
Chapter 154

154 Ava: Their Connection (1)

My face falls, but he reaches out, cupping my cheek with one warm hand. "I'm furious that you put yourself in danger. That's all." Well, that's fair.

But I'd do it again. In a heartbeat. No matter what he thinks.

His eyes narrow. "You're thinking that you'd do it again, aren't you?" Suspicion laces his voice.

Maybe avoiding the question is better than answering it. "Where do we go from here?"

"With what?" His thumb rubs over my cheek, his golden eyes dark as he watches me.

"Everything. Lisa. The vampires. My powers."

He sighs. "I don't know. It's a lot to think about."

When his hand drops from my face, I'm disappointed by the absence of his warmth. Still, I try to focus on what's important. "Have you ever heard of the Mad Prince before?"

"No." Lucas frowns. "Unfortunately, we don't know a lot about vampires and the Unregistered cities. A few basic things, but we've become complacent in the overall peace of the world. I'm going to have to fix tha


His head shakes slightly, and his eyes look a little unfocused. He's probably talking to Kellan through the pack link again, so I wait patiently for him to finish.


154 Ava. Thoir Connection (1)

"It's dangerous to send scouts to the Unregistered city," he murmurs. "Few make it back alive."

His words are a shock, and my hands grow cold. I understand that I'm a little sheltered, but I've watched enough human news to know a few things. I had no idea the relationship with vampires was that fraught. "There are humans who live in the Unregistered cities. Plenty of people come and go through them-they are a modern city like any other. Internet, stores, cars. But they don't welcome most shifters."

I hesitate, thinking back on my conversation with Sister Miriam. "It sounds like they do some business with rogue wolves."

"Yes." He frowns. "That doesn't help us, though."

No, but if I work with Sister Miriam...

But by the look on Lucas' face, I don't think that's going to be an option in his mind.

Of course not.

Isn't Selene supposed to be watching TV?

I can still hear you two, you know.

"Ava." His voice grabs my attention, as he grips my hands tightly. "I need you to promise me that you aren't going to see Sister Miriam without talking to me first."


"Rescuing Lisa isn't going to happen in a few hours. It might not

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even be in a few days."

My heart drops. Although a logical part of me already recognizes that, I can't reconcile the thought of Lisa being in danger for that long without help. "I can't just leave her there."

"We're not giving up, Ava. But we need to do this safely. You understand, don't you?"

"Of course I do." I just don't agree with it. Knowing that, I can't quite meet his eyes. Having a relationship with Lucas is getting in the way of saving my best friend.

I'm not sure what the right answer is, but I don't like the options. he's giving me.

"I promised you I would let you be a part of this, remember? I'm not shutting you out. I'm not stopping you from saving her. We just need to take it one step at a time, and not rush ourselves. Hold on,


He goes silent, his gaze unfocused again.

I sit up a little straighter, and this time the conversation ends quickly. "How quickly can you be packed?" he asks, sounding distracted.


He nods, his eyes unfocused again. After a few minutes, he's back. "Your mother isn't talking. She won't until she sees you."


I'd completely forgotten about her, focused only on Sister Miriam.

154 Ava Their Connection (0)

"I'll go," I say without hesitation. Never seeing her again would be the option I'd choose at any other time, but not now. Not with Lisa's safety at stake.

"I figured you would. Vanessa's packing up what she needs. We'll head to the airport in about an hour."

"Vanessa?" I ask in surprise.

"You're still recovering." Lucas points out. "I'm not risking your

health over this."

Fair enough. "That's fine. I love Vanessa."

Lucas hesitates, looking torn. "I should come with you."

"No. Absolutely not. You need to be here for your pack. You've suffered a tragedy, and they need their alpha." Reaching out, I grab his hand. "Send Kellan with me. He'll keep me safe."

"Vester is there, too. And... Clayton." Lucas watches me with caution. "Clayton is a good friend. A good alpha."

"Yes. He's a good friend." The emphasis on the word doesn't go unnoticed, and I watch his shoulders relax slightly. "I need to talk to Clayton, too. About us. I haven't really done it, and he deserves a face-to- face conversation."

He brings my hand to his lips, dropping a soft kiss against the back of it. "Come back to me, Ava."

His words are strained, as if he's holding himself back from saying the words he really wants to say.

Walking around the table between us, I reach out to touch his face, my fingers brushing against the harsh stubble on his cheek,

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tracing the dark circles beneath his eyes.

I can see the exhaustion, the toll of this day.

And yet he's here with me, putting me first.

Listening to the insanity of my world.

Not once berating me or making me feel less than.

He leans into my touch like a man starved of affection, his eyes. drifting closed as he lets out a long, slow breath.

My heart aches as I lean forward, brushing my lips against his in a gentle kiss. He shudders, his hand coming up to cup the back of my head with gentle pressure.

Tender. Sweet. Peaceful.

A moment for lovers.

I've kept him at a distance for so long, walls up to protect my heart. But in doing so, I've hurt him too. Damaged the fragile roots of what we've been growing together.

I need to make this right, as much as he has.

My efforts need to match his.

Can I do that?

His other arm wraps around my waist as he stands, the angle of our kiss deepening as he yanks me flush against his body.

The sweet moment slides into something else, his mouth slanting against mine, his tongue invading my warmth, his hand tugging my head back by my hair, gentle yet insistent.


154 Ava Thest Connection (1)

There's desperation in his desire, as though I've opened the floodgates with my affection.

My hands slide into his hair, fingers tangling in the dark strands. I pour everything I feel into the kiss. All the words I'm not ready to


I'm sorry. I'm here. I'm yours.

Lucas' grip tightens, his strong arms banding around me like steel. Unbreakable. Inescapable.

But I don't want to escape. I want to burrow deeper into his embrace and never leave.

He walks me backwards, and I trust him to guide me, focused on the frenzied kiss and his hands sliding over my body. After a small eternity, my calves bump against my bedframe and we tumble onto the mattre His weight settles over me, grounding and thrilling all at once.

I break the kiss, panting for air. His eyes meet mine, molten gold full of hunger and need. But beneath that, a vulnerability. A silent question.

Do you really want this? Want me?

"Lucas," I breathe, one hand cupping his face. "I-"

But he swoops down again, rough against my lips.

Restless and urgent, I yank his shirt up and slide my hands down the hard planes of his abdomen, trying to unbutton his jeans by feel.

"Wait" he mutters against my lins and I shake my head.

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"I don't want to. We only have an hour."

He groans. "Fuck. Ava, I didn't mean to start this."

"Shut up and take your clothes off, alpha." I shove him off me, struggling onto my knees, yanking my shirt over my head and

unhooking my bra in a swift motion. My confidence is fake, but my desire is real.

He watches me with dark eyes and parted lips, and it isn't until I reach for his jeans again that he finally moves, tearing off his clothes in wild movements.

"I don't think I can hold back," he warns me, as I shimmy my panties down my legs.

I laugh a little, my nerves kicking in. "I'm not asking you to."


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