Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 30

Maverick's P.O.V.


I think I'm possibly in deeper than I thought. All I did was touch Kapri a little. I only fingered her, and buried my face in her perfect tits.

Now I'm more in love with her than before. I didn't even get to c.um myself. Being intimate with my crush like that only made me more obsessed.

I need to get a grip.

I almost lost it when Kapri tried to undress me. She said she just wanted to see my di.ck. I really wanted to let her, but.. With how worked up I am from touching her.. I knew that I would do more than just let her look.

As much as I want Kapri, and as much as I keep pushing her limits.. I don't want to rush things with her. I want her to experience every little thing. Slowly. I know that I'm a bit rough and harsh, but.. I don't want her to regret anything when we're done. I don't want her to feel like she's just some sl.ut.

I might treat Kapri that way. Like nothing between us is special. But I don't want her first times to be bad memories.

So, I told her no, got her dressed, tried desperately to calm myself down, and got her back in the car.

"Can we go through the drive-through? I don't want anyone to see us," Kapri asked.

"Afraid to be seen with me?" I teased.

"Kind of," Kapri said.

I looked over at her as I chuckled. Kapri is still in her after glow. I've never seen a girl stuck in her after glow for so long.

Kapri has been staring up at me like she's in a dream. Sometimes her eyes will flicker out the window instead. I'm not sure she even realizes that she's been looking at me at all, let alone with that dreamy look in her eyes.

I didn't say anything to her. It feels too good having her look at me like that. I know it'll go away soon, and Kapri will go right back to scowling at me. So, I'm just going to enjoy it.

"I'm glad you didn't want to go in anyway. Because of you, I look like I pi.ssed all over myself." I teased.

Kapri laughed, the sound was like music to my ears. I'm not sure I've ever made her laugh like that. Or at all.

"It's not that bad," she said.

My eyes widened as I looked at her.

"Not that bad? I'm soaked." I said, gesturing to my jeans.

It's honestly true. Kapri was wet as fu.ck already. When she came, her juices just spilled out of her. It wasn't like she squirted, but didn't. I've never experienced anything so fu.cking se.xy. "Now I want to go in." Kapri said, giggling.

"Shut up nerd." I teased.

Kapri and I got our ice cream. She happily ate hers on our way home. Her after-glow is gone now, but she's still in a great mood. I almost don't want to take her home. I want to spend more time with her.

I know that isn't a good idea though. I should give her space now. We aren't together, and I don't need to get my hopes up.

I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. Kapri didn't make a move to get out. Our eyes connected just as Kapri licked her cone.

"What?" She asked.

"Uh, we're home." I said.

"Let's just eat our ice cream together before going in. I don't want the twins to get jealous," She replied.

"Jasmyn doesn't like ice cream," I told her.

Kapri whipped her head at me.

"That little girl doesn't know how to be a child." She mumbled.

I chuckled at her.

Kapri and I were silent for a while after that. We ate our ice cream in peace. Just like in the library. Being with Kapri in silence like this is comfortable. I knew it would be. Kapri just has this way of making me feel calm and happy. Even if I'm bullying her. "So," Kapri said, breaking the silence. "Are you going to leave?" She asked.

"Leave?" I asked.

Kapri shrugged.

"Usually you leave after coming home for a few minutes," she said.

I forgot that I've been avoiding being at home. I just didn't want to keep running into Kapri. I guess things are a bit different now. I still shouldn't spend too much time with her though.

"I'll stay home tonight. I gotta talk to my dad anyway," I said.

"Oh cool, wanna watch a movie later?" She asked.

I nearly choked on air.

I looked at Kapri to see her completely unbothered. She had just finished her ice cream cone and looked at me. How can she be so casual about that after what we just did? "What?" Kapri asked.

"You want.. to watch a movie together?" I asked.

Kapri shrugged.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Well, we just..." I trailed off.

Am I in the twilight zone?

"You don't have to be weird about it, Maverick," She grumbled.

I choked out a laugh.

"Who's being weird?" I mumbled.

"The mumbling jerkface that ripped my panties to shreds." Kapri responded without missing a beat.

I was stunned for a moment.

"Who would have guessed you'd be so brave? One o****m and you lose your damn mind." I said.

Kapri shrugged again. She opened the car door and swung her legs out. Then she turned her head to me.

"I'll be in my room if you wanna watch a movie together. If not, no big deal. See ya." She said before getting out of the car.

That fu.cking girl is really testing me.


It took me a few minutes to gather myself before I walked into the house. Kapri talking about me ripping her panties got me excited. Then I couldn't stop thinking about all the things I could do to her while she watches that movie. I had to talk my boner down before I could get out of my car.

"Hey Mav, how was school?" April greeted me when I walked in.

"Uh, good thanks." I said.

It's still so strange to have someone home to greet me. Someone who isn't working for my dad or my siblings. April has really been good for the house as a whole.

Which makes me feel even worse for the thoughts I have about her daughter.

"You and Kapri seem to be getting along better," April said.

"Yeah I guess." I said.

April smiled brightly. It's funny how she and Kapri look nothing alike, but so similar at the same time. They have the same eye color, nose, and chin. Everything else is different though. Kapri must look a lot like her dad. "You hungry? I over did it with dinner tonight, but I thought Kapri's friend Brooke was coming over. I guess she said tomorrow is better," April said.

I rolled my eyes when she called Brooke Kapri's friend.

"Uh, sure, but where is my dad?" I asked.

April averted her eyes.

"In his office." She said tightly.

They must be fighting.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

April sighed before looking at me.

"He says that he can't come to Jasmyn's recital on Saturday. Something about a meeting that late. If he doesn't figure things out, that office will be his new bedroom," she said with a bright smile.

"Well, take it from me.. I doubt he'll come. You might as well get used to it." I said as I walked out of the kitchen.

I took the stairs two at a time to my dad's office. I knocked on the door and walked in. Dad's eyes flickered up to me, then back to his work.

"You look tired," I said.

"I am tired," he said.

"Maybe you should take a weekend off then," I suggested.

Dad sighed.

"Not you too." He mumbled.

"Well, you know, it's like a ritual for me. I always pester you about making it to your kids' things, and then you never come." I said. Dad ran a hand down his face.

"I have a meeting with some investors. They want to have a dinner that night." He said like that was the only excuse he needed.

"You can't tell them that your daughter's violin recital that night?" I asked.

"They don't care about those things, Maverick. Time is money for these kinds of people," he said.

"And you'd want people like that to invest in you because....?" I asked.

Dad dropped the pen in his hand, and looked up at me.

"What do you want from me, Maverick?" He asked, slightly annoyed.

"I want you to be present in my little brother and sister's lives. Before it's too late. Stop ignoring them. Put your family first. Even if it means losing out on money," I said.

"It's not as easy as that," he tried.

"Sounds like an excuse to me," I replied.

"What would you even know? You're just a kid." Dad said.

I know that I'm 18, but that doesn't matter to Dad. I'm still his kid, so I'll always be a kid in his eyes. That's fine by me, but it won't shut me up.

"Fine. Don't come. Disappoint your daughter again. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Jasmyn stops inviting you to stuff period." I said with a shrug.

Dad sighed.

"Don't worry Dad, we understand where your priorities are." I said as I walked out of the room.

Dad didn't say a word as I shut his door. Usually he yells at me when I get mouthy like that. I guess things are different now. I wonder if that's April's influence. Well, at least she can get him to think about things. I, however, have plans with my lovely stepsister.

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