
Chapter CHAPTER 143

143 Ava: An Unusual Letter 

I must have fallen asleep. 

I don’t remember falling asleep. 

Of course you don’t, Selene says with a long yawn. You 

were so exhausted you just passed out 

midconversation with Lucas. He almost tore a nurse’s 

head off for taking too long after he pressed the call 


Well, I’m glad I missed that overreaction. 

You’re fine. It’s just blood loss. They transfused you overnight. You seem a lot better

I feel a lot better. I didn’t realize how dizzy I was, how my eyes couldn’t focus, until now. Being back to normal feels nice. 

Not normal, but better. Selene stretches, flicking her ears at me. Lucas took me on a walk this morning

Her disgruntled mental voice makes me laugh. How 

was it

Fine. He told me to go potty. 

143 Ava An Unusual Letter 

I clamp both hands over my mouth, trying my damndest to stifle the hysterical giggles, but the ice–blue eyes staring my way tell me I’ve failed in a most spectacular manner. 

Perhaps you should go potty, Selene suggests in a 

voice that would have a beautiful home in Antarctica. 

“You’re right. I really need to go.” My lips twitch as I shove my blankets off and haul my IV pole with me like a professional hospital patient–which, at this point, it kind of feels like I am. 

I do need to pee, though, so I make quick work in the bathroom, grateful for the nurses who were thoughtful enough to bring a disposable toothbrush and 

toothpaste. And soap. 

I should shower, though. I hate that gross hospital feeling when I wake up here. 

You won’t have time. Lucas and Kellan are almost here

Must be nice to have wolf–nose. 

It is

Must be nice to rub it in. 

It is 



143 Aun An Unnual Letter 

I snort, my mouth filled with minty foam. You’re kind of a jerk

I’m just stating the Moonblessed truth


My smile fades when I stare into the mirror, the laughter of my morning quickly fading into the grim reminder that Lisa isn’t here to enjoy this moment with. 

Do you have any thoughts on why they crashed the party, Selene? 

I can hear her doggy huff even with the water going. They wanted you. What confuses me is that he also wanted Lisa


But she’s human. 

A human mated to a wolf. There’s a good chance there’s something in her bloodline. It might just be enough to make her a tasty snack

The minty toothpaste quickly turns rotten in my mouth, and I gag at the thought of Lisa becoming a snack for a vampire. 

143 Ava An Unusual Litter 

I rinse out my mouth as quickly as possible, heaving 

twice more. 

Sorry. Selene’s apology is a little awkward, and I get it; she probably didn’t think about how the term ‘vampire snack‘ would affect me. Wolves eat prey. So do 

vampires. It’s just that in this case, prey is my best friend, and I’d rather not think of her getting eaten. By vampire or wolf. 

“Are you okay to be out of bed?” Lucas and Kellan stare at me from the bathroom door–a giant affair, really, of a sliding wooden door. Probably to accommodate 


Good thing I wasn’t doing anything particularly private, because I didn’t close it behind me. 

“I’m fine.” Waving away Lucas‘ concern, I make my way back to bed, dragging that damnable IV pole behind me. “I’m all better this morning.” 

My steps amble to the side a bit, and I correct myself, shaking off Lucas‘ helpful hand. 

I settle back into the hospital bed, my mind a little fuzzy from the exertion. Lucas hovers nearby, his brows furrowed with concern. Kellan kneels beside 


143 Ava An Unusual Letter 

Selene, stroking her fur and staring out the window once again. 

The scene would be almost peaceful if not for the lingering dread in the air. 

Lucas clears his throat, drawing my attention. “Ava, do you know a woman named Miriam?” 

Hearing her name coming out of Lucas‘ mouth has me frozen as I recall her dark hair and glittering red eyes. The woman who unsettled even my mother, notoriously cold and always in control. 

“Why do you ask?” My voice is barely above a whisper. 

Lucas sighs, his expression grim. “Miriam sent us a letter, requesting to see you. She claims you’re in danger and that she can help.” 

“A letter?” 

His jaw clenches. “It came weeks ago from an Unregistered city near the Blackwood pack lands. It was overlooked while I was in the Blackwood pack 

lands. If I had seen it sooner…” His voice trails off as he 

rubs his jaw in frustration. “I’m sorry, Ava. If we had contacted her sooner, we might have known about 


ધો. 1 ) | inti 

My heart twists, realizing that the tragedy might have been avoidable. “There’s no guarantee of that, What did she say in her letter?” 

“Just asking to see you, and saying you were in danger and would understand the warning.” 

“Hah.” I shake my head slightly. “My mother brought her in to check me for signs of pregnancy before my mating ceremony with Alpha Renard.” 

Lucas‘ soft growl fills the room, but we all ignore it. Alphas are notoriously possessive, and there’s no way he would enjoy being reminded that his fated mate was about to be taken by another alpha. 

Like Clayton, who still texts me every few days. Lucas doesn’t ask, but he knows. 

“I want to see her.” 

Kellan clears his throat, catching my attention. “It’s possible that bringing her here would only cause more 


Right. Bringing a vampire here, on the heels of a vampire attack… It doesn’t sound like a great idea. 

But I want to talk to her. 



143 Ava An Unusual Lotter 

You already know how to reach her. Selene stares at me, her blue eyes calm and confident. 

Should I tell them

That is up to you, Ava

Lucas reaches over, grasping my hand tightly. “We’ll keep you safe, Ava. I’ve doubled your guards, and I won’t be leaving for a while. If you can’t stand being around the guards, you can be with me as I work.” 

I withdraw my hand gently, wishing it didn’t seem like such a rejection. I’m not trying to push him away this time, but I need them all to leave me alone for what I want to do. “If I do that, people will think I’m accepting the Luna position. I’m not ready for that, Lucas.” 

Which is true. I want to accept Lucas. I want to 

explore our mate connection. But the idea of becoming Luna? 

No. I’m not ready for that. 

It is good to know your limits. But you will be a good Luna one day, when you’re ready. Selene’s pride is clear through the bond. 

“I need to see her,” I say, my voice steadier than I feel. 


140 Ava An Unusual Letter 

“If she knows something about what’s happening, I need to know.” 

Kellan and Lucas share a glance. 

“We will meet with her first. If we think it’s safe, we’ll bring her to you.” Lucas‘ words are uncompromising. They already had this plan when they walked in. 

I can tell they’re talking to each other through that pack link of theirs, too. 

But I hadn’t expected to get their permission, anyway. I have my own plan. 


Lucas hesitates, his expression grave, amber eyes intense on mine. “Ava, Unregistered supernaturals are dangerous. They operate outside the law, and they don’t follow the same rules as the rest of us. I can’t risk 

you without vetting her first.” 

“I understand.” Reaching out, I squeeze his hand, refusing to acknowledge the guilt curling in my belly. “I’m not arguing with you.” Because I don’t need to. 

I’m here, Ava. 

Glancing over, I can see Selene’s calm eyes on me. 



142 Ava An Unusual offer 

I know. 


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