Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 406

406-The Petty Stuff
“Lazio!” I pronounced his name after gulping a little. It was clear from the look
on his face that he wasn’t too happy. Something had deeply disturbed him, as
evidenced by the slight raise of his brow and the tightening of his lips.
“Good morning,” I said, trying to sound playful and normal.
“Maynard was here?” he asked, ignoring my greetings and briskly approaching
“He was.” I didn’t lie. He stood beside me for a few empty seconds before he
scoffed at me.
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“Why? Why did you indulge in a conversation with him?” he asked me,
assuming it very correctly. I could tell he was not going to understand whatever I
had to say. Something in him has changed, or maybe it was always there, but I
was too occupied with saving my mates and the world to acknowledge it.
“He came here to talk to me. We talked, and now he is gone. I am not a child
who would turn away from the problems because Daddy doesn’t want her to
speak to anyone without his permission.” I had enough of his attitude. I turned to
him after dropping the butter knife in the sink and groaned, muttering the words
to him.
It surprised him to see him standing up for me again.

He stayed still for a moment before he grasped my arm and started dragging
me to our bedroom.
“What are you doing, Lazio? we have guests over; have some decency.” I
complained, trying to free my arm, but his fingers were wrapped too firmly
around my skin.
“Let me go,” I fought, but to no gain. He shoved me into the room and locked
the bedroom behind us. It didn’t just stop there. He then pushed me in front of
the mirror and stood behind me. His hands grabbed my arms from behind to
keep me still.
“Look at yourself! Now use the same tone from before and see how ridiculous
you look when being rude to your alpha mate,” he muttered, shaking my body a
little and glaring at me in the mirror’s reflection.
“I said what was right. You have changed so much, Lazio!” I raised my voice,
but it resulted in tears being formed in my eyes.
“Because I grew up. I am not that teenager from high school anymore. I am not
the miserable guy you used to be to your fullest in that academy,” he yelled,
pushing me into the mirror and setting me free. I instantly turned around to him
and stared at his face in shock.
“I used you? When?” I asked, my eyes staring at him with nothing but complaint
and sadness in them.

“I am not up for an argument in this early morning. You need to accept and
admit when you are wrong. I didn’t want you to ruin their relationship, did you
hear me?” He yelled despite the fact that I told him the guests might hear us.
“No! I didn’t hear you. Say it even louder so that the entire pack can hear you.
They all should know how narrow minded and control freak you are.” The
moment I raised my voice louder than him, he clenched his fists and raised
them. My reflexes worked hard, and I stepped back from him.
“You were going to hit me?” I asked in bewilderment. I was panting as I stared
at his frozen fist in the air.
“No!” He instantly lowered it and stared at his fist for a moment. “No!” he
repeated, “Enya! I would never hit you,” he finally raised his face and for the first
time in two years, I saw any sort of emotions in his eyes for me.
“But you were going to hit me,” I mumbled in my mouth, letting out quivering
“That was just me being angry. I would never hit you. If I had to, I would have,
but I stopped.” He took a step closer to me, but my reflexes made me step back
from him in a little fear.
“Is that how you want me to be looked at? You want everyone to think I am an
abusive alpha just like my father?” He brought it up himself when I didn’t even
say it.

It was at that time that I realized arguing with him was a lost cause. This wasn’t
the Lazio I met in that academy’s room. I lost that Lazio long ago. It was just sad
that he still has the same Enya caged in his grasp.
We stayed silent for a minute before he let out a grunt and exited the room. I
couldn’t tell what happened, but those few minutes of arguments made me
realized I am not living a life anymore.
I did breakfast alone and left for the office in a separate car, as he had asked
me to. I didn’t realize it the other day, but now I was beginning to understand
why he didn’t want me to take the same car with him. He didn’t want to be
around me anymore.
Once in the office, I heard from the girl on the counter that Maynard, Lazio, and
Christina were going to be late for work. So I had the entire office to myself.
Because I was Lazio’s secretary, the first thing I did was fix his desk.
What upset me was the empty desk of Lazio. He didn’t have my picture on the
desk with him, unlike other Alphas who carry their Luna’s pictures around.
‘That is fine. It is not like we were ever in love,’ I taunted, shaking my head at
how quickly people change.
While I was busy piling up his files, I heard Valerie enter the office without even
knocking on the door.
“What are you doing?” I heard the shock in her voice, and, upon looking at her

face, I realized she was actually dumbfounded, watching me clean up Lazio’s
“What do you think I am doing? I’m arranging his desk,” I replied, a little
grumpily. She hadn’t been nice to me, so I didn’t need to be nice to her either.
“Can you please leave his stuff alone?” It was then that she took it too far when
she asked me not to touch his stuff.

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