Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 91

Maverick's P.O.V.


I waited in the hallway as the girls all piled in the bathroom. I don't understand why they always have to go in there in packs, but I'm glad for it. At least Kapri isn't alone.

I leaned against the wall, and looked out the window. I wonder if I should do something with Kapri this weekend. Maybe we can sneak up to the cabin. Try to do that weekend over again. Just the two of us. "You look deep in thought."

I turned my head to see Sally smiling at me.

"I was," I replied flatly.

Sally walked closer to me, and peered out the window too.

"So, you finally managed to get her." She said casually.

My eyes flickered at her, but she's just staring out the window.

"Yeah," I replied. "I finally have."

Sally finally looked at me. She had a sad smile on her face. I immediately felt guilty.

"I'm happy for you. I really am Mav." She said earnestly.

I raised a brow at her.

"Really?" I asked.

Sally nodded.

"I know.. that my attitude towards Kapri and this whole situation between you two has been.. strange. I've been stepping in where I can, trying to break the two of you apart, but.. I just want you to be happy Maverick. I'm happy that you finally got everything you wanted." She said honestly.

I frowned at her.

"Why do I feel like something is going on with you?" I asked.

Sally shrugged, and looked back out the window.

"Did you know that my dad was in love with Kapri's mom in high school?" She asked.


"No.. I didn't. I bet he hates my dad even more." I said, annoyed.

Sally chuckled softly.

"He always told me that in another life, Kapri and I would have been sisters." She told me.

"That's... kind of creepy." I replied.

Sally sputtered out laughter.

"Yeah, I know." She said.

I stared at Sally for a moment.

"Sal, what's going on? I know that I've been pretty distant lately, but.. You seem kind of off," I said.

Sally sighed heavily before looking me in the eyes.

"I'm going to tell you something. Something that probably isn't going to help, but I feel like you should know," she said. "Okay?" I said, worried.

"I know about your grandfather," she stated.

My eyes widened. I confided in Sally about a lot, but never about my grandfather. I just wanted to forget all about that old man. "How do you-"

"He's been black mailing my dad since your mom died." Sally interrupted me to say. "What?" I asked.

Sally nodded.

"I don't know what their plans were, or what he has on my dad, but.. My job was to try to seduce you away from Kapri. We were going to go to the same college, get married, be together forever. At the time, I thought that it would be easy. I thought that I loved you so much. I was willing to do whatever it took to have you." She told me. "Sal-"

"But I didn't really love you." She interrupted me again. "There was maybe a time when I did, but.. That was a long time ago. Eventually, my feelings had faded, and I was only still going after you because that's what Daddy told me to do. I wanted to make him proud. Now it doesn't matter at all. I would never have been able to shove Kapri out of the picture to start with. Now that the two of you are in love.. That's all. It's over." She said.

I stared at Sally for a moment. She just kept smiling sadly.

"What's going to happen to your dad now?" I asked.

Sally averted her eyes.

"I have no idea. He doesn't seem that worried though. After what he found out your grandfather had done.. letting that man out who hurt the love of my father's life.. Well, I think Daddy was done with him at that moment anyway." She told me. I frowned.

"Wait.. your dad knew that my grandfather was behind that?" I asked.

Sally shrugged.

"From what I gathered, yes. Daddy doesn't tell me details, but I've gotten good at picking up on things." She said.

That fu.cking bas.tard. Dad and I knew it.

I opened my mouth to ask Sally more, when the bathroom door opened. Sh,it, Kap is going to flip when she sees Sally. I turned around as Brooke and Megan walked out. Without my nerd.

"Where's Kapri?" I asked.

Brooke rolled her eyes.

"She's still in there. We just came out to ask you something." Megan said cheerfully.

"Okay?" I asked while giving them a skeptical look.

Brooke looked Sally up and down.

"Uhm, I'll get going. Nice talking to you Mav. Let me know if I can help with anything." Sally said before walking down the hall.

"What the hell was that about?" Brooke asked me.

"Nothing. She was just apologizing." I said. "What do you want to ask me?"

"Well, Kap wants to go to the coffee shop she used to work at. Just us girls. She want-"

"No." I stated, interrupting her.


"No way." I interrupted Megan again. "I am not letting Kapri out of my sight. Not while her father is still out there somewhere."

"Oh come on." Megan said. "She will be with us, three other girls, and in a public place where everyone knows her. Just let her have a break from this house arrest. You can even sit in the parking lot if you want." I sighed heavily.

"Why isn't Kapri asking me this?" I asked.

