The Alpha Abandoned Bride by Queenlovely

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Last night was the best. It was the best night of my life. I haven’t felt so good in a long time. I woke up to see that she was no longer by my side. I suddenly felt empty inside of me.

I’ve missed her so much and last night. Last night was magical. It hurts to wake up and see that she is gone.

I wish I hadn’t slept but I didn’t expect to wake up the next morning and see that she went already

I called my secretary and gave him an order immediately. Now that I’ve gotten a chance with Isabel. I want to make things night with her and I’d do whatever it takes to get her back and be closer to her once again.

She wanted me to help Leah and her and I’ve decided that would be the first thing I do and I’d do my best to engage in it to keep her close.

I first called Leah on the phone to tell her of my interest in investing in her restaurant and also help her stand back on her feet. I also gave her a proposal. She was excited to hear of it

I was also ghid because I could tell I was getting closer to Isabel. The whole of the day. I focused on my work until I got a phone call

“Who is this?” I asked.

Long time no see Son-in-law. I haven’t heard from you in a while. How have you been?”

-My mood instantly changed the minute I heard the voice on the phone. It was Jade s father and the one I disliked the most

in this world. I have never liked him and it gotworse when I found out what he has done to frame Isabels father.

“What is it?”

“Oh come on. You don’t have to sound that way to me. I mean we might not be close but at least try to accord me with respect, don’t you think?”

“What do you want?” I asked not wanting to beat around the bush and because I didn’t deem him worthy of my time.

“We have to see. It has been a long time. I want to see you. There is a lot that we have to talk about” He said.

“I won’t be available for that.” I stated.

“Oh really? You don’t have to come then. Maybe I can just go to you.” He said.

“And whats the math you are not understanding? It simply means I don’t want to see you. Do I have to say it as it is for you to get that I don’t want to speak neither do I want to speak to you I stated firmly

He chucked. “Oh come on. You can’t just decide to not want to see me. If you won’t come to me then I will go to you and there is no room for more conversation.” He stated firmly.

“And if I say I won’t see you then I won’t see you” I retorted

“Aingia then You shall see me. He said before ending the call.

“Who the f uck does he think he is to want to see me. I uttered through my teeth.

I was disgusted by him. This man is the cause of my sadness and after I became Alpha, I made sure to distance myself from every one of them.



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Chapter 31

I got up from my chair and began to look at the street through my glass window. I always found solace in staring at the pedestrians on the streets

I was suddenly feeling at case until a certain car drove in. At first I didn’t want to pay attention to the car but someone came out of that car and my mood instantly got ruined.

It was Jade’s father. Although I had told him I didn’t want to see him, he still decided to come. That’s all he had ever done, intruded and made me angry. He just knew how to do it ettortlessly

Now I understood what he meant when he said he was going to see me. He knew I’d refuse him but he already made up his mind before speaking to me and I’m guessing his daughter had a hand in this because she’s always running to her father and making demands.

They are both just as disgusting as each other. 1 lett and went back to my seat. Now that he was here then it would be best if I gave him my peace of mind and let him know just what I felt about him and the things I haven’t said for a long time.

Today was the perfect opportunity for me to let out all my pent-up anger.

My secretary informed me not too long ago that I had a visitor and I knew just who it was.

“Let him in. I ordered.

Jade’s father walked in not too long dressed in his usual two pieces suit and a walking stick.

“Well, well, well” Jade’s father uttered as he walked into my office

This place is exquisite. I never thought I’d step foot into this place. I’m proud of your son in law. You have done a nice job, You are remarkable” He commented as she looked around my office.

“I clearly stated that I didn’t want to see you yet you came, so what’s your point? Get started with it.” I uttered.

“Oh relax son in law” He chuckled.

“You can’t be too hard don’t you think and besides is that how you are supposed to welcome the father of your wife?” He asked.

“If the visitor has been told before coming that he shouldn’t come then why should he be respectable and welcomed? I clearly said I didn’t want to you see yet you came so get started because I sure have a lot to say,” I retorted.

I watched as he made his way and settled on my couch. “You dont have any wine or whisky, do you?”

“And what made you think that because you want it, it would be given to you?” I curled my lips to the side.

“Maybe it is because I know that I will get it or do we have to do it the hard way? I mean accord me with respect. I worked with your father for a long time and I’m one of his advisors. Would it make sense for you to ignore my presence and not…”

“Enough” I cut him off not wanting to hear him utter anymore of his annoying sounds.

“You do not come here and decide what would be done in my office and I mentioned that I didn’t want you to come so what the f uck are you doing here?” I said through my teeth, clenching my tist while preventing myself from going all out on him.

“Wow You sounded so much like your father in that state but do you think that was enough to intimidate me? Then you are wrong” He got up from the couch.

“I am your wife’s father and I have been informed of your incapability towards my daughter and I am not happy about it.” He stated his true purpose which I wasn’t surprised about because I knew the only reason he’d want to see me was because of his daughter.


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Chapter 31

“As if I’m surprised,” I remarked.


“Of course you wouldn’t and I won’t sit by and allow that. I won’t be alive and watch my daughter lot because

to through a you have failed to do the needful as her husband.” He chastised.

