Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 414

414-The Royal Beta Can Rule.
My luck was really scarred because the day I was planning to speak to Maynard
and talk to him about what Christina had told me, he had to move back to his
pack for two days. I took it as a sign and decided not to talk to him at all. I would
wait for him to speak to me after Christina talks to him about divorce.
It was selfish of me to even consider her offer, but at this point, I badly needed
to get out of this marriage. Lazio was driving me crazy, and the process wasn’t
even slow.
’Lazio! I was meaning to talk to you about something/ I said, clearing my throat
to get his attention. He was too busy on his phone while the TV was playing
before us.
‘Hm?’ He didn’t look away from his phone when responding to me.
“It’s 15; I want to visit Thiago’s pack.” I reminded him of the deal we have made.
Every 15 days, I check in on his pack and try to assist them with whatever they
require. The pack has been running without an alpha, so I don’t know how much
longer it could stay like that.
Nov/ that Corbin had started a war with me, I feared he would take his anger out
on Thiago’s pack.
’Okay!” Lazio answered, still not looking at me. He never once asked how I was
feeling. After Maynard and Christina left, I had to start doing the chores again

and force myself to forget about my sickness and get to work.
‘I was thinking maybe you can join me this time?” I requested, and he finally put
his phone down.
‘Why would I do that?” he asked, shaking his leg anxiously while staring at my
‘You are an alpha. You have a better understanding of how to keep a pack and
take care of the matters,’ I said, reminding him Thiago’s pack is missing an
alpha now.
‘Oh! You finally remembered that I am the alpha. You never asked me to
accompany you all the previous years when you visited his pack. Did you mess
up something there?’ He raised his brow, using a sarcastic tone, and made me
regret even requesting him. If Maynard was here, I would have asked him, but
now I was left with Lazio, so I had to swallow my ego and request that he help
me take care of Thiago’s pack.
’It is not like that. You have told me that you are not ready to take care of
another pack. But now that you are already thinking about taking over some of
the free lands, why not take Thiago’s pack under you and rule the pack? Their
pack is actually a very rich Ian—,” I was yammering with a lot of hopes and
expectations when his scoff silenced me.
‘Just say you don’t want Corbin to take over Thiago’s pack. You don’t care about

my business plan, it is all about what you want.” He shook his head when he
taunted me and called me selfish yet again in hidden words.
‘What is going on with you, Lazio? Why can’t we talk without starting a war?
Where did the Lazio I used to know go to?” I asked, feeling exhausted by his
attitude. He was behaving like a total stranger to me.
I miss Lazio, who was always down to earth and chilled with me. Sure, he had
his moments, but he would still accept his faults and come back to me. This new
him was something I didn’t even want to spend a minute with.
‘Ask yourself,” he said as he grabbed his phone and exited the living room. The
conversation never met a solution.
I let out a sigh and decided to go alone. Just because he doesn’t care anymore
doesn’t mean I will let them suffer alone.
I got very little sleep before leaving for the shadow winder pack. Lazio was
already napping, so I didn’t get a chance to meet him. I was going to come back
for the night. My stay in Thiago’s pack would usually last for a few hours only, as
I was not allowed to stay in his pack for the night.
’Hey!” The instant I got out of the car, I found Janet throwing her arms around
me and pulling me into a hug. “Wait! what happened to you?” She pulled back
and cupped my face in her hands.
I saw the pack members surrounding me with bouquets in their hands and

smiles on their faces.
‘I am just a little sick, nothing too crazy,” I tried to play it off, heading over to the
pack members and accepting their gifts. This pack made me feel like this is
what home must feel like.
They were a bit harsh to me in the beginning, and now I know why. Somewhere
along the line, they knew my parents had become the reason behind their Alpha
and Luna’s misery. But after realizing I was nothing like my parents and had
even taken good care of Thiago, they accepted me with open arms.
‘Why can’t you stay here for the night? We want to take care of you,” Janet
pouted, complaining, as she followed me to the office.
‘The rules, baby! Besides, I am sure I will be fine. I just need to take a look over
everything and make a plan for the coronation next month,” I said, and a frown
covered her forehead.
’Coronation? There is no alpha in this pack.” She sounded defeated when
talking about not having a ruler to save them from Corbin’s dirty eyes.
’True! But we still have a Royal Beta, second in command,’ I said, and her jaw
met the floor. I am sure nobody gave it a thought, but I did some research and
realized it was indeed possible for the royal beta to lead the pack after the
demise of their alpha.
’That is me, Enya, and I don’t know how I can take care of such an enormous

pack,” she said, looking scared even at the thought of messing up.
’There is no need to fret. You have been taking care of the pack, anyway. And I’ll
be here beside you whenever you need me,” I promised her, and in the back of
my mind, I realized I also need someone to accompany me whenever I need
someone, like a suitable mate.

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