Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 27

Maverick's P.O.V.


"Hey," Josh greeted me as he sat next to me.

We have first hour together. What a great way to start my morning. As if I wasn't frustrated enough with Kapri, now I have to deal with Josh.

"I'm supposed to tell you that I'm taking Kapri home after school. So, you can go do whatever it is you do," he said.

My eyes snapped at him.

"What?" I bit out.

Josh smirked.

"I asked her this morning. She told me to let you know. Guess pulling her from me Friday night didn't do much for you, huh Penton?" He teased. I glared at him.

"What's your game exactly, Josh? Why are you even interested in her?" I asked.

Josh shrugged.

"No one's ever blatantly been uninterested in me before. It's... intriguing, to say the least. Not to mention that Kapri is not like most girls. She makes me curious." He said. "Well, be uncurious because you will never have her." I said.

Josh chuckled.

"We have other competition too, ya know," he said.

"What?" I asked dangerously.

"I was going to walk her to class when some new kid came up to her. He walked off with his arm around her shoulder." Josh told me.

"Hayden." I grumbled.

What do I have to do to get these two off of Kapri's back? Most people I warn can either be bribed, or are scared of me. I can't do that with either Josh or Hayden.

I just need to make sure they never have a chance alone with Kapri.


Fu.ck, why did I do that? Why did I have to put my hands all over Kapri like that? I think the more important question was, why did I pull away?

I knew that I could get away with doing things to Kapri in that closet. Hell, with the way she was moaning, I bet she was close to her climax. The fact that I will be the one to give her her very first o****m has been stuck in my head since then.

I blame Kapri and that damn tight dress she's wearing today. Her boobs look fu.cking amazing, spilling out the top of it. I didn't intend to be so rough with her, to yank her dress down like that. I just knew that I wanted to leave marks all over her body. That way, even if she is ever alone with Josh, she'll never do anything knowing she has hickeys. And even if she so happens to, Josh will see them.

I'm happy that Kapri did what I said so easily too. I might be making it all up in my head, but she wants me to some degree. That thought alone has been making my heart flutter. Making me feel lighter than ever. I know it's stupid of me. I know that Kapri doesn't want me, but damn.. It's hard not to be excited over it.

"What the fu.ck did you say to Kapri?" Josh asked as he plopped down in the chair next to me.

It's lunch time now. I noticed that Josh had been late, along with Kapri. She must have taken the time to tell him before sitting with the girls. I watched her walk in a few minutes before Josh. I haven't been able to take my eyes off of her.

"I told her to tell you that you can't take her home." I said without taking my eyes off of Kapri.

Josh chuckled hollowly.

"You're a real psycho over that girl." He muttered.

Finally, I turned my head to look at him. Josh is looking at me with a bit of anger, but mostly a bored expression. I just smirked at him.

"I am." I admitted. "You should probably stay the fu.ck away from her." I gritted out.

Josh smirked back at me.

"Not a chance in hell. Unless you two start dating, or Kapri turns me down. Which will never happen. You two are siblings now, and it seems little Kapri is coming out of her shell more. She's curious about things. Things that I can teach her." He said. My face fell into a scowl.

"Leave her alone." I warned.

"Or what?" Josh asked snidely.

I clenched my jaw shut. I really want to threaten Josh like I do with everyone else. I'll kill him before I let him touch Kapri. I can't tell him that though. Josh comes from a very powerful and rich family. He is different than the other guys I have to fight off Kapri. I'll have to try to dig up some dirt on him.

Until then...

"Fine. Play whatever game you want." I said.

I turned my head back to Kapri. Her light green eyes connected with my honey brown ones. For a brief moment, I forgot all about Josh, or anyone else in the room. Even with that glare she's giving me. Fu.ck, I really love her.

"Oh, I plan to Mav. And when I win, I'm going to rub Kapri in your face every chance I get."


