Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 15

Kapri's P.O.V.

I'm not sure who's crazier. Maverick for pushing me up against a wall like that, and then asking me to take a ride with him. Or me, for agreeing to it.

I still can't believe Maverick did that. Or how my body started to react to him. With his damn knee between my legs, and his hard body pushed against me. It was... awful! I was getting all hot, and it was hard to focus. My eyes kept flickering to his arrogant mouth. I don't even understand why Maverick did that in the first place. He was lying to me about Hayden for whatever reason. Which was strange in itself. The moment that I defended Hayden, it was like a switch flipped in Maverick. He got so angry. I just don't understand why.

I was almost in a daze with Maverick's body against mine like that. Then he had to open his damn mouth and say something about my outfit. I was already nervous as hell about wearing this. Not only because of my time of month and these are white pants, but.. This is something way more bold than I would ever wear.

All day I felt like people were staring at me. They most likely weren't, but it was still uncomfortable. Hayden was actually the only one that told me I looked cute today. Not that other people ever do, but it felt nice to be complimented by someone other than my friends. Hayden's small words helped a little bit, and then Maverick ruined it all.

Too much skin? The girls he dates barely wear clothes! Has he not seen the cheerleaders' uniforms? This is nothing compared to them.

If Maverick doesn't like it, he doesn't have to look at me. He's always hurting my feelings with his stupid mouth. Those stupid full lips.. He doesn't deserve them.

Still, I said yes.

What is wrong with me agreeing with this? I know that I was the one that asked for a ride on his bike, but honestly... I wasn't sure it would ever happen. I really am curious what riding on a motorcycle would be like though, so why not, right? "Here." Maverick said as he handed me his helmet.

"What about you?" I asked instead of taking it.

"I'll be fine, we aren't going far," he replied.

I frowned as I crossed my arms. Maverick looked down at my arms, and back to me with bored eyes.

"An accident can happen at any time. We can just go another time," I said.

"And how are you going to get home?" Maverick asked, annoyed.

"I'm going to walk. Just like I had planned to before, I had the displeasure of running into you," I said snarkily.

Maverick rolled his eyes at me.

"We live over three miles from here," he said.

I shrugged.

"How do you think I got around all the time before?" I asked him.

Maverick frowned.

"I thought you took the bus," he said.

I averted my eyes from Maverick. I used to take the bus. Until Savannah and her friends constantly made fun of me for it. I'm talking every single morning of our freshman year. They waited for me to get off the bus, and followed me to my locker. All so they could talk about how I was only riding the bus because I'm poor. Obviously, it was way worse than them just saying that. Worse enough that I started walking the almost five miles from our apartment to school.

"I haven't taken the bus since freshman year." I mumbled.

"Because of Savannah?" He asked angrily.

I looked up at Maverick. The tone of his voice kind of shocked me. He sounded really pis.sed off. Maverick looks angry too.

What for though? It's not like he didn't know about it. Everyone did. Savannah was never quiet about it.

"What's it matter?" I asked.

Maverick's jaw ticked. He stepped up to me and placed the helmet on my head.

"I'll start bringing you to and from school," he said.

My eyes widened.

"And before you complain, I'll get another helmet. One just for you." He added.

"W-what? No." I said.

"Wouldn't it be better than walking?" Maverick asked.

"What about my hair?" I whined.

Maverick chuckled. Not in the usual arrogant way either. This time it was.. genuine. Like he really found something amusing. And there's that single dimple again.

"Since when do you care about your hair?" He asked.

"Since now," I stated, pouting.

Maverick finished fastening the helmet to my head and looked into my eyes.

"Is that why you left your hair down today?" He asked.

My cheeks heated.

"Maybe.. Why? Does it look bad?" I asked, then groaned. "It's probably frizzy as hell and all over the place." I complained.

Maverick chuckled again.

"It doesn't look bad at all." He said as he grabbed a lock of my hair and twirled it around his fingers. "I've always loved your hair. I hated it when you started wearing it up every day," he said. Maverick's words shocked me.

