
Chapter CHAPTER 130

130 AVA: THE PARTY (1) 


The party is in the heart of the Westwood pack lands, neighboring Granite City. A quiet road leads from an urban metropolis to a quiet and rural 

town, too small to be called a suburb. 

Only shifters live here. 

A prickling, wrong sort of feeling crawls over my skin, and Lisa grabs my 

hand when she notices how tense I am. 

“It’ll be fine,” she assures me, with all the confidence in the world. 

I hope she’s right. 

Just keep your ears and nose open, Selene says, sounding a little grumpy. She’s stuck in the apartment because there’s no way to explain to the guards at the door why I would just let my dog go roaming the world on 

her own. 

I will, I promise, even though my ears and nose aren’t much better than the average human’s. 

A little better. But not that much better. 

“You both have your phones, right?” Kellan asks as he drives, as if he hasn’t asked the exact same question three other times already. 

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