I waited at Kapri's locker for her after the final bell rang. Only, she never came. Just about everyone else in the school is gone.

So, I went to go find her.

Kapri was walking around after school last week too. Knowing her, she probably has some kind of after-school class. Something to help with college since she isn't in any after-school activities. Just as the thought hit me, I walked by the school bulletin board. I paused when I noticed a certain flyer. A new club. A book club.

Hmmm, who is in charge of it? lan Lamestat? Who the hell is that?

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Trevors number.

"Hey Mav, what's up?" He answered.

"Hey, do you know who lam Lamestat is?" I asked.

"Uhhhmmm, pretty sure he's that junior that was teased a lot last year. Ya know, the one that everyone found out he was gay, and then they all teased him about in the locker room because-" "Because Aaron was the one that outed him. I remember." I interrupted.

"You should. You beat Aaron's a.ss over it." Trevor said, snorting.

Which is true. I didn't know who he was going on and on about in the locker rooms after gym class, but I had heard enough. I mean, so what if the kid is gay?

They were really pis.sing me off, and I had had enough. I got suspended for a full week. Dad was furious. It was worth it.

"Thanks Trev." I said, and hung up the phone.

I pulled down the flyer and continued to look for Kapri. Just like I suspected, she was in the library. Kapri has a ton of books out on the table and a notebook. I watched her for just a moment.

Kapri is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Everything about her is so pure. She always looks so innocent, until she opens her mouth. I love that bratty side of her just as much as the rest. I've never met a girl that keeps me on my toes like her. I walked up behind Kapri and covered her eyes with my hands.


"Get off of me Maverick." Kapri interrupted me.

I moved my hands and plopped down on the seat next to her.

"How'd you know it was me?" I asked.

Kapri sighed before looking up at me.

"This intense irritation took over my body. Call it my spidey sense." She said before looking back down at her book.

I chuckled at her.

"Why didn't you tell me you had an after-school thing?" I asked her.

"Maybe I had high hopes that you would leave me here." She replied.

"Fat chance cupcake," I said.

Kapri rolled her eyes at me. I leaned up in my seat to get closer to her. Then I placed my hand on her bare knee. Kapri paused, but didn't look at me.

"Don't tell me you haven't been looking forward to this all day." I whispered in her ear. "I bet you're still so built up I could make you c.um right now."

Kapri whipped her head to look at me. Her eyes are wide and pleading. Just how I want her to look.

"We're in the library, Maverick." she said, panicked.

I slowly started to move my hand up her thigh.

"You can tell me no, Kapri. I'll stop if you do." I whispered to her.

Kapri's bottom lip jutted out, making me chuckle. My hand slipped under her dress. Then I gripped her thigh and forced her legs apart. Kapri let out a small gasp. "You can't tell me no can you?" I asked teasingly. "You like it that much, huh?"

"M-Maverick.. please.." Kapri breathed out.

I skimmed my fingers across her covered a pu.ssy. A shiver ran through me when I found out how wet her panties were.

"You must have a greedy little pus.sy. The way you're always so wet and ready for me at the slightest touch," I said.

"M-Maverick.." Kapri moaned.

"You want me to stop for now?" I asked.

Kapri nodded as she bit down on her lip. My fingers are rubbing her cl.it slowly. Her panties are just growing more soaked. Just how wet can Kapri get?

"Fine, I will. If you promise to join this club," I said as I set the flyer down in front of her.

Kapri's eyes flickered at it, but she's having a hard time focusing. I smirked as I kept rubbing her cl.it slowly. I leaned into her and pressed my lips to her neck. "A-a book c-club?" She breathed out.

"You need an after-school acitivity for college, right? Join this. You'd fit in great there," I said.

Kapri grabbed onto my arm, and I pressed her cl.it harder.

"So, will you give it a try?" I asked.

"Okay Maverick," Kapri agreed.

I pulled my hand away from her, and smirked.

"Great," I said. "Now let's go finish what I started."

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