Tasting Darkness

Chapter 159

Read Taming Darkness By Jessica Hall Book 3 Chapter 34 – Aleera
My mind became lost to the dream walk with my mates. It was so real, I almost felt like I could reach out and touch them, to
share the joy that vibrated through them. I was consumed by the emotion until I felt the very ground shake, and the walls cracked
around me. Cr**ks zipping up the walls and making holes to the cells next door. Not large enough to get into, but enough for me
to see my terrified neighbor.
I looked up at the ceiling, dust sprinkling over me, and my eyes darted to the other Fae locked in their cells. The power of my
mates flared through the bond, my infinity mark was glowing, lit up bright and burning against me they were coming for me.
The tremors are violent, murmurs and panicked cries ring out as the Harmony Fae worry the roof would cave in. Now or never,
now it is. The time for my mother having the upper hand, or even thinking she still had it, was over.
I would not allow her to use me for her tyrannical plans, or risk my unborn child’s life in the process. This little game of hers was
over, I was ending it was ending it. Porter hadn’t bothered chaining me down again, so getting out wasn’t difficult, it was as easy
as sending surges of electric current to disable the cell’s locks.
My neighbor jerked to attention, and watched me with wide eyes. I would get all the Harmony-Fae out of this hellish prison, we
would all unite and fight our way to freedom, stopping my mother in her tracks. The time for waiting was over.
I sent more power into the cell door, and the surge traveled not just to my cell, but up and down the entire line. The moment each
lock undid, the digital panels controlling their collars exploded.
The collars they wore to disable their magic fell to the ground. Alarms blared as every single door slid open. One by one, the
Harmony-Fae eased themselves out of their cells, almost not believing that their nightmare was about to come to an end finally.
They looked towards me, or so I thought, until a stampede of feet rushed our way. Based on the odor that drifted to us, I could
tell what we were dealing with long before they showed their ugly hideous faces Th Theor ugly, hideous faces. Those zombie like
power hunters my mother used before were preparing to mob us.
If only she knew that little trick of hers wasn’t going to work on me, nor would it on the rest of the Harmony Fae who were
preparing themselves for what was coming next. – The first set of power-hunters stumbled near me, and I smirked as fire danced
on my fingertips as I tossed it at their chests.
The flames were so hot they were blinding, the scorching flames traveled from one monster to the other, setting an entire squad
of them ablaze. 20 Somewhere behind these brutes, I was positive my mother waited.

Knowing her and how she thought, I’m sure she probably figured they could handle me, and she could just swoop in to pick up
the pieces before they killed me.
My wings rippled along my back, yet there wasn’t enough room to spread and open them, however as I flexed the muscles of my
back, feathers appeared with a mere thought, and reaching my hand back, I plucked them off, and I tossed them like daggers at
my enemies, determined to cut down their numbers and pull that psychotic b*tch out from wherever she was hiding. I would turn
this entire place into ruins, along with her network of power hunters.
The battle I was waging must have given those Harmony-Fae around me motivation. Wisps of power flooded the hall as fireballs
slammed into more of the zombie power hunters, setting them aflame.
Lightning cracked through the air and bolts slammed through some of the heads of the brainless minions. The wind whistled
around me as a group of the hunters were gathered together, and another fireball consumed them.
The Harmony-Fae were fighting back with a new-found hope. No longer restrained inside the confines of their cells, their power
no longer disabled by the shackles around their necks.
They rallied together, throwing their attacks with more and more enthusiasm as they saw the zombies fall one after another. I
needed to get to my so-called mother before the slimy b*tch slipped away in the midst of the chaos.
All of these lies, death and destruction started with her, and I would make d*mned sure it ended with her too. Under no
circumstances would she get away this time, I would use all my power to ensure she didn’t slink off into the shadows to keep
plotting for a way to bring about mine and my mates’ downfall.
All for the sake of her insatiable greed and hunt for power. This ended today. The hunters fell to me and my razor sharp wings,
the feathers shot through their bodies, like a hot knife through butter, doing devastating damage.
I cleared out a path in the – direction I’d seen my mother retreat I made it to the stairs and hurried up them to the next level,
finally having enough room to move effortlessly.
Turning a corner, I froze when I come to an area full of science labs. Porter was on the ground in a lab coat with all kinds of vials
surrounding his hands, trying to stem his bleeding.
He wasn’t moving very quickly, and at first glance, I assumed him dead. I stepped around him, and he let out a breath, startling
me and stopping me in my tracks. Looking down, his hand reached for my foot. Blood spilled from his eyes, ears, nose and

“Wait,” he gasped out, his voice shaking as he did so. “I know I don’t deserve your kindness or your pity, what I’ve done...” he
trailed off and shuddered, he coughed up a dark red, almost black blood clot that reeked of chemicals. “You were right.
It was all Lidia. She set the first plague with your father. Here, take these. It is all the proof you will need for the council.” I
dropped my gaze to see what he was clutching so hard – two vials in his shaking hand.
Crouching down next to him, I gently took them and turned them around to study them. My brows furrowed. This... couldn’t be
real. But there, in bold writing, one was labeled the first plague, and the second one had my name on it, and it was obvious this
was not from the spinal fluid sample.

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