Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 7

Maverick's P.O.V.

- The day of the wedding

I've been avoiding being home as much as I can over the summer. Thankfully, Brooke's parents are never home, so I've been staying there. The one time I decide to fu.cking come home, I find Kapri in my bed.

I really wish I wouldn't have drunk that night. I barely remember what we talked about. I'm sure it was some light bickering. I do remember crawling into my bed with her though. Honestly, I thought I was dreaming when I found Kapri in my bed. It wouldn't be the first dream I've had like that about her. So when I crawled into bed with her, it was because I thought she wasn't real. That was all. However, I felt her warmth. I could hear her slow shallow breathing. And she was so soft and smelled so nice. I couldn't help myself.

Whatever we talked about could have gone either way honestly. I know that Kapri fell asleep in my arms. I know that she stayed with me for the whole night. I know that I got the best sleep I've ever gotten in my life. But she was gone when I woke up. Which hurt. More than a little.

It made me slightly resentful. So I left. Again. Apparently, I'm better at running away than I originally thought.

I haven't seen Kapri since then. Or my family. Dad was rightfully pi.ssed off. At least I showed up today. He should be happy about that.

I haven't been a part of the wedding planning at all. Dad has been pretty upset with me for not being around, but I think it's for the best. Eventually, though, I'll have to s**k it up. I need to come to terms with the fact that Kapri is about to be my stepsister. There was never any chance of me being with Kapri anyway. I was never going to tell her how I felt. I never had any intentions of acting on my feelings for her. I wouldn't do that to Kapri.

Truth is.. Kapri is way too good for someone like me. She deserves better than a spoiled rich boy with anger issues. Kapri and I are from two different worlds. We would never understand each other. It's better this way. "Maverick."

I looked over to see Dad calling me. He stomped over to me with the wedding planner following behind him. I internally rolled my eyes at my father's angry expression.

"You were supposed to be here two hours ago," Dad said.

I was?

"Sorry." I said.

Dad shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You need to get changed," he said.

The wedding planner shoved a long bag on a hanger at me before scribbling on her clipboard.

"Go to the room in the back. One side is for the women, the other for men. You'll hear the women talking most likely." Dad told me.

I gave Dad a nod before walking to the back. Honestly, I feel a bit bad for not being here on time. I really didn't know that I was supposed to be here two hours ago. Maybe I should start paying better attention to Dad's texts.

When I made it to the back, Dad was right. I can hear the women giggling and gushing over the bride. I bet Kapri is in there too. I hope that nerd is having fun for once in her life. Knowing Kapri, she's probably sitting in the corner working on that stupid college essay of hers.

I walked to a closed door that I assumed must be for the men, or at least empty. I opened it and walked in. I kicked the door shut and someone else in the room gasped.

I looked up and into a beautiful pair of light green eyes.

Kapri? What is she doing in here? I thought she was with the other women.

My eyes roamed down Kapri's body as she stood there stunned. I couldn't help myself. She's practically naked.

Karpi is standing with her jaw almost to the floor. Her curly black hair is pinned up with a few loose curls hanging around her neck. She's already had her makeup done, and I'm glad they went for something natural. She looks like she only has mascara and a deep red lipstick on her plump lips. Her lips have never looked so juicy before. Kapri is also only in her blue cotton panties, and strapless n**e bra.

I always knew that Kapri had curves. No amount of baggy T-shirts and hoodies could hide those curves from me. Not to mention that she wore that tight black dress the day of my birthday party. Seeing her like this though.. Fu.ck. "What the hell Maverick!" Kapri shrieked.

Kapri looked around frantically for something to cover herself. Her face is as red as her lipstick. She's so damn cute. Way too cute to not tease.

I pushed off of the door and walked over to her. Kapri tried to shrink back, but I think she's too flustered to know what to do. How perfect for me. "What's wrong nerd? You look embarrassed." I teased.

"I am embarrassed! I'm in my underwear!" She complained.

"It's not like I've never seen a girl naked before, Kapri, relax." I said.

I dropped the bag containing my suit. I wrapped an arm around Kapri's waist, and pulled her closer to me. She stiffened in my arms and I smirked. "Maverick, what do you think you are doing?" Kapri grumbled.

I chuckled at her.

"I never knew you were so curvey. A hot geek was so close to me all this time." I said.

Kapri's body slumped. She looked up at me with a bored expression. Same old Kapri. I never have an affect on her.

"One you would never be allowed to touch anyway." She said.

I chuckled again as I leaned in close to her face.

"I'm touching you right now nerd." I whispered.

Kapri put her hands flat on my chest. Part of me hoped that she would pull me closer, plant those lips to mine, and stay locked in this room with me for the rest of the night. But I know that is just wishful thinking. Kapri shoved on my chest and I stumbled back. At least I got to tease her a little bit.

"You should lock the door next time," I said as I grabbed my suit.

"You should learn to knock. And say sorry!" Kapri shouted as I walked out the door.

Sorry? Nah. I'll never be sorry for taking the chance to put my hands all over her.

"Alright, you are my best man, and Kapri is the maid of honor. The two of you will be walking down the aisle together." Dad told me.

"What?" I asked.

I just cant get away from that girl.

"You would have known that if you went to any of the rehearsals that we had," Dad stated.

I rolled my eyes as Dad walked down the aisle to wait. Kapri and I are first, apparently. Jesse is the ring bearer and Jasmyn is the flower girl. Even though they are kind of old for that.

"Maverick, you ready?"

"Yeah." I replied to Kapri.

I turned my head to look at her as I held my arm out. Then my jaw dropped as I looked at Kapri. She.. looks... breathtaking.

Kapri's hair and makeup are the same. It looks like she added a few pearls to her hair, which look stunning against her glossy black curls. What really caught my attention is the dress that she's wearing. It's a deep shade of red matching her lipstick. The sleeves are kind of like a tank top but hang down off of her shoulders. Kapri's boobs are pushed up even more than when I just saw her. The soft fabric of her dress hugs her curves, and pools at her feet.

Kapri looks more like an angel than someone ready to be in her mother's wedding. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life.


"You say something?" Kapri asked as she looped her arm through mine.

Sh.it, did I say that out loud?

"Nope." I said and cleared my throat. "Ready to see our parents get married?" I asked.

God, that leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. Dad really had to fall for Kapri's mom. Out of all the women in town who want a shot with him. I guess that I should be happy that he didn't settle for someone who just wanted his money. April makes him happy, and Dad deserves happiness. Mom would have wanted him to move on with someone like April. Someone who cares about him and his kids.

I just have to s**k up my own feelings. Push them down. Burn them if I have to.

"I guess so." Kapri mumbled next to me.

It brings me a little peace knowing that Kapri doesn't want our parents to marry. I know that it isn't because she's in love with me like I am with her. I know that it has nothing to do with me at all. Kapri is just worried. This marriage is going to change their lives forever, and in so many ways. The music started to play. I gave Kapri one last look. She's so beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Kapri turned to me and stuck her tongue out at me. I chuckled before turning back forward.

Yup, this will be a total piece of cake.

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