Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 48

Maverick's P.O.V.

"Ya know, when you agreed to shower with me, I didn't think that you would stay huddled in the corner the entire time." I teased.

Kapri actually did agree to get in with me. I think she was just stuck in her after-glow. Because now..

Right now, Kapri is huddled in the corner furthest from me. She's shivering, and trying to cover herself up. And she's been looking around uncomfortably.

It's cute.

"I-I.. I've never done this before." She mumbled.

"Never done what? Showered?" I teased.

Kapri frowned at me, and huffed. At least she looked at me finally.

I reached out, and grabbed her arm. I gently pulled it from her body, and pulled her to me under the water. Kapri's cheeks turned pink as she stared up at me. "How can you be embarrassed now? After I've already had my face in your pussy." I teased.

Kapri's cheeks reddened more. I laughed at her, and spun her around. I wrapped my arms around her, and pulled her close to me.

"Is this better?" I asked now that she wasn't facing me.

"B-better?" She asked.

"I just want you to be comfortable, Kapri," I told her. "You can get out if this is too much for you."

I really hope she doesn't though.

Kapri shook her head, and turned around in my arms. She chewed on her bottom lip as she looked into my eyes. I pushed some of the wet hair from her eyes. "I want to stay," she said.

My heart swelled.

"Really?" I asked with a huge grin.

Kapri nodded.

"Yeah. I just.. It's a bit awkward," she said.

"Why? I've changed you several times. We've seen all of each other," I told her.

I brought one of Kapri's hands up to my lips, and kissed the back of it.

"You're over thinking things, nerd. Just relax." I said.

I feel like I'm being a little too pushy. I can't help myself. I want Kapri to stay in here with me. I've fantasized about being with Kapri a million times.

I've imagined doing all kinds of naughty things to her. Her moans echoing off the walls. Kapri gripping onto me for dear life.

But.. There were other things I thought about. Other things I've always wanted to do with Kapri. Things that I would never admit out loud for many reasons.

Not all of my fantasies about Kapri are se.xual. I'm in love with the girl after all. So, I've thought about a lot of things I'd want to do with Kapri.

I've thought about all of the places I wanted to take her to. I pictured her face lighting up when she saw the beaches in Florida. The sun shinning in her light greens while we pick peaches in Georgia. Skiing in the mountains of Colorado. Sitting in a cabin with the fire going in front of us. Sappy things.

I thought about all the dates I wanted to take her on. How I would feed her all of her favorite foods. Then we could take long walks together at night.

I wanted to take her to that place in the woods in the summertime. I wanted to lay a blanket out, and watch the stars with her. To show her all of my favorite constellations.

I've also wanted to shower with Kapri. I wanted to take care of her. To make her feel special and loved. I wanted to wash her curly black hair and put her in her pajamas. I wanted to tuck her into bed, and cuddle with her all night.

All mushy things. All things that I would never admit to. Things that Kapri would surly laugh at if she knew.

That's why I always jump to take care of her when she's drinking. After I make her c.um. I do it because I've always wanted to, and I was given a perfect excuse to act on those silly urges.

Now.. Now I get to make another come true.

I pushed Kapri under the rushing water. She scoffed at me at first. Then I started to massage her head under the water.

Kapri pushed my hands away as she started to sputter out water.

"Maverick," she complained. "I need to breathe you a.sshole."

I chuckled at her, and pulled her out of the water just enough. Then I went right back to massaging her head. Kapri is staring up at me with narrowed eyes. I pretended not to notice her skeptical stare.

I pulled Kapri out of the water, and grabbed her shampoo. I put some in my hands, and started to wash her hair. I noticed Kapri's eyes flutter shut. She leaned into me slightly, and a goofy smile spread across my face. I'm glad she can't see how happy this makes me. I love the look of pure bliss on Kapri's face. It's almost the same look as her after-glow. I did that. Me. I made her feel that good.

I wish that I could make Kapri feel good like that all the time.

