Jake wasn't beside me. I wasn't even sure he was in the house. I had showered and got ready for school and was currently finishing off my coffee. I wanted to leave early so I could stop for some breakfast before my exam. I was nervous but I wasn't. I was quite confident with English but I knew this exam was going to be hard.

Placing my mug in the sink I grabbed my bag and my jacket and headed out. I had to walk to my house and pick up my car.

I prayed I wouldn't run into my gran. I still didn't know what to say to her. How do we even talk about what I found out last night?

In my head it was never going to be the same again.

She lied, lied to me for the full eighteen years I had been alive. How do we go back to the way we were? It had always just been me and my gran and now I wasn't sure I could trust anything she said. We didn't keep secrets.

Feeling the chill in the air I pulled my jacket tight across my body as I crossed the street. It was still early so when I reached my house it didn't surprise me that her car was still in the drive. I had my keys so there was no need to go inside.

It was like she was waiting on me showing up. The front door was pulled open. My gran stood fully dressed with a cup in her hand. Wait had she been to sleep?

"Please come in for some coffee. We need to talk".

"I have to get to school". I couldn't afford to be distracted before my exam.

"Well how about after school?".

I felt terrible. I didn't want there to be this divide between us. I knew I had to give her the chance to explain.

"I can meet for lunch?". I suggested.

"Great. How about that little coffee shop?".

"Okay I'll see you then".

She didn't go back inside until I was in my car and driving off down the street. I wanted to be angry with her but at the same time I couldn't be.

Maybe she was only trying to protect me. Keep me from whatever she thought she had to. Surely she had good reason to keep the biggest part of my life from me right? Grasping my steering wheel tighter I pulled up outside the coffee shop. I had to put this to the back of my mind. Locking my car I headed inside.

Reign was working.

"Hey Ava". She smiled. "What can I get for you?".

I took a seat at the counter taking the menu from the holder. Quickly scanning over it I decided to go with eggs and bacon.

"Do you want some coffee to start?".

"Yes please".

I watched as she poured some coffee into a mug before placing it in front of me. "Your breakfast won't be long".

"How are you finding it here?". I asked.

The place was dead because it was so early so I knew she had time to talk.

"It's okay I guess".

"And school?". I took a sip of my coffee before adding in some milk.

She shrugged before sighing. "I'm already ahead in my classes so missing a few isn't going to hurt".

"Could get you kicked out though".

"Another thing I'm not really worried about". The door chimed signalling a customer. "I'll get your breakfast to you when it's ready".

I guess that was the end of the conversation.

"Do you not check your phone?". Alanna took the seat next to me.

"It's in my bag". I frowned.

"Next time you leave early to get some food please tell me so I can come".

"I needed a little time on my own". She knew what was going on so I didn't need to explain myself.

"Still not talking to your gran?". Reign placed a mug of coffee down for Alanna. "Can I order a bagel as well please".

"We're meeting for lunch after my exam".

"You going to give her a chance to explain?".

"Something like that". Reign placed my breakfast in front of me. "Thank you".

"I'm sure she has good reason as to why she kept it from you".

"She has basically kept the biggest secret from me that involves me. I have a right to be annoyed right?". I took another sip of my coffee. "I turn into a freaking werewolf and she didn't think it was relevant to tell me". The more I spoke about it the more I was getting myself worked up.

"Like I said I'm sure she has a good reason as to why she didn't tell you". Her bagel was placed in front of her.

"Yeah and I bet it's my dad". Stabbing my fork into my bacon I placed it in my mouth. "I've never met my dad. She wouldn't talk about him ever".

"That's not necessarily a bad thing. Maybe he isn't a good person". She took a bite of her bagel. "Maybe she was actually protecting you".

I didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"Did you go out with them last night?". I asked changing the subject.

I still hadn't heard from Jake.

"I went out for a little while when you decided you didn't want any company. Didn't he come home?".

My stomach dropped. If he wasn't home then where was he?

"I haven't seen him".

"Weird". She made a face. "Have you tried calling him?".


"Maybe you should".

"Maybe". I shrugged pushing my plate away from me. "But right now we have to go". I finished what was left in my cup.

"I can't wait till these exams are over".

