Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 45

Maverick's P.O.V.


When was the last time that I spent some real time with Kapri? I know that I was already in love with her, but.. Then we started to spend time together. Because of me, but still..

I miss her. I miss taking her home, and listening to her hum along to the music. I miss seeing her face light up when we would stop at Snowy's. I miss her bickering with me. I miss just being in her presence. I definitely miss doing stuff with her, and I miss the way she would look at me in her after-glow.

I've been trying to give Kapri the space she wanted, while also showing that I wasn't hanging out with anyone alone. Unless you count that I take Sally home every day. But I have told Kapri that I would take her too. Anytime.

I know that Sally only wants me to take her home to spend time with me. Sometimes we grab some food. Most of the time, I just drop her off and head home. We never do anything. I don't even kiss her. If Sally tries to kiss me, I turn away. I just.. can't.

I once thought that my feelings for Sally were deeper than I had felt for any other girl. Aside from Kapri, obviously. Now that she's back though. Especially with how different things are.. I realize that I never really liked Sally. Not romantically. I think that I just really like her as a friend.

And that is all we are. Friends. Nothing more.

I wish that Kapri and Sally could get along better though. Then I'd get to spend more time with Kapri. We could take Sally home, and then have a nice drive just the two of us after. I'd take the longest detour I could just to soak up more time with her. Sally has been trying to get along with Kapri, but Kapri has been being a brat as usual. Anytime Sally says something nice to her, Kapri acts like Sally did something wrong. It's really been pi.ssing me off.

What's Kapri being so rude for anyway?

Kapri even refuses to let me take her home anymore because of Sally. I just don't get her. What's the big deal about us taking Sally home?

I think I finally understood when Kapri came up to me before lunch. She looked so shy. Kapri's never looked at me like that. Never been nervous to talk to me. It was adorable. Especially when she tried to ask if I had time for her after school. I guess sneaking into my bed every night hasn't been enough for her.

Honestly, I was so thrilled that I barely heard the short conversation between Kapri and Sally. Sally telling Kapri what we were going to do after school, pi.ssed me off. She made it sound like some kind of date, and that is exactly how Kapri took it.

I watched Kapri's face closely as she told us to have fun. She was hurt. Which means she must feel something for me. I wanted to squish those feelings. It would be better for her if she felt nothing for me. If she hated me.

But I am a selfish and weak man. I ended up telling Sally no, and pulled Kapri away. I wasn't even going to take her to lunch like I had said. I was going to take Kapri somewhere alone, and kiss her for the entire lunch period. All I wanted in that moment, was to press my lips to hers. I miss her juicy lips.

Megan just had to interrupt us. And Kapri just had to get angry with me for still taking Sally home. I watched her storm off with Megan, who looked confused.

Honestly, I like hanging out with Sally, but.. If things were even just slightly different with Kapri, I would kick Sally to the curb in a heart beat. I would do anything to make Kapri smile. Even give up one of my closest friends..

But things aren't different. Kapri and I are not in love. And I'm not going to act on my feelings now. I won't.

So, I went to the lunch room, and tried to act normal. I could feel Kapri's eyes on me. I loved it. When I looked up into those light green eyes..

If Sally hadn't kissed my cheek in that moment, I think that I would have gotten up, and sat with Kapri. I just miss her so much. Maybe I shouldn't have started fooling around with her. Kapri is like a drug to me.

Still, I was pissed at Sally for kissing me, and she knew it. Before I could even say anything to her.. Savannah threw that fit. I was beyond furious. Especially with the sh.it she was saying about Kapri.

I thought that if I had come to Kapri's defense, that it would only make things worse. Maybe I should have though. Now Josh looks like a better guy than me. It didn't help that I jumped to Sally's defense either.

Now there are tons of rumors flying about about both of them. I feel awful about the things that they're saying about Sally. If I would have just kept my cool, maybe there wouldn't be any rumors.

Kapri.. I know that Kapri can handle herself. She's been through rumors before. Not that this doesn't pi.ss me off still though.

Unfortunately for me, Kapri had overheard part of mine and Sally's conversation.

"I can take care of myself though. Right Maverick?" She stated.

I couldn't even respond to her. The only thing I could do was watch as she stormed out of the library with Josh. Who turned his head to smirk at me on their way out.

"Sally," I said. "You still want to go to Snowy's?"