I pushed her back under the water to rinse her hair. I scrubbed her head extra long since she seems to like that. Then I put some conditioner in her hair, which Kapri demanded I let sit while she washed her body. Like I'm going to miss the chance to wash Kapri's beautiful body. "I can do this part myself, Maverick," Kapri complained.

That isn't going to stop me.

"Just let me do it." I said.

Kapri huffed, but didn't say anything else. I'm sure she rolled her pretty green eyes at me. I don't care. This is too fun.

"Hey Maverick.." Kapri said softly.

"Hmmm?" I hummed out as I kept washing her beautiful body.

I'm pretty sure that I've washed her legs five times now.

"A-are you d-doing anything the last weekend of the month?" She asked me.

I paused in my washing. The last weekend of the month? That's..

"Isn't that homecoming weekend?" I asked her as I started to wash her body again.

"Well, yeah," Kapri said.

Is she trying to ask me to go with her? What am I supposed to say to her if she asks? I don't want to hurt her feelings, but I can't say yes.

"I-I'm not trying to ask you to go with me or anything." She said.

My eyes flickered to hers.

"Then what are you trying to ask me?" I asked her.

I pushed Kapri under the water to rinse her off.

"W-well.. I-I was just wondering if you were going, I guess," she replied.

I tried my best not to smirk at her.

"Are you wondering if I'm going with Sally?" I asked.

Kapri shrugged. I started to massage her hair again, and her eyes fluttered shut. I just love touching her. I won't get to do this for much longer. I want to s**k up every moment I can. "I'm not going with Sally. Or at all," I told Kapri.

Kapri's eyes opened. She stared up at me like she was trying to decipher something in my eyes.

"Are you two doing something else?" She asked.

I almost laughed at the annoyed tone in her voice.

"No Kapri. I won't be hanging out with any girls alone, or dating anyone, or taking anyone to any dances. I told you that I wouldn't do that while we're... exploring." I told her with a smile. "You take her home every day," Kapri stated.

"So?" I asked.

"So!?" Kapri echoed incredulously. "So, that means you're alone with another girl, Maverick."

"It's just to take her home," I replied.

"I think that we both know that isn't true," she grumbled.

I sighed, and looked into Kapri's eyes.

"What do you want from me, Kapri? Sally is my friend." I said.

"Your friend that you sleep with. That has strong feelings for you. Your friend that is constantly all over you." She replied.

"You better be careful, Kapri. You sound jealous." I bit out.

Kapri clicked her tongue, and shook her head.

"You're right. What do I care? Do whatever you want." She said.

I hate that hint of sadness in her voice. It breaks me a little bit every time I hear it. I never imagined that Kapri would actually develop feelings for me. I thought things would be fine. That I would be the only one to get hurt in the end.

"I know that Sally has feelings for me, Kapri. I've told her several times that I do not want her, that I don't have feelings for her like that anymore. I'm not even sure that I ever did. Sally is just a good friend to me. Sleeping with her was a mistake. One I can't take back now. But that doesn't mean that there is still something going on between us. I know you saw her kiss me that night. I've turned her down everytime she's tried since. We just hang out, as friends. And I limit that time as much as I can." I told her.

When I looked back into Kapri's eyes, she was glaring at me.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She asked.

"It doesn't?" I asked.

Kapri laughed hollowly as she shook her head.

"Let's sum this up. You know that Sally has feelings for you. You let her be all over you. You take her home, and defend her, and make time with her, regardless of what you promised me. You've slept with her before, and let her kiss you recently. But I shouldn't be worried because you told her you don't like her like that. Because it doesn't matter at all that she's into you as long as you push her away." Kapri said.


"It's the fact that you let her be all over you. You give her attention, and reasons to keep latching onto you. But it's fine because you just keep telling her no." Kapri said.

"Kap.. That's not.. I didn't mean it.. that way.." I said lamely.

Kapri shrugged.

"What does it matter? It's not like we're in a relationship. You said yourself, you're in love with someone else." She said.

That's right.. I am..

"But I want you," I said.

The words just slipped past my lips before I could stop them. Not that it stopped Kapri's glare.

"Then.." Kapri said. "prove it."

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