"Yeah, well, after Savannah stuck gum in it freshman year and I had to cut it out, I felt better having it up." I mumbled.

Maverick's eyes hardened and he tugged on the lock of hair, pulling my head closer to him.

"I thought she had stopped picking on you after middle school." He said angrily.

"What are you mad at me for?" I asked as I pushed off of his chest. "It's not like I was the bully."

"No, but I'm sure you kept saying sh.it to make Savannah want to do more to you." He said, annoyed.

"Oh, so I'm supposed to just lie down and take it? Hell no." I said. "Savannah is a bully. I never did anything to her. I only ever started being mean to her when she started being mean to me. Even then, I wasn't as vicious as her." I complained. "Maybe you should have been meaner then," Maverick said.

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have it in me to do that." I admitted. "Besides, Savannah and I used to be friends. I never understood why she started hating me so much." I said.

Maverick's honey-brown eyes softened. An emotion flashed across his eyes, but it was quick. Was that.. guilt?

"Savannah is just a bit.ch with no personality of her own. She was probably just jealous of you," he said.

I frowned.

"Haven't you guys been like.. on and off for all of high school?" I asked.

Maverick shook his head as he got on his bike.

"She likes to tell people that, but it was only ever s.ex between us." He said.

Then Maverick kicked his bike to start it up.

"Just like with every other girl you meet," I mumbled.

"What?" Maverick asked.

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

"Get on nerd." he ordered.

I grabbed Maverick's shoulders and got on his bike. Maverick grabbed my hands and wrapped them around his waist. Then he turned his head to smirk at me. "Hold on tight geek." He said with a wink.

My cheeks flamed as I squeezed him tightly. Maybe if I squeeze hard enough it'll hurt him. However, these abs of his feel like they're made of steel.

Maverick pulled up his feet, and took off. I squealed as he sped out of the parking lot and onto the road. After Maverick had been driving down the road a bit, I felt brave enough to lean back a bit. The leaves are changing colors now due to the fall. It's warm enough still that this feels great though.

It's so stunning and freeing. No wonder why Maverick likes this so much. It's so much fun.

A few minutes later, Maverick pulled into a new parking lot. I frowned as I looked up at the business. Snowy's. The town's best ice cream shop. My favorite snack place.

What are we doing here?

Maverick parked his bike, kicked down the stand, and turned it off. I hopped off the back as I looked around. This place is packed.

Maverick got off and started to unfasen the helmet on my head.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"I thought it was obvious. We're getting ice cream." Maverick replied flatly.

I gave him a bored look as he pulled the helmet from my head.

"Okay, but why?" I asked.

"I thought something sweet might make you less bitter." He teased.

I kept the bored look on my face as Maverick laughed at his little joke.

"Come on, you love this place. I'll take you home after," he said.

How does he even know I like this place?

I followed Maverick into the shop. He got a triple scoop waffle cone with a scoop of mint chip, cookie dough, and superman ice cream. Disgusting. I got a double scoop with a waffle cone since Maverick is paying, with chocolate fudge and moose tracks. Yummy. After we got our ice cream, Maverick sat down at an empty table, and I sat across from him.

"How can you eat so much chocolate ice cream?" Maverick asked, disgusted.

"How can you eat so many different flavors that don't go to gether?" I asked back with the same tone.

Maverick shook his head as he smiled. He has such a nice smile when it's genuine. I internally shook my head. Gross. Nothing about Maverick is nice. I blame that cute dimple.

I opened my mouth to say something snarky to Maverick when another voice interrupted us.

"Yo Mav! What are you doing here?"

Maverick's body froze as he looked up at the person. I didn't need to look up to know who it was. Josh Harrington. The second richest guy in school. The guy that I always assumed was Maverick's best friend, since they are always hanging out at school. If Josh is such a close friend though, why does Maverick look so pi.ssed off right now?

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