"Well, she was afraid that you'd say no. I offered to come out and ask you first," Megan said.

I opened my mouth to tell her no again, but then my phone dinged in my pocket. It's a text from one of the numbers Grandpa calls me from. It's a picture of our driveway, with a text attached.

See you when you get home, boy. Can't wait to meet your new... stepsister.

My blood ran cold as I stared at the picture. Then my phone started to ring. It's my dad.

"Dad," I answered.

I walked down the hall a little bit to talk with him in private.

"What is that man doing in our home?" I seethed lowly.

"He just showed up, and walked in. I need you to take Kapri somewhere. Keep her out of the house. I had April take the twins to another part of the house, and told her to stay there. I will handle your grandfather myself," he said.

Just then, I looked down the hall to see Kapri had come out of the bathroom. She smiled at me, and I almost melted on the spot.

"I'll make sure Kapri stays out and safe, but I am coming home to have a talk with that old bas.tard." I said.

Then I hung up the phone, and walked down the hallway, right up to my precious nerd.


I waited to leave the parking lot of the coffee shop until Kapri was inside. My heart panged as I drove away from her. Kapri and I have only spent time apart during our classes at school. It's been that way for two straight months now. I hate having to leave her. I sucked up my own feelings, and drove home. I need to handle this sh,it with Dad before Kapri finds out what's going on. I don't want to add another thing to her stress.

I pulled into the driveway, and saw two of my grandfather's men outside. I pushed past them, knocking their shoulders. Then I rushed into the house, and up to Dad's office.

I stormed in to see Dad, Grandpa, and a few other men dressed in black suits.

"What the fu.ck do you think you're doing here?" I asked angrily.

Grandpa smirked at me.

"I came here to offer your dear ol' dad a deal." He said smugly.

My eyes snapped at Dad.

"What kind of fu.cking deal?" I asked.

Dad just held my gaze. Whatever Grandpa offered, he didn't like it. Which means it's probably going to be something that's going to set me over the edge.

Dad sighed, and ran a hand through his hair.

"I told you already," he said to his father. "No."

I looked between the two of them as they stared each other down.

"What fu.cking deal?" I asked again.

"I told your father, that I would let him know exactly where Kapri's father is. I'll even help capture him. He'll go right back to prison for violating parole." Grandpa said.

"How generous of you, after letting him out." I spat.

"Tell him the rest." Dad ordered Grandpa.

Grandpa turned to me with a smirk.

"If.. your father divorces April. I want her and her daughter out of this house, this town, possibly this country if they want. I'll set them up for life. They'll never need for anything-" "Have you lost your fu.cking mind?!" I shouted, interrupting him.

Grandpa rolled his eyes.

"You're doing all of this, over a couple of women. Instead of just being happy for your son and grandson. It's pathetic, Henry." Dad said flatly.

"What's pathetic is that you two are letting these gold diggers win you over!" Grandpa shouted.

"Watch your fu.cking mouth." I seethed. "April and Kapri are just normal people and that's what you really hate. Get over yourself, old man." Grandpa chuckled.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it. I guess I have no choice," he said casually.

Dad and I shared a look.

"No choice in what?" Dad asked hesitantly.

Grandpa smiled smugly.

"Where is that little girl right now, anyway? Did you really leave her unattended, Maverick?" He asked.

My blood froze.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"That means... whatever happens to that pretty little thing.. is not my fault now." He said with a chuckle.

Everything stopped at that moment.

"What the hell are you saying exactly? Are you threatening Kapri?" Dad asked angrily.


I pulled out my phone, and dialed Kapri's number. The line rang and rang, and then went to voicemail. I tried again, but the same thing.

This isn't happening. Kapri has to be okay.

I tried Brooke's number next.

"Hello Maverick." She answered, bored.

"Where is Kapri?" I asked as I rushed out of the room.

I have to get to her. Now.

"She just went to the bathroom. Will you chill," Brooke answered, annoyed.

"By herself?" I asked angrily.

"She's a grown woman, Mav-"

"Go check on her now." I ordered.

"Okay fine." Brooke grumbled.

I got in the car, and started the engine while Brooke went to find my nerd. I heard Brooke call for Kapri a few times, but there was no response.


"Uhm.. Maverick.." Brooke said, worried. "I.. I-I can't find her.. but I found her phone."

I slammed my fist on the steering wheel.

"Brooke. Stay there. I'm on my way. Do not call the police. I'm calling my dad." I orderd.

I hung up the phone, and sped all the way to the coffee shop. Did that old man really have Kapri kidnapped? By that... thing he calls her father?

I need to find her. Now.

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