“And you think I care? Kindly tell her to sign the divorce papers instead of burning them because she refused to let me go. She’s obsessed with me and the only reason she got to marry me was because of you anyway, I told him.

“You think I didn’t know? I already found out. I know what happened four years ago and 1 am disgusted by the presence of you and your daughter. I cannot stand your presence!” I spat our

“And you think that justifies your action towards my daughter? You don’t get it, do you? I don’t care. The fact you are married to her means you have to take care of her and I won’t be alive and watch you treat my daughter like trash!” He retorted.

“I don’t want your daughter. I want to end the marriage between us. I want nothing at all to do with her and that’s it. You can watch her suffer more or advise her to leave me alone!” I fired back.

He let out a hysterical laugh. “Now I get it.”

He continued laughing making me angry. What was funny and why was he laughing that much? I was barely tolerating his presence and the only reason I hadn’t thrown him out was that I wanted to still hear all he had to say although I was irritated already.

“She was right. You asked for divorce but you never pressed her. So she’s back in your life now you want my daughter to leave by all means. It doesn’t make sense, does it? Make it make sense.” He smiled.

His smile was fake and it was as if he was trying to intimidate me with it. I walked closer to him, my both hands tucked in my pants pocket.

“What about it? What about it? Do you think I give a f uck about what you and your daughter want? It has always been you. It always has to be you and your daughter. You both only want the best for yourself and nothing else. It’s sad you know. It’s super sad.” I stated.

“You both just want things going in your favour and when it doesn’t then it’s a bad thing but guess what? I don’t give a dam n and I will do only what it is that I want and I will divorce Jade by force! I want nothing to do with…

“And you will hurt that girl. You will make her get hurt again just as you have always done. I can promise you that she survive it. He cuts me off.

“What will you do? Kill her since getting rid of her wasn’t enough? You won’t dare and it’s not a threat, it’s an assurance.

“Do you think I won’t? Do you want what happened to her father to happen to her? Trust me, it will. It will be as painless as should be.” He said.

“What do you mean?” I asked inquisitively.

“It is exactly what you think it is. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that my daughter is happy. Her happiness matters. to me and if she’s not happy then nobody would be happy and I can assure you that you don’t want to start a war that you can’t finish. It won’t end well.” He smirked.

“End well? I’d love to see you try.

I stood firm, staring at him just as he stared back at me too,

“Alright then. Since it has come to this then he is ready for the war you declared. My daughter will be with you until the end and that’s it. Either by force or not. You will be with my daughter. You are married to her and as the vow, till death do you both apart.” He smiled.



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Chapter 31

“Then maybe one of us just has to die then for it to end and it sure as hell won’t be me.” I retorted.

“Are you telling me that you’d kill my daughter? You have gotten so bold you know. You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh trust me. I would.”

We both stood there, staring at each other. I wasn’t intimidated by him instead I was glad that I had let out what I had in my mind for a long time. I have been wanting to do this and I’m glad he got to see that side of me I never showed him.

He just confessed to me he killed Isabel’s father and now he’s threatening to kill her and I would rather die than see her die. I would do whatever it takes to protect Isabel.

If he thinks that it would be easy getting Isabel then he is wrong because he won’t get her just as he did in the past.

“Good bye dear son-in-law. We shall see again and when we do, you’d be a lovely husband to my sweet daughter.” He placed his palm on my shoulder while talking.

I removed his palm from my shoulder. “Don’t do that.” I smiled at him.

He didn’t say anything, instead, he let out a sarcastic laugh before walking away.

“Good riddance to rubbish,” I uttered once he was out of my office.

I went back to my seat. I tried to keep myself cool. It was annoying th

that one man could make me so angry.

I needed to leave the office and go get some drink. I dialed Raymond’s number.

“Hello to you Alpha,” Raymond said through the phone.

“What’s your schedule for tonight? I asked.

“I’m always free for you alpha. Is there something you need me to do for you?” He asked.

“Can you get rid of the attitude and speak normally?”

“And how am I supposed to speak to my Alpha? Kindly enlighten me because I’d love for you to let me know.”

“I want to have a drink this night. Get prepared.”

“I’m prepared whenever you are.” He said before I ended the call

Later that evening, we both went to get a drink. He kept asking me what was wrong but I never mentioned it simply because I didn’t want to think much about it.

He gave up when he realized that I wouldn’t be saying anything about it. After drinking to my heart’s content. I decided that it was time for me to go home and sleep.

“You are troubled and that’s fine if you don’t want to say but don’t you think it’s unfair to me?” Raymond mentioned.


You made me come to drink with you although I wasn’t in the mood but you wouldn’t tell me what it was that bothered you. Don’t you think it’s unfair?” He asked.

“You will know soon. For now, let’s leave.” I said, standing on my feet and leaving.

On my way back home, I was looking out through the window as we waited for the traffic light to turn green.



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Chapter 31

As I kept staring at the walking pedestrian, someone familiar caught my eye. It was Jade with her kids and the second man 1 disliked in this world, Tim.

“What the f uck is she doing with him?” I uttered harshly.






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