Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 61

Maverick's P.O.V.

"So, what the fu.ck is going on?" Trev asked after the girls were gone.

I sighed, and sat down at the small table in the corner.

"Kapri and I have been fooling around," I told him.

"Okay... that makes sense." He said.

I looked up at him with a frown.

"I just mean that you've been... weird lately. Happier, and more absent. Unless Kapri is around. I just thought you were going all crazy obsessive over her like usual. I never thought she would actually let you do stuff to her." He said with a laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't plan it. It kind of just happened." I told him.

"Okay, I can believe that. If you were gonna sleep with her you would have done it already." Trev replied.

I guess he has a point. Trev knows how crazy I am about Kapri. If I wanted her, it would have happened by now.

"So, are you two like.. dating now?" Trevor asked.

I shook my head.

"No, we're just.. fooling around. I keep Josh and Hayden off of her, but it'll end when she goes to college." I said.

"Anddd... what are you going to say about the fact that she has feelings for you?" Trev asked.

I paused midbite, and looked at my friend.

"Uhm," I said. "You could tell?" I asked.

Trevor laughed like he thought I was joking.

"Oh, you're serious?" He asked.

I gave him a bored look.

"Well, I thought it was pretty obvious," he said.

"Because she got jealous and poured a jar of pickles on Sally and me?" I asked with a laugh.

"That." Trevor said, nodding, "But I kind of meant that she agreed to fool around with you in the first place." He said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Kapri doesn't strike me as the type of girl to fool around with just anyone. She would only do that kind of thing with someone she's comfortable with," he said.

"No, Kapri just doesn't care about me. Not how I feel, or what I think. I was perfect for what she wanted. At first anyway," I said.

"Or," Trev said. "She's had feelings for you since before all this. Like you did with her."

I looked at my friend. That couldn't possibly be true. Right?

"No, Kapri hated me." I said, shaking my head.

"Did she? I always thought she had a thing for you," Trev replied.

"You're nuts." I said.

Trevor's nuts, right? He's not onto something, right?

No, I can't let his words get to me. I can't have Kapri. Not before, and not now either.

"So, she has feelings for you now, but you still won't tell her how you feel?" Trevor asked.

I sighed.

"There would be no point. I know Kapri. If I tell her now, then we'll start dating. All of my dreams will come true. And when the end of summer comes.. Kapri will feel like she needs to choose between Harvard and me. If she picked me.. I couldn't live with myself. And I won't put her in a position like that. No matter what choice she made, she would have regrets. That's not something I want for her." I told him.

"You could just.. follow her to Harvard," Trev suggested.

My eyes snapped at him.

"I can't get into Harvard." I told him.

Trevor laughed, and shook his head.

"There are other schools out there, right? I thought you hadn't given college much thought?" He asked.

"W-well.. Dad wants me to go for business so I can follow in his footsteps. I just thought I would go to whatever college he picked out." I said.

"I'm sure if you explained things to your dad.. he would help you." Trev told me.

"You want me to tell my dad that I'm in love with my stepsister? His wife's daughter?" I asked him flatly.

Trevor winced.

"Damn, I didn't think about that.." He trailed off.


"Well, how about you do it? You do the research and tell your dad what college you want to go to," he said.

"Trev," I groaned out. "Kapri might like me, but she doesn't love me. We will never have a relationship. Things are never going to go further than they are right now." I stated.

Trevor frowned at me.

"So, I get to watch the two of you t*****e each other emotionally for the rest of the school year. Great." He grumbled.

"Things will be fine. As long as I can keep her away from Josh and Hayden," I said.

"And what about Sally?" Trev asked. "You do realize what she's doing right? You aren't that stupid Mav."

I sighed heavily.

"I know. I know that Sally is doing it on purpose. She wants to be with me, and I won't be with her because of Kapri. I just... I thought that if I just let things go the way they were, that maybe Kapri would lose her feelings for me. Clearly it's not working out." I ranted. "So, what are you going to do about Sally?" He asked.

"Not let her be all over me anymore, for starters," I said.

Trevor shook his head.

"I can't believe the lengths you go to for Kapri. It's twisted." He mumbled.

Don't I know it.

"So, you gonna tell me what's going on with you and Molly?" I asked my friend.

Trevor shrugged.

"Not sure honestly. She told me yes to going to homecoming. I had this whole... thing planned. Dinner before hand, an after party with her... All of which got ruined because my best friend has a crazy stalker." He teased.

"Ha ha." I said. "I am sorry I ruined your plans though. If I had handled Sally better before now, then this wouldn't have happened."

"Hey, it's alright. Molly told me we could share a room as a way to make it up to me." Trev said with a huge smile.

I raised a brow at him.

"Really?" I asked, shocked.

I don't know Molly very well, but I do know a few things about her. Not only was my father involved in personal matters regarding Molly's family, but she is close with the girl who holds my heart. That means I found out a few things about her over the years. Like, Molly is a wonderful friend. She sticks up for Kapri, even when she isn't there to hear it. Molly also has never been interested in anyone. After a while, I summed up that Molly wasn't ever comfortable with anyone enough to date them. There were lots of times I heard guys talking about how much of a bit.ch Kapri was for yelling at them when they tried to ask her friend out.

That's why I started the rumor that Molly only dates older guys. Not that I ever told anyone that. Not even Trevor. "Something happened when I asked her to homecoming man. Something good." Trev said. "I think she likes me back."

"She should. You're a catch. Plus, you're patient, and that's always a good thing," I told him.

"She makes me nervous.." Trev said softly. "Sometimes she bosses me around, but her eyes are soft. Like she half expects me to yell at her or something. And she isn't afraid to touch me for any reason. I don't even know how to act around her sometimes." He admitted. "You want my advice?" I asked.

"Only if it's actual advice," Trev said with a frown. "I won't push her away the same way you do with the girl you like."

I chuckled at him.

"Just be patient with her. Be yourself. Keep being nervous, keep doing what she wants. I think that Molly likes you too, but I think she needs someone very patient." I told him.

"And what would you know about Molly?" Trev asked.

I laughed.

"Only things I saw when watching Kapri," I replied.

"Better be it." Trev mumbled.

I laughed again.

"Uh, so.. there is something that happened recently that I don't think you know about." Trev said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Not that it's a big deal or anything, but.." Trev trailed off as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uhm, I accidently walked in.. on Megan.. kissing someone.." He said awkwardly. "Okay?" I asked.

What's his point?

"Uh, well, it's not like it's not normal for Megan to kiss someone, it's just that.." Trev trailed off again.

"Spit it out, Trev? Who was it? Josh? Hayden? Oh don't tell me it's that one dude she dated last year?" I rushed out.

"It was Booke," he stated.

My eyes went wide.

"Uhm, what?" I asked.

"She kissed Brooke. I think I walked in right when she did it. It was terrible timing. I don't think they've even talked yet," he said.

"Megan and... Brooke?" I asked.

That's... great! That's freaking great! Brooke has had a thing for Megan our whole lives. She never said anything, but I could tell. It was always so obvious, but Brooke has always had issues because of her parents. She never talked with me about it, and honestly.. Brooke's mental state was always fragile. I never wanted to say anything because of that.

"That's fu.cking great! Are you sure that it was Megan that kissed her?" I asked.

"Uhm, yeah." Trev said. "Why are you so excited?"

"Why aren't you?" I asked.

"What if Brooke doesn't have feelings for Megan? Our whole friend group could fall apart," he said.

I waved him off.

"That won't happen. They'll figure things out," I said.

Trevor just stared at me, not knowing what to say.

"All of this talk makes me want to go upstairs," I said. Time for me to get my nerd.

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