"You and me both". I was trying my hardest not to think about my chemistry one. The one that decided if I graduate high school or have to repeat a year. "You'll ace your chemistry one so stop worrying". Alanna's car was parked next to mine. "And if you have doubts then ask Jake for a quick study session". Rolling my eyes I unlocked my car. "I'll meet you at school okay".

"See you there".

I didn't call Jake until I reached the school car park. With my phone on loudspeaker I waited for him to answer.


He sounded sleepy.

"Did I wake you?". I winced.

"You okay?". He asked.

"When did you get home?".

"Not long in baby. You okay though?".

"Yeah I just wanted to check in before I go in for my exam". He sounded exhausted. "Did you get more of the scent?".

"We did. You want me to pick you up once you finish?". He asked.

"I've got my car".

"How about I take you for dinner tonight then?".

"As long as I get to pick where we go". I couldn't hide my smile thinking about that posh hotel he took me to.

A laugh fell from his lips. "Burgers and dirty fries. I haven't forgot".

"Good. I have to go".

"Okay baby I'll see you soon. I love you".


Dumbfounded I stared at my phone screen. Did he just tell me he loved me?

A tap on my window knocked me out of my thoughts. "Come on I want coffee before we do this".

Grabbing my bag I shoved my phone inside before exiting the car.

literally just had coffee". W "We've"

walking towards the double doors.

"Coffee Junkie remember". She linked her arm through mine. "Did you call Jake?".

"I did". She didn't need to know that my mind was going into overdrive. He actually said it. But maybe it's because he was sleepy.

Saying I love you is a big deal.

And I didn't say it back.

"Nervous?". She asked.

"No". We entered the school walking towards the cafeteria.

"Tell your face that then". She laughed.

If only she knew.

Reaching the cafeteria I smiled

when my eyes landed on Ryan. He hadn't really been at school much therefore we hadn't really had the chance to talk or hangontent belongs to

"And where are you going?". Alanna asked as I unhooked my arm from hers.

"To see Ryan. Get me a cappuccino please". I didn't wait for her to respond.

His eyes landed on mine as I made my way to him. "There she is". He grinned. "My favourite girl".

"Hi". I smiled as I took the seat across from him. "Where have you been?".

"Miss me?". He smirked.

"Yeah I did. You left me to fend for myself".

"I was only off two weeks".

"Two very long weeks". I frowned.

"Back now shorty".

"Yeah and just when we're about to finish".

"We still got prom. You're saving me a dance right?".

Rolling my eyes I couldn't hide my smile. "I'll save you two". I winked.

"Yessssss". He laughed. "Still dating Jake?".

"Never going to happen Ryan".

"What's never going to happen?". Alanna asked as she joined us.

"You saving me a dance at prom Alanna?". Ryan smirked.

"You wish". She glared. "Do you think this exam will be hard?".

"Better not be". I glanced at Ryan but his head was buried in his phone. "I need to ace this so I can shove it in Mr Gallaghers face".

A laugh fell from her lips. "He still wants to fuck you". She whispered.

"Alanna". I scrunched up my face in disgust.

She rolled her eyes. "You'd have to be blind not to see it. I bet he would if he could".

"You're disgusting". I pushed my chair out getting to my feet.

I should have double checked, triple checked before I left. I somehow don't think I did as good as I could have.

I hit his number putting my phone to my ear.

"Hey baby".

"I think I failed". I sighed.


"My English exam. I think I failed". Reaching my car I unlocked my door and got in. "I left way to early".

"I'm sure you did fine Leah".

"No I don't think I did. What if I fail?".

"Baby". He sighed. "English isn't the subject you struggle with so why do you think you failed?".

"I don't know". Dumping my bag in the back seat I put my phone on loud speaker attaching it to my holder.

"Stop over thinking it. It's done now so let's just wait for your results. You heading here?". He asked.

He was right. I couldn't change anything just had to wait and see. "I'm meeting my gran". Clippingmy seatbelt into place I started my engine.

"That a good idea?". He asked.

"I have to give her the chance to explain and you wanted me to sort things with her so it's a start".

"I know babe but you just seem riled up about your exam. I don't want you talking to her if your frustrated".

"I'm fine but I have to go. I'll see you later". I ended the call and drove out of the school parking lot. She was my gran and as much as I wanted to hate her I just couldn't.

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