By the time Sally and I got to Snowy's, Kapri and Josh were there. Just like I knew they would be. They were seated at a table in the corner with a basket of fries in front of them. Josh is going on and on, probably about himself. Kapri is just picking at the food, her mind elsewhere. "Sal, I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do," I told her.

Sally gave me a knowing smile.

"It's alright Mav. I get it." She told me.

With that, I marched right up to Josh and Kapri's table. Both eyes snapped up at me, but I only looked at Kapri. She looks shocked to see me here.

"Get up. We need to talk." I stated.

"Can't you see she's busy, man?" Josh chimed in.

"Get. Up. Now." I ordered Kapri.

Kapri scowled at me.

"No thanks. You go ahead and take Sally home. I'm staying." She said.

I chuckled hollowly. I grabbed Kapri's arm, and yanked her to her feet.


"I will throw you over my damn shoulder, and drag you out of here, kicking and screaming, Kapri." I whispered in her ear.

Kapri's face flushed, making me smirk. Then she turned her eyes to me. A look of determination in those light greens.

"Well, you're going to have to because there's no way in hell I'm getting in a car with you and Sally." She stated.

My smirk deepened.

"Sally isn't coming." I told her.

"She.. isn't?" Kapri asked.

I shook my head. Kapri's eyes flickered at Sally, then back to me.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because you and I need to talk," I said.

"For what? Pretty sure whatever I have going on, I can handle myself." She spat at me.

My jaw ticked.

"You are coming with me whether you like it or not, Kapri," I said.

Kapri didn't say anything, but I saw her eyes waver.

"Don't you want to be my good girl, Kap?" I asked softly.

Kapri's resolve broke more, but I can see it's still not enough.

"I miss you, Kapri. A lot. Please come with me?" I tried.

Kapri's eyes went wider. They sparkled as she looked up at me. Her cheeks turned pink as she stared at me. "Okay." She breathed out.

I smirked at her again, and turned my eyes to Josh. Who only shook his head with an amused look on his face.

"I'll take Sally home," he said.

With that, I grabbed Kapri's hand, and pulled her out of the building. I put Kapri in my car, and got into the driver's seat. Then I started driving down the road. "Kapri, I think we should talk." I said.

"That's what every person likes to hear." She mumbled.


"Are you ending things with us?" She asked.

I stopped at a red light, and turned my head to her.

"What?" I asked, confused.

Kapri looked down at her hands in her lap. I can still see her pink cheeks. She looks.. sad.

"Now that you have Sally. Are you ending things with me?" She asked again.

Kapri looked up into my eyes. She looks like she's been preparing for this. The sadness in her eyes is killing me.

Is this what Kapri has been thinking over this last week?

I pulled over into the empty parking lot of a park. I put the car in park, and turned to Kapri. I reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Is that what you think? That I want to end things between us?" I asked her.

Kapri shrugged.

"I'm sorry that I've been neglecting you, Kapri," I told her.

"You don't owe me anything, Maverick," she said sadly.

"That doesn't mean I want to see you sad," I told her.

Kapri scoffed.

"According to you, I can handle myself. I didn't need you to stick up for me. I didn't need you to take me home. And I sure as hell don't need your pity." She stated angrily.

"That's not how I meant it at all, Kapri. I just know that you can handle yourself. Sally can't. She isn't as strong as you," I said.

Kapri snapped her head at me.

"Strong? And you think I'm strong because I want to be?" She asked incredulously. "No one was ever there to stand up for me. I had no choice but to be strong. Josh was the first person in my entire life that wasn't Molly anyway, that has stuck up for me. And cut the crap about Sally not being strong enough and needing you. It's pathetic that you can't see past her facade." She grumbled.

I sighed.

"I don't think Sally is putting up a facade," I said.

Kapri scoffed, and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry that I was never there for you before, Kapri. I just thought that I would make things worse if I said anything." I a 'I admitted.

"It doesn't matter, Maverick," Kapri mumbled.

"It matters to me," I said.

"Since when?" She scoffed.


"Just take me home. That's what you wanted, right? To get me away from Josh so you can take me home, and run right back to your girlfriend." She said.

"Sally isn't my girlfriend, and I have no intentions of seeing her for the rest of the night. You wanted to spend time together," I said.

"You want to... spend time with me still?" She asked, shocked.

"I always want to spend time with you, Kapri." I told her. "Let's go home."

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