Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 395

395-Sometimes Sweet, Mostly Bitter?
“What did you say?” Corbin shook his head as if he was not sure if he heard me
correctly, but then he placed a hand on his chest as he felt the mate bond
“You rejected me?” he grimaced, tilting his head and fixing an angry glare on my
face. I was hesitant and afraid of his reaction, but then the counselors started to
walk out after sorting out everything for the night. I felt like it was my chance to
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“Alpha King Corbin. I know you must be hurting, but justice is what we cannot
look away from,” the old man started having a word with him while he looked
distracted. I could tell he was thinking of a million ways to kill the old man who
was stopping him from coming after me.
I sprinted out of there and reached the bus stop in a few minutes. I was out of
breath, panting, and breathing with difficulty. The instant the bus arrived, I
climbed into it. It was odd that Lazio didn’t come to pick me up.
“Ah!” I sighed, holding a hand to my chest, and felt miserable. I hated it. I was
not used to this life. Even when I didn’t have my powers, I used to fight and take
a stand for myself. I knew back then that somehow I would survive, but it was
completely different this time. If anything attacks me, I will not heal.

Thankfully, Corbin didn’t follow me, or maybe he lost my scent. I almost tripped
when getting off the bus. I had a lot planned for the next day. Now that the trial
has ended, I could join the office with Lazio as his secretary, just like he had
I figured it would be a good way to keep myself motivated and keep going, even
when life seems so boring now.
Walking my way into the pack, I finally arrived at the mansion- my mansion. The
home that I shared with my husband, Lazio.
“I am home!” I voiced, stepping inside and taking off my shoes at the entrance
because they were all muddy. It had been raining for the past few days, so
everywhere was just muddy and wet.
I walked into the dining room to find Lazio sitting in the dark with all the food
displayed before him.
“What is it?” I asked, looking around at the cold food and burned-out candles.
“You forgot?” He sighed, leaning back against the chair and deepening the stare
with me.
“I forgot wh—, Oh!” I slapped my forehead, feeling like a fool for not
remembering that he had told me he was going to prepare a dinner for me to
celebrate the victory.
“I didn’t forget. I stayed for his punishment,” I answered, pulling a chair out to sit

and eat with him.
“It is all cold,” he said in a rough tone. “Why did you stay? You wanted justice;
you got it. Why stay for such violence?” He said this as he rose from his chair,
filling my plate only to take it away and warm the food for me.
“I wanted to see him suffer. I bet Thiago suffered more even if
he couldn’t remember the whole thing,” I said, accepting the plate back and
starting to eat.
“Okay! Now that it is all over, can we forget about it? I want us to start living
happily now. Enya! We are not those teens anymore who used to walk around
and do anything they wanted. We are taking care of my pack and even the
office. I want us to work like a couple, like two partners in crime,” he smiled
when touching my hand. I had to force a smile and make it look like I
understood. It was just that things were not at all sweet between us. I don’t
know how he managed to convince himself to cook for me tonight, but he hadn’t
done that in two years.
“You are right. You will not hear a single complaint from my side.” I smiled and
started eating, “Mumm! This is delicious,” I said.
“Thank you. I spent the entire day preparing it. Even messed up a few times.”
He took the compliment with a smile and then cleared his throat to say, “You are
coming with me to the office tomorrow, right?” He reminded me of our deal.

I have asked him to give me some time before I join the office. I wanted to focus
entirely on this trial.
“Yes. But Lazio! I have something else to tell you,” I whispered, like I was guilty
of something. What happened between Corbin and me needed to be discussed.
“What happened?” he asked, focusing on the food most of the time.
“Corbin came to me. He wanted to talk about taking me to his pack.” I delivered
only the bare minimum of the chat to him and watched his mood get ruined.
“Hm! When is he going to quit? He is so clingy,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“I think he would stop eventually now that I have—,” I passed when Lazio raised
his head to look at me.
“You have done what?” he asked, looking curious.
“He made me so angry that I — I rejected him,” I said with a sigh heaving
across my lips. Lazio sat in silence for a minute before he slammed his spoon
on the table and his napkin on his plate.
“What have I told you about not making decisions out of anger? Don’t you know
today was the worst day for him? He was looking for someone to get his anger
out on, and you gave him the exact reason. Now tell me, do you really expect
him to sit silently and accept the rejection? He is going to fucking come to our
pack and take away whatever I have built. What were you thinking, Enya? why
didn’t you just walk away from him?” Lazio yelled, gearing up on his feet,

hunching on the table, and slamming his hand so hard on the table that all the
dishes jumped and sat back.
I couldn’t even react at that moment. My lips quivered as my eyes watched him
stare at my face with nothing but anger.
When did he change so much?

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