Teaching My Bookworm Stepsister

Chapter 12

Kapri's P.O.V.


Okay, so today is sh.it. Every single class I was in, some small group of girls had to surround me. All of them asked question after question about Maverick. If it wasn't for Brooke in our last hour, I think I would have started a fight. What is wrong with these girls? Maverick is not that special. He's a total a.ss. Even as a brother.

Thank god Brooke was there to tell everyone to leave me alone. She was as rude as she needed to be about it. Then she sat next to me for the rest of the class. I have a newfound respect for her now. Which is making me wonder even more how someone as nice as Brooke could be friends with Maverick.

Now we're at lunch though. A few girls have tried to come up to me since being here. Between Brookes' monotone attitude, and Molly and Megan's scowls, most of them steered clear. I can't believe how insane these girls are over a boy.

I've been glaring daggers at Maverick since I spotted him at the beginning of lunch. Stupid freaking jerk. This is all his fault. If he could just be a normal person, he'd probably have a girlfriend right now and all these other girls would leave me alone. Maverick has felt my eyes on him for the majority of lunch. At first, he gave me a sour look that said 'what the hell do you want nerd?'. When I continued to glare at him, he shrugged me off. Now he has a smug look on his face as we stare at each other down from across the cafeteria.

I am not looking away. Maverick is going to know just how annoyed I am. Even if he sits there with a cheerleader on his lap, munching on his fries. I'm kind of surprised none of the people around him have noticed his attention is elsewhere. "Kap, maybe you should give it up and enjoy your lunch," Molly suggested lightly.

I scoffed. Maybe she's right though. Maverick has ruined my whole day, and this is the first time I've seen him. Stewing in this annoyance is only ruining my day. In fact, my mood is only amusing to Maverick.

One of these days I will find out what gets under his skin. Then I'm going to broadcast to all the girls of the school that he likes whatever it is that gets to him. He'll never have another day of peace. I flipped Maverick off before turning to my friends.

"You're right. I should let it go. I can always break a mirror off of his bike at home as payback. Thanks Mol." I said.

"That's.. not really what I meant," Molly replied.

Megan snorted.

"I say do it. Maverick deserves a little annoyance here and there," She said.

Someone gets it.

"Aren't you guys friends though?" I asked.

Megan and Brooke shared a look before both of them shrugged.

"We've known him since forever. I'd say we're pretty close." Megan said. "Which is why I say let's annoy him."

"Like.. a little friendly prank?" I asked.

Megan nodded.

"What would we even do?" I asked. "Nothing bothers Maverick. The stupid prick is constantly happy-go-lucky. No care in the world. Even if he is ruining his stepsister's life!" I rambled.

Megan and Molly laughed as Brooke shook her head.

"Well, there is one thing that gets to Maverick.." Brooke said.

Megan snapped her eyes at her friend.

"But that's kind of personal," Brooke said.

I frowned at her.

"I need something useful," I stated.

Molly laughed as she bumped her shoulder into mine.

"Well, you know.. we could always use you." She offered.

"Use me for what?" I asked her.

"To annoy Maverick." She said like I should have already guessed.

I gave her a confused look, making Molly roll her eyes.

"Look, I don't know Maverick that well, but I have been seeing him a lot more since meeting these two. I've never seen anyone annoy Maverick the way that you do. It's like the moment you enter the room, or get brought up, there's a black rain cloud above his head. It's kind of cute." She told me. "Uh, okay gross." I muttered, cringing.

I thought about what Molly said for a moment though. She does have a point. Every interaction I've had with Maverick has been an unpleasant one. And he's always starting it. I guess that night he came home drunk wasn't that bad.. I shouldn't even think about that!

"Maybe you're right, but he's never home for me annoy and I don't think we have any classes together," I said.

"We have last hour English with him," Molly told me.

"We do?" I asked.

"Yeah, you, me, Maverick, and Megan." She said.

I groaned.

"Great," I said.

"Don't be dramatic, Kap. He's your brother," Molly said.

"Brother my a.ss." I grumbled as I looked back at Maverick.

According to that jerk, I'll never be a part of their family. My father has already left me. It's only natural that Mom would too. Especially when she can have the kind of life Liam can provide. I'll just be all alone at Harvard. "I have a different idea," Megan said.

We all looked at her.

"How about, you pretend like Maverick doesn't exist?" She suggested.

"Is that really going to annoy him?" I asked, frowning.

Megan shrugged.

"It could. It could not. Either way, you'll be a lot happier." She said. "I think that you should start coming out with us more. Ya know, come party, hang out with some good friends, enjoy your senior year." I frowned harder.

"Don't make that face, Kapri," Molly scolded me. "You never go out. Have fun this year." She said.

"But.. That's not really my thing.. I need to prepare for college anyway. I'm taking that online class after school, remember?" I said.

Molly rolled her eyes.

"Ya know, they say that over 50% of students that were top of their class in high school flunk out of college." Brooke said.

My eyes snapped at her.

"What?" I asked. "Who says that?"

Brooke shrugged.

"I heard they did a survey," she said.

"I think I've heard that too," Megan commented.

What? I've never heard of that before. Why though?

"What makes them flunk out? Are the classes really that hard?" I asked.

Brooke shook her head.

"Nah, I heard that it's because they go too crazy in college." She said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Think about it," Megan said. "Most teenagers are partying and getting into trouble while they're in high school. A lot of the kids that are in the top class are too busy studying to do that. They never got that release, so when they get into college and go to those parties...." She trailed off.

"They go a little crazy," Brooke finished.

"It becomes too much for them," Megan added.

"I think I heard that too," Molly agreed.

"So.. what are you guys saying exactly?" I asked. "That I should.. like.. sleep around and drink and stuff?"

Megan and Molly snorted and Brooke gave me a bored look.

"That's exactly what we're saying," Brooke said sarcastically.

"No." Molly said as she tugged on my arm.

I turned to face her.

"We're just saying to lighten up. Start by coming out with us. Have a few drinks. Be nice to people. Maybe find a guy or two to make out with." She suggested. "But don't do anything you aren't comfortable with. We just want you to have a good time and loosen up. Right girls?" Molly asked, looking at the other two.

I turned my head in time to see them share a look. Both of them smirked before turning back to us. What was that about?

"Oh yeah, of course," Megan said.

"And the more you're around, the more annoyed Maverick will be. I can't wait." Brooke said.

Molly clapped her hands and wiggled in her seat.

"This is going to be so fun!" She said.

"And we can start this Friday," Brooke said.

"Yeah, Maverick is throwing a party at Brooke's. You can come with us." Megan said.

"I wasn't invited." I tried.

"So?" Megan scoffed.

"So, I'm just supposed to crash it?" I asked.

Brooke snorted.

"It's at my house. I'm inviting you." She said.

"But-" I tried again, but was interrupted by my best friend.

"Do not even try Kapri. You're coming. Just be happy about it." Molly said.

Happy? Yeah, right. I already don't want to see that stupid jerk. Although... Maybe Brooke has a point. If my presence alone irritates Maverick, then he can be irritated by himself. I can still have fun.

Plus, I think they have a point about those statistics. I've never thought I'd be a party girl, but what if that happens to me? What if I flunk out because I go too crazy?

Maybe doing this will be fun. I could become closer with Brooke and Megan. I could.. actually have more friends.

I shouldn't do this to pi.ss off Maverick, or to try to get those girls off of my back. I should do this for myself. Because I want to. And I think I do. I want to experience more before going off to college. College is going to be way harder anyway. I want to just focus on school. Right now, my grades are great, and I know that I can keep them that way. So why not have a little fun? "Okay." I said. "Let